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I never thought I would be able to finish the song despite the pain I felt while singing it. I never thought I would be able to finish the song despite the anxiety I felt while singing it. I looked around after singing, everyone was speechless, I don't know if they were just startled by what I did or didn't foresee that I could sing it well or at least they might don't like my song. As I stood up for the first time, I noticed Brandon looking bewildered. He was the first person I heard and see to give applause, my friends followed, until all the people including the Kappa sister's and eventually, I saw Kris from the door I came out of earlier and I couldn't believe that he had given me a clap too with a smile as bitter and painful as it may seem crept across his lips. I take a bow and went down the stage. Abbie and Caitlyn have been flabergasted as well as Brandon who remain standing without saying any word, I know they don't expect me to sing and with that kind of emotion. "That was stone cold baby girl.." weak but in a caring whisper as Caitlyn's approached me, she noticed the sadness in my eyes so she instantly enfolded me a smothering embrace. "Cait I don't think I can finish this event, I have to go." I promptly turn back. "But what about the result of the qualified Kappa?" asked Abbie. I shook my head. Just then I started to turn back and leave Giada to step on stage with Becca and Madison to get everyone's attention. "That is a very stunning and stone-cold performance! Thanks, Margie for such a wonderful performance. You have a full package of great talent and we are so happy to see with that performance again in our coming events. Let us give her a big warm of applause." and all the people cheered their hands and looked at me. The deafening "boo" earlier now converts into a soundless recognition. "This evening we're finally announcing the final Kappa who made throughout the entire test" it was from Giada so I stopped my plan to leave and preferred to listened first. Honestly, I didn't care if I will be regarded as Kappa. I went through a lot for this and now that its almost done, I feel like dying more. I have enough today. But I'd still like to learn who will be these people who will be going to complete the Kappa Sisters. If we will be one of them or maybe not, it doesn't really matter to me anymore. I know the professor will be so disappointed with me. I will take whatever consequences he will be going to proffer and all these heart-breaking faultfinding's he will throw against me. I will just ask him to give me another assignment again. If he doesn't accept my explanations, then I will do my best to find a solution differently. I listened again to Giada discoursing on stage. "The vote casts not only from Kappa sisters but all the people here have the chance to vote for the rightful Kappa sister, and now the vote is finally in our hands! I will now give the floor to Becca to announce the lucky winner." added ni Giada. She handed Becca the microphone. "The final moment has come, the name that you will hear will only be the people who are a Kappa worthy and she is....." The maestro plays a nervous drum tone, I am also so nervous about this. "Welcome to Kappa sister..... Abbie!!!!" I was surprised to hear that, Abbie was so happy the way she hugged us manifests exceeding fulfillment and blessing. "Congrats Abbie! You are now an official Kappa!" Caitlyn congratulated Abbie, I smiled and was so happy for Abbie. She always wanted to be at the Kappa. "Who else Becca? I am so excited to meet the other two!" that's from Madison, Becca looked at the card and rolled eyes. "I knew it!" Madison uttered excitedly, my heart has begun to pulsate. If Abbie has been chosen then just maybe there is also a high possibility that Caitlyn and I will get in too. "Uhmm let's see down here. Uhmm no more! I'm sorry only Abbie. The challenge for the other two Kappa's will resume next month!" Becca suddenly said. "Really? I- I thought Its Margie and Caitlyn----" Madison replied wistfully beside Becca. "Oh-oh.." she stared at Madison, suddenly we sew her stepping Maddison's feet. Madisongaspedd and nodded at Becca's actions. "What???? " suddenly another Kappa sister whispered in constraint which seemingly not convinced upon hearing the results. We heard buzzing noises whispering as if they didn't agree about Becca's announcement. Xylia stood up and spoke. "Why we didn't talk about that? The result is complete Becca, read all the names!" Xylia screamed as though she was not persuaded by the results. "As the standing leader of the Kappa, I made my rules! If I say that name only is the one acceptable then it's over!" screeched Becca back to Xylia. "You are not our leader and you will never be! You cannot decide for Kappa and I want that this issue will be addressed to the council of Kappa!" Xylia threatened to shout to Becca. From here we can see that the evil lady's eyebrows raised. "Really? Go on! As long as I stay here I will be the one in command and nothing from your