The Cell

1234 Words
Remington's POV- "I'm gonna whip you like the dog you are." I feel his calloused hands gripping the hem of my shirt, tearing the back of it wide open. My hands are bound to the wall of some dingy cell while my legs are cuffed to ring on the floor, keeping me from moving. I'm weak from hunger and at this point becoming delirious. "P-please don't h-hurt me." I felt his fingers weave through my hair before he snapped my head back with such force I thought my neck would break. "You are here so I can use your little body for my revenge, and cause your Father anguish, nothing more. Keep your f*****g mouth shut." A silent tear rolled down my cheek as my breathing became labored. I didn't want this to happen again, but before I could think, the tip of the whip trashed against my back. I woke up with a blood curdling scream, black bolts immediately licking my skin. I took me only a second to realize I was on a bed and not my bed at that. I jumped off it as quickly as I could so I wouldn't burn it. The blanket was scorched but thankfully there were no flames. My panic was rising in my body and my power was stronger than it should have been. Mist gathered thick on the floor and another electrical storm was brewing. The black clouds gathered against the ceiling cracking with the bolts of electricity. The room was heating almost like a sauna as sweat dripped from my forehead. It was only then I noticed the men. They were both on their feet with their arms out like they were calming a frightened animal before an attack. I realized the bigger of the two was the Pheonix shifter from the club. His hair was like a gold bar shining brightly as it whiped around in the storm. I would assume it was about shoulder length but it was hard to tell while it was moving so forcefully. His face was covered with the same color hair grown out into a beard that just reached the top of his breast bone. His eyes flickered like golden and orange flames that danced with confusion and worry. His broad shoulders taught with apprehension. He was definitely taller, probably all of 6'6" while the other man was around 6'2". He was slimmer and what would appear to be the more agile. His hair was a striking chestnut brown and sat messy on top of his head. His features were sharp and well defined and his skin was tanned to a rich caramel. His fangs were descended, giving him away as a Vampire. Neither man moved as I tried to calm my breathing. The temperature began to return to normal and once the atmosphere thinned I smelled it. Campfires which I could immediately place as the Phoenix and the saltwater which belonged to the vampire. OH f**k! I was pulled from my panic by the voice of my wolf, who I hadn't talked to since I broke out of my prison. " Let me have control Remington. We have to go, our mates won't want us." "No we can't afford to level another place Aurum." My voice was laced with terror at the thought of all the devastation we could cause again. "Just let me have control, I'll get us out in human form and get us to the cell. You can't focus to get us there and if we end up anywhere else it will be destructive!" SHIT! I didn't like any of this. My mates were talking to me but I couldn't hear a damn thing besides the rapid beating of my heart and the sudden temperature drop as Aurum started to take control. I was the heat while she was the ice that raged inside me. I could see frost forming a layer over the room. The Phoenix tried to take a step towards us but Aurum growled in warning. "Just breathe Remington. You are safe here, we mean you no harm." My whole body was shaking as the temperature plummeted even further, the fury coming from Aurum was suffocating. I could hear the smoothness of the Vampire's voice trying to soothe us. "We are not safe. You are not safe. I will protect Remington, she's too fragile. You should not have brought her here!" Her voice was even and cold. It was rougher than mine too. I can assume they were both at the club when I flipped out so they would have only heard mine laced with darkness. Aurum was the stronger and more assertive of the both of us which is why I'd usually pump myself full of wolfsbane. "You must be her wolf, but I promise we don't want to hurt her. We found her close to death and brought her here for rest. We just want to help you both." The Vampire seemed sincere but little did he understand Aurum and I were not worried about them hurting us, no one could hurt us again. We were worried about hurting them. I could see the Phoenix was getting antsy and mildly annoyed. "We don't need your help. What we need is our cell." Both the men exchanged confused looks before the Phoenix seemed to have had enough. "Oh to hell with this! Your way isn't working Raclaus." He stalked towards us and Aurum knew our options were leave or hurt him. I pushed myself back in my mind a little so Aurum could concentrate. "Neither will yours." Her voice was laced in warning before thick black clouds appeared around us, swirling like a storm. The Phoenix stopped where he was, eyes widened at our actions. Within an instant the lightning cracked in the room, striking our body, taking us with it. We teleported to a small dungeon room that led to our cell. Aurum was starting to loose control as she fumbled around a shelf looking for the wolfsbane. Once she found it, she slammed the needle into our wrist before throwing herself in the cell shutting the door behind us. This cell was enchanted by a witch my mother knew to help contain my power when I lost control. My mother would feel when the door shut as sort of a gatekeeper. Once the door was shut this room would absorb all my power until it diminished unlocking the door. Without wolfsbane, I had an unlimited amount of power I could draw from. The wolfbane temporarily severed the connection to my power source so I could only use what had built in my body. There was a small drop box on the wall so my mother could give me more wolfsbane if it started to wear off before I depleted my power. Aurum shifted into her true form even though she tried not to. In this form we had the least control. She let out a bone chilling howl as the room trembled. I heard a soft knock on the cell door letting me know my mama was out there. I knew she would stay in that little room until I came out, regardless of how long it took. I knew the world was safe from us now so I let go, retreating to the deepest parts of my mind to rest, while Aurum paced the cell.
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