We Are the Kings

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Raclaus' POV- Renatus was furious and that was never a good thing. His temper was something to be rivaled with, but apparently so was Remington's. He was currently preparing a small group of Royal Guards to bring her back to the castle. I tried to reason with him but to no avail. She didn't know Renatus and I were the King's of Regnum Albolitis, or Kingdom of the Forgotten, and he intended to use that fact to force her hand. Most supernaturals in the North American continent were taught a basic history of the Kingdom since they all lived in it, but generally speaking no one really saw our influence. We ruled from afar and almost always sent others in our stead. We would send support to struggling packs and covens through untraceable channels. Most would think that our interventions were coincidence or luck and that's how we preferred it. I didn't enjoy being in the spotlight and Renatus hated being close to people who only have selfish motives. He worried that people would try to take advantage of us and betray us, especially after what happened 300 years ago when he found me. However in moments like this, he would use his authority to the fullest extent. We were both currently changing to Royal Attire to go to her pack, though I would have preferred to dress to blend in. Renatus knew that her family would probably try to keep her from us, especially in her current state, but they could never deny their Kings, lest they want death. I was adamantly against this, but I had never really been a King in power, only in title. Renatus' word was final, his word was law. He was wearing a cream long sleeve court doublet with gold embroidery and a matching pair of hosen. He wore his natural leather boots that came up to his mid-calf. As much as he hated wearing a crown, he chose a golden crown with Bloodstones throughout. The cloak he wore was one he almost never used. The golden velvet was adorned with gold trim around the edges of the cloak and hood. The clasp was a hook and loop with a Phoenix on both sides and his symbol on the back. It was an orange, red, and gold Phoenix wearing a gold crown adorned with bloodstone. In it's claws the Phoenix held a scythe. The Phoenix represented the power and authority held by the flame of the kingdom, the crown represented the power of the king. The Bloodstone represents the control of anger and hostility the king must exhibit and the scythe represents the death of those who pose a threat. As much as I didn't want to admit it, he looked both regal and imposing. I on the other hand wore an all black court doublet with black embroidery that was hard to see unless you were close to me. I choose to wear matching black hosen and black knee high leather boots. My crown was black with emeralds intricately placed. My cloak was a pitch black cloak with emerald green trim and the clasp was also hook and loop but instead of the Phoenix, I had a Celtic circular shield knot on either side. My symbol was a black rose with blood red thorns on top of an emerald circular shield knot. The black rose represented eternal life through death and the blood red thorns represented the blood spilt in protection of the kingdom. The emerald Celtic shield knot was a sort of blessing to ward off those who would mean us harm and enhance our gifts. I sighed as I looked over myself in the mirror. I felt guilty using our positions to force Remington's hand. I wanted her to willingly come with us but I knew I'd be over ruled by Renatus. I must have forgotten to block him from our bond because suddenly he gripped my hips and pulled my back against his chest. He leaned down to whisper in my ear. "I know you don't agree with my decision, Vita. This must be the way." He dipped his head into the crook if my neck, watching my face in the mirror. "Renatus, she has already shut us out. I fear she will grow to resent or even hate us if we do this. You are essentially speaking of making her a prisoner here." I let out a soft sigh before turning to face him. "There is nothing to discuss, your mind is made. Let us go and finish this. I will stand with you as your King and mate." I tore my gaze away from him to leave our room, disdain dripping from my words. I usually never dismissed him like this, but as my footsteps echoed angrily through the castle, I knew it was better this than confront him. I met the group of ten Royal Guards in the courtyard. They were all dressed in black long sleeves, black cargo pants, and black combat boots. They each held a black shield with the Kings' Guard symbols. The same Phoenix from Renatus' symbol adorned their shield but instead of holding a scythe, it held my black rose. The Phoenix's crown was black and gold, housing bloodstones and emeralds. The quick thought passed through my mind that Remington would need a symbol and the Royal symbol would need to change, but I dismissed it. She still had the power to reject her position and even us. The guards all stood in attention and lowered their heads in respect for me. I nodded at them as acknowledgement before I felt Renatus walking out of the castle. I could feel the agitation radiating in waves, probably from my attitude earlier. His biggest pet peeve was people walking, or teleporting in Remington's case, away from him. He did not like being dismissed in such a way so it was no surprise his tone reflected the tension in his body. "Let's go get our queen." He stepped back away from us and transformed within seconds. He hovered before us letting out a deep squawk, signaling for us to grab his tail. He wanted to make an impression to her pack, so we were flying there. Phoenix tails were impressively strong and could easily carry our little band. All the men that were with us had been flown this way before so they all knew what to do. I grabbed near the base of his tail and the others fell in behind me. Once he was sure we were all secure he took off. It would take us a while to reach Remington's pack since the castle was far in the north and Remington's pack was closer to the south. One of the guards with us was a Witch so he cloaked us while we flew. Besides not wanting humans to see us, we didn't want any supernaturals poking their nose where it didn't belong. The last thing we needed was Remington being singled out as a threat if she chose not to return with us.
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