damn business can do about it!" " Xylia is right! You always assume to be our leader where you're not!" added Hermoine. I can't believe Kappa was fighting right in front of their event and front of so many people. and it seems that I would rather not join the sought-out University group Kappa if they are such a mess. "If that what it takes to be a Kappa, being under the wings of an evil leader then I will not be very happy to be part of it anymore! I rather chose to have true sisters like my roommates than hanging out with a spoiled damn brat like you Becca!" it was Abbie's loud remark enough for everyone to hear. I didn't anticipate her to say that. "Abbie?" I uttered. I was shocked at her reaction. Even the Kappa sisters were shocked too. "If you are not just wealthy you are not qualified to be a KAPPA! Why? Because you are not even talented! You suck in your academic grades and even suck more in talents. All you have is those stupid insecurities in all the people around you!" Abbie continued in fury. Oh, dear! "How dare you humiliate me in my event!" Becca appealed. "Because you are a cheater! You are not even beautiful! True beauty defined in her good character and wits and unfortunately, you don't possess any of that!"Abbie still in a rage. I wish Abbie can stop now. "You will regret this b***h!" "Admit you cheated! Madison told us that my friends made it but how comes it's only my name you mentioned?" "Because you and you're stupid friends are trying hard idiots thinking that you are a Kappa material when it's not! You are nothing but trash!" Abbie climbed onto the stage and slapped Becca. I was shocked at what Abbie just did and even the whole crowd at the reception went frigid and stiff at what she did. "I am not stupid, b***h! I am a BAD-ASS! and I quit being your Kappa sister right now!" Abbie turned to Becca and immediately dragged both Cait and me out of the reception. Becca was dumbfounded and was abashed by that humiliation in front of many visitors. Xylia and Hermione also climbed the stage and give Becca a sound slap. I can't believe that the Kappa sisters have never endured Becca's behavior. Becca was left on stage alone as guests slowly emerged out of the event. "Abbie, you don't have to leave Kappa for us!" I admonish to her when we got out of the area. I saw Brandon is following us, walking a short distance away. "I don't like to be a Kappa without you guys! You are the reason why I rushed to Kappa and if means being with that spoiled brat, I'd rather be your normal roommate!" I immediately hug Abbie without second thoughts, also Caitlyn did the same. "Thanks, Abbie! You are the best!" I whispered. At the corner of my eye, I saw Brandon standing near us smiling, He probably saw our dramas together. "That's what real friendship is about!" he smiled again showing both his lovely eyes and kissable lips. I smiled in return. "Did you regret that decision?" I heard Cait ask Abbie. "Of course not! I will definitely regret if I choose them over you!" Abbie hugged Cait, they laughed but here I am pondering about someone. I remember Kris from Abbie's words when Kris said earlier that 'he regretted to choose Becca and her teammates over us'. These people are my treasures! I just have these friends for a short time yet they made me feel that we've known each other for a very long time, I noticed Brandon gazing up at me as I watched Abbie and Cait. "Uhmm, Margie I think we have to head first with the group right Cait? because Brandon seems to have something to talk about with you. ” Abbie winked at Brandon. "Yeah, thanks, Abbie! I will just walk her home if she like my company" Brandon throws up one of his looks at me so I could do nothing but nod. I know Cait and Abbie like Brandon for me, I can't deny that Brandon is a good person, however, tonight was just a long day I don't wanna talk about that thing. "so we're alone now, Do you have any word?" I asked him to finish the awkwardness I was feeling. "Is it okay? I know tonight is not good enough to talk to you about our thing, but I just think I can't wait for long about this".. I went cold to Brandon's words, not to feign but I just don't know what else to think actually. "yeah, this evening was so rough and painful for me, after not making to Kappa, and about Kris--" I cut. I know it's a deadly sin to mention someone's name ko which was the reason I am so crazy as hell tonight and he knows that. " it's okay. You know what secrets are a burden. You can always share to me, just think that you are just talking to a tree, I would not react" "Honestly Brandon I don't want to bring up the drama about Kris, I'm done about it and I want to finally close the subject between us for now. I just hope I can stop the pain" "Loving always hurt, You cannot stop them from tormenting your heart as long as the brain recalls the pain. You cannot appreciate the real value of love unless you feel the pain. Sometimes risking worth all the pain later, because there's no pain and lesson learned before, only after." I listened to what he said and that made me smile. "Are