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I woke up from the noisy sound my phone made the next morning. My eyes are still squinting when I navigate my phone to see its Abbie calling me early in the morning, "Why didn't you just knock the door, -----" "Margie get up now! It's Caitlyn's birthday! We have to surprise her something!" from lying lazily at the bed, the news deviated me from being so sluggish. "Really? I don't have any idea how to surprise someone on their birthday. I'm such a loser." my reply to Abbie on the other line went silent, it seems like Abbie has thought a little. "What if we'll bring Caitlyn this evening for a cocktail party at the Shadesclub?" "Shadesclub? I don't even hear about that." I replied again which I know will disappoints her more. "You are so boring! Okay I'll bring you guys at the shadesclub this evening but please get up and let's do shopping and prepare before Caitlyn will get back from gymnast practice." " I have things to do first now. I have to report for Vasquez I'm not sure I can go with you, I'm so sorry" Abbie went silent on the other line. "That's okay, I will just bring Tyler and Lucas with me" "Are you sure its okay?" "Yes of course! You leave me no choice" Abbie hangs up the phone. I am not sure that this will be a great idea to celebrate with Caitlyn and my roommates despite the bad feedback that I will be reporting this day to Vasquez. My life has been this rough when I entered Hartfeld, I wonder how long will this suffering endures. I just prepared myself so I can talk to Vasquez and I hope that Brandon will be with me in the office to help me explain if I run out of words and explanations. When I went down the living room, it was empty and silent. It seems that everyone are out so I just immediately went out and go to Vasquez office to report my assignments. I stepped into Professor's Office, feeling the weight of my obligation to him more than ever. I saw Brandon seated in the isolated desk near professor's desk. He suddenly looks back when I opened the door. "Hey Margie--" "Margie. Good morning!" the old-bald man cut off Brandon's greeting and spoke. Just then, I felt too nervous. "I read your summary through email on the events of the Kappa Ball, and I must say.. I'm not impressed! You had a golden opportunity to join the most powerful sorority at Hartfeld, and you blew it." My forehead twisted to his judgments. I did my best but I think it's not my fault if the Kappa or Becca don't want me to be in. "I- I didn't blow it, They rejected me! How is this my fault?" "You obviously didn't try very hard! I expect better from you." he said in fury. Why is he trying to force me into something I don't really want to do. Why is he so angry in the things beyond my control? "Its not in my control to be part of it. Well Maybe I didn't actually want to join Kappa in the first place." my voice rose this time because he was so inconsiderate to admonish me with something which appears like I didn't do anything and just waited for any miracle to be admitted at that f*****g sorrority wishing to satisfy his given assignments! He also insist that what he wants he always get! He is not so practical to the results he receive and lemme do all things in a magic. Wow! He didn't even think that not everything was what he wanted. "Margie, you need to look at the bigger picture here! The bigger story. A sorority like Kappa Sierra Sigma provides exactly the interpersonal conflict I need for my novel!" "Right! Your novel. Well, what about my life? Did you ever stop to think I might care a little more about being loyal to my friends than providing you with drama?" my flesh trembles so much in anger. I can't hardly believe his character. "What I thought is that you wanted to keep this job and stay in school. I apologize if I was mistaken about that!" His sarcastic response as he turned away from me. "Oh! so just because I didn't get you your story you're going to threaten my scholarship? Real nice Professor Vasquez!" "Life is like a game full of so many choices and it's up to you to decide what choices to choose to end up with a happy ending. So play it right." I hate to hear it from Professor Vasquez as if he looked like he was holding me by the neck and he can do everything he wanted me to do and done it according to what he wants it to be. I think he want me to kneel to him like my all knowing God. Geez! He was so full of himself which want me to think that my life revolves here in Hartfeld and I can stay because of him. Well even though he has the point but It seems so unfair! "I'm done with this professor! This is not a game! Its my life." We are now having a heatened argument because of this stupid assignments that affects my life seriously. " you just started your story and now your giving up? How sad for you." He headed towards his table and lean forward with both hands in his pockets. I wanna cry in anger this time too long for me to make a reply. He cleared his throat again before I made a negative response. "Well seems like I'm winning this argument again since I am pretty sure you don't want to stop going to school." A sly grin lifted his face that made me think of him as a story villain. Silence elevated in between us, I wanted to explode in tears badly! Suddenly, I thought of something while studying the trashcan in the distance as I listened to what he was saying. I just realized things. "Now I see why your daughter doesn't speak to you anymore!" I mentioned to him while still bowing. I looked up at her and saw her astonished face. Professor's face goes oddly still, his expression unreadable. He stood up from being seated and walk towards me. "What did you just say?" I saw Brandon standing between Professor and me, and he started to took me away from professor. "Margie its a bad idea to talk to him about that!" "I said-- it's no wonder your daughter doesn't speak to you anymore!" "How do you even know about that?" "I wonder what did you do to her life the reason she can't forgive you until now? Do you even manage to let her do all the things you wanted her to do just like how you did to me?" Professor's forehead curled closer, I think he wanted to slap me but I wasn't scared. "You are not my daughter!" "Yes and she's your daughter. Did you let her do all the research for your novel and did her this stuff the same?" "How dare you spoke to me like that