Under the Radar

1237 Words
Renatus' POV- The wind flowed through my feathers as my beast made its way through the air. It had been awhile since I had shifted and connected with him, maybe too long. I felt my anger dissipating the further we made it into our journey, so I used this time to clear my head. Raclaus might have had a point, she was already closed off to us, and even though she would be coming with us, I did not want her to feel trapped in the castle. She was to be our Queen, not our prisoner. I was still aggravated with the dismissal of both of my mates. Remington's actions annoyed me, since she teleported before we even really had a chance to explain anything to her. Raclaus on the other hand hasn't dismissed me in that way since... Well since ever really. We both knew I was the more dominate one in our relationship and usually he did nothing to defy me. She hadn't even accepted us yet, but she was already changing our relationship. I let myself get lost in those thoughts for the remainder of the journey. As we approached her pack lands I instructed the witch with us to drop the cloak around us. I wanted them to see us coming, to warn their Alpha. I glanced around the forest below, noticing wolves darting through the trees. It looked like organized chaos as they broke off into smaller groups. A few wolves gifted with water manipulation began dousing the trees and pack houses, no doubt to minimize the damage if I had let my flames rage. A few shield wolves ran with groups of the vulnerable women, children, and elderly, I assumed to a near by pack for shelter should this turn bloody. A group in their human form spread out along the forest line, digging their hands into the soil. I heard a low hum before all manner of creatures departed from the forest. They were trying to avoid unnecessary death even amongst the prey their beasts hunt. I took in the totality of their actions, realizing they were preparing for a battle, but yet they were not the aggressors. Every action was calculated in nothing more than defense. They did not want a fight, but they were preparing since we were unidentified and unannounced. I felt Raclaus nudging my mind, no doubt noticing the same things I did, urging me to keep control. My agitation with Remington running was at an all time high, but even I did not relish the thought of the blood of her pack shed at my hands. I needed to approach this cautiously as she was already going to have enough of a reason to hate me for forcing her hand. I know she would never forgive me if I harmed a member of her pack. Wolves valued their pack bonds like one large family. As we approached the clearing in front of the pack house, I decided on the best course of action, as long as the leaders cooperated. I noticed two men standing in the middle of the clearing, with some wolves lingering around the edges. I could feel their auras even from here, they were the Alpha and Beta of the pack. As I lowered my tail to the ground the Royal Guards began to let go, moving to form a line behind us. Raclaus stayed behind me, until I shifted, before taking his place by my side. Whenever we flew anywhere, this is how we did it, so that both Kings would be presented at the same time. Thankfully when any royal shifted, we maintained our clothing, avoiding the awkward naked conversations. I was not ashamed to show my glory, but Raclaus and others were not as bold as me. I felt him move beside me as the tension in the Alpha increased. Both men, and the wolves around us, immediately dropped to one knee placing their right hand over their hearts. This was a sign of their respect and acceptance of their Kings. I motioned to Raclaus to speak with them, knowing if I did, I'd likely escalate the situation. He sighed as he took a few steps towards the Alpha and Beta, my feet remained planted where they were. "Rise, Black Bay Moon. There is no need for such formalities." I could tell his words were directed towards me. This was the first time he had treated me in such a passive manner, and I cannot say that I was pleased. The Alpha rose, but kept his eyes cast down, another sign of deep respect for his Kings. "I must apologize for the less than pleasant manner in which you were greeted by our pack. We meant no disrespect to our Kings, much less no intent to harm, Your Highness. You have our allegiance." The fear was seeping out of his every pore. It was a punishable offense to mount an attack towards us, one punishable by death. If we had seen his actions as aggression, we were well within our rights to slaughter the pack. "No, none of this nonsense, Alpha Moore. You were merely instituting protective measures for your pack, in case my mate released his flames. I hold no ill will for you protecting your land and your charges. You knew not of the identity of your uninvited guests nor if we posed a threat. Do not apologize for doing your duty as an Alpha." Raclaus had a way of putting people at ease that I could never even attempt to mimic. I watched the Alpha's demeanor shift from fear to cautious friendliness. I could understand since it wasn't every day the Kings showed up on your door step. "Your Majesty, thank you for your words of understanding. Since we are a pack of mostly gifted wolves we can never be too careful when people arrive unannounced, we have had too many attacks." I wracked my brain for a moment before stepping forward and addressing him. "Alpha Moore, I don't remember any reports on the attacks or any request for assistance come across the Royal Council for your pack since the attack four years ago. Is there a reason you have not requested the help of the Kingdom?" His head fell as he sighed. There was in fact a reason, but I couldn't imagine what. "Yes, well..." He wrung his fingers together as his nervousness making an appearance. I'm not sure what came over me, but instead of my usual urge to command him to answer, I tried have patience. He finally took a deep breath and addressed me. "Forgive me your Grace. This is a... difficult situation. After the council aided in my daughter's rescue and cleared her of any charges related to her escape, she's had some difficulties. We've been trying to keep her under the radar for the safety of others. Her wolf… She's not very stable and to be honest my Luna and I were afraid if her wolf snapped again the council would not be as forgiving." His voice lowered as he spoke the last words. I vaguely remember sending two Council members and a group of warriors here to aid with an issue, but I couldn't remember any details. I went to ask what he meant when he said that her wolf was unstable when I heard her voice ring out.
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