you talking to me to give me big damn speeches?" pretending to be annoyed with him I said even though I knew he could read my expression. Brandon beams at me. Sometimes I think I wish I had met Brandon before so I would've been hurt like this. He was like alcohol, you know that even when he says too much that will cause some tingling sensation, you know that will make you well, rest assured that your wound will be healed. He's this type of a guy, not only who will dissect your wound but he'll also fix it for you to recover. This is how I always feel when I'm with him. "When I was a kid my mom once told me that, If I have something inside I should not be afraid to face it. Because in the end, I'll be glad that I fought what I have believed in." He looked at me in the eyes, his two warm palms are cupping my face. "If you love someone say it or else the moment will pass-- that's the famous line from Celestial jinx series book titled Destiny. So if you said all the pain you felt when talking to Kris, you should not feel sad about doing it. What's important is that he knew it even if he doesn't care" I remain speechless to his advice. His points are correct, and it's really hard to accept. The saying is real about 'truth hurts'. Damn! "So as early as now, I would like to tell you that, I like you even the first time I saw you during splash. Now I can't hold on to my feelings and even if you will junk me around because Kris still invades your, heart, that's okay. I just want you to know how much I like you and how much I want it to end up with you" "Brandon... I- I--" "I am not actually in a rush, just the time that you're ready. I am here!" upon hearing Brandon's words I don't know why I breakdown crying and suddenly, I just couldn't stop myself when throwing it upon his arms for a tight hug. This is exactly what I need. I knew Brandon was in shock but instead he embraced me back. Why does it feel like I'm seeing myself in him? I hate how i***t Brandon is with his feelings towards me! Such as stupid as me! Why does he choose to love me when I am suffering? Why do I love Kris even though I know he's still hurting? And that's exactly what Brandon says now, Why are those things I once said to Kris, came out of his mouth too? I currently get stuck in a mirror of myself in Brandon. I can't believe its happening! "Margie, I-I- didn't want to make you cry I'm so sorry" Brandon comforts me while I was sobbing in his arms. "No- No.. You didn't make me cry, I did!" "What did I say? Oh s**t. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry Margie, I didn't intend to break you" Margie, I-I- didn't want to make you cry I'm so sorry" Brandon comforted me while I sobbed in his arms. "No-No. You didn't make me cry, I did!" "What did I say that hurt you? s**t. I didn't mean it. I'm so sorry Margie, I didn't intend to break you" "No, Brandon you are so good I appreciate that but I am not yet prepared for this and I am not for you" I tried to wipe the tears from my eyes. I don't know why I cry so hard. What a shame! Brandon met with my eyes open and I could not understand why he was smiling at me. He is so good and kind to me and every time he shows me that kind of character it made me realize how dumb he is. This is so irritating. I always see myself to him. He wiped with his index finger the tears in my cheeks. "If it's not you who else?" abruptly he asked me as I was lost for words. I answered nothing but wail. "You can't answer, why? That is because you cannot just push yourself to have a passionate interaction with just random people. I know it sounds poetic but actually, liking someone is not so easy. You cannot instruct cupid and say no to his arrow. You cannot say hey f**k off don't shoot me asshole!"I laugh at his witty reaction and pep talk. He is not only smart but he was also a great sense of humor. He doesn't allure you with his profound looks and guts but to his actions, witts and heavy heart-breaking advice. "You're awesome!" smirking I said. "See? I made you smile!" "yes, you did." "So it means…" " no Brandon. Still a No. I mean I'm not closing the door for you--'' " Okay, so its Open?" I laugh at his playfulness reply. "Yes but right now please, no special treatment especially with Vasquez. And please don't tell him about this" I begged at him. " you are his researcher so if there's one person to talk about this to him it is you!" he smirked at me. "Of course not, I will never tell him about this and you know why" he nodded and led me as his hand was behind my spinal cord as if he was reaching for me. "Okay done. This is a long night and you have to rest I need to walk you home" and Brandon took me home when I turned around, I saw Kris standing nearby. I just looked at him for a moment and continued walking. I knew he was standing there the whole time. It doesn't matter to me if he has playful thoughts about us with Brandon. I just want to rest and have a break from all the pain. We will be fine soon Kris. Let's just see how destiny will lead us.
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