and bring up to me about my daughter?" "I read the letter you crumpled up. It was just lying on the floor and I've read everything, why you didn't send her that?" "Its none of your business! Now get out!" he drove me away like an astray dog, I didn't move. "Excuse me?! What about my scholarship?" "Get out!!" he screeched out roaring at me and this time while poking me with his battered fingers. "No!" I answered coldly, I want to provoke him about my scholarship. I don't think its reasonable enough to end my scholarship just because I wasn't able to satisfy his expectation from the sorority ball. "No? you wanted me to call the security to drag you out?" He warns. "Really?" I get my composure, "- Forget it. I'm not going anywhere!" I said, I saw professor's hand made a fist and expressed a deep sigh. I wasn't surprised, however when Brandon who's been silent for some time spoke up, heart begun to rattle in unexplainable nervousness. "Wait professor. Can I just say something?" Is he mad at me and Professor? "If you absolutely must." Professor replied as if trying to calm down. "I get that you're angry. But Margie has also the right to get angry to you too. You asked a lot of her, knowing your assignment would only make her life more difficult." Professor couldn't respond to what Brandon said. "I was there at the Ball, Margie and her friends made it to Kappa but Becca changes the results. There was a commotion happened even the Kappa sister's get mad at Becca. Margie's friend Abbie slapped Becca in front of many people, Kappa sister's also did that to Becca that's why Margie's friend refused to be a Kappa." I can't believe to his confession, that was the part of my summary I didn't include to the report because I don't want to ruin the image of Kappa in my reports. Professor's face lightened upon hearing Brandon's explanation but still didn't made any sound. "You know how much I respect you professor, but sometimes, sometimes you lose sight of what's important and only focus on the work." "But the work is what's important.. at least to me" He answered to Brandon. "But sometimes you need a break, Margie is right we cannot control all things the way we wanted it to be." Once again, Professor breathed deeply which seems to release something very heavy inside. Brandon kept his words to catch me on things that I could not handle. Why he appeared like a shinning Knight and armor to me now? I'm getting more confused now with my feelings. After a couple of seconds, Professor finally spoke in calm tune. "Margie, you can keep your position... so long as you bring me something emotionally powerful within the week. I need something big for this novel and this chapter!" "y-Yes professor." I answered weakly. "and, modify your report! I wanted to know everything that happened that night of the sorority ball, I wanted full drama for that! Brandon's point of views from what happened to kappa party was not indicated in your report that's why I found it uninterested. That's a big scene you have to include that ! Clear?" "Yes professor!" I obeyed. "You are dismissed! and you too Brandon, please go now I need to be alone" "But---" hews Brandon. "Please.." We were unable to speak when Professor left us so that we could do nothing but leave the office. Brandon led me out and we left the Professor alone in his office. I feel like I'm constantly being guilty by what I told the professor about his daughter. I know I was beyond the belt of throwing him those words that hurt him, But I just did the right thing. I just made him contemplate to some things to make him remember that he is not always right. I found myself with Brandon stepped out into the quad, and Brandon gives me an exasperated look. "You just had to bring up his daughter , didn't you?" Is he angry with me about Gabriela? This is the thing I can't understand about him. After the intense conversation inside I can't believe his making me repeat the same quality of emotion. "Don't give me that Look! He was way out of the line. I had to say something and I just realized that thing about Gabriela!" "Believe me Margie, I agree but throwing Gabriela in his face......" He stopped in the middle of his words, "Why? What did you know about her?" "I know enough not to ask okay? let's leave it at that." He kept quiet for a moment. I did not hold back because my blood was still boiling to this hour. "I just Realized, we have to let them talk" Brandon looked at me as if in a fit of pique. "Are you out of your mind?" "No! I think it's because--- Family should stick together, Professor is the most melancholic person I've ever met. I'm sure they're both unhappy about the way things are... even it they don't want to admit it." Brandon sighed and messed up my hair, I looked up and met his saccharine like simper. "You still have the kindest heart after what happened earlier." "Yeah, if Gabriela's anything like Vasquez, she's probably the type to hold a grudge." "That's why we need to give them a little push." "I do have her number, actually Vasquez had me text her when he changed address . But--" Brandon hindered from discussing. "No more Buts. Give me her number and I'll call her. Maybe I can find out why they aren't talking, and fix things" "Fine but don't say I didn't warn you!" I entered Gabriela's number into my phone and press the call button. It rings… But, she's not picking up. I frowned. "Maybe you could leave a message?" yes right. I should leave her a message so I started to construct my text. "Hey, Gabriela, This is Margie.. I work with your father at the Hartfeld University. If you could give me a call back, I'd love to talk sometime."-- the message was sent. "Thanks Brandon." "Well, of course. Got me as your back. That'll have to do. By the way.. Don't Tell Vasquez where you got the number" "My lips are sealed. By the way, we're going clubbing for Caitlyn's birthday tonight, I know its not you're thing but- I won't be have any fun if you're not there." I know it sounds awkward but I just wanted to pay back something at Brandon for saving the day again. "oh really? Well, I'll see if I can clear my calendar.." "You do that. See you tonight! Thanks for everything" I lean over Brandon's cheeks and kissed him goodbye. I just left him that too confusing maybe. As I leave, I saw Brandon's lips smiled and waved me good bye.
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