8- The Change in Plan

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"What?" I whimpered. I was barely able to speak the words because of the aftereffect of the pain that I had just endured. "From now on, you will be living here." He ignored me. "What?" I repeated, unable to decide if he was an obsessed kidnapper or straight out maniac. "And do not try to run! You will kill yourself if you even attempt to do something so stupid." "WHAT?" My eyes widened in shock while my face scrunched up in confusion at his words. Who the hell kills themselves while running away from their kidnapper? Before he could speak another word, or probably give me a f*****g sane reply, a loud bang of door closing snatched our attention. "What the hell are you doing, Christian?" A woman in her late twenties came storming inside the hall. Christian ignored her words. As she walked forward to come closer to us, Christian's hand came forward to touch the chain around my neck softly. Just as his fingertips touched my skin, I could not help but feel a tingling sensation run through my whole body. It was like his touch was fire and I was a moth that could not help but fall in love with the flame. What the hell was wrong with me? When the woman was close enough to touch, she shouted angrily, "This thing was not meant for her! You told me that you needed to control Ava's family to control her. This spell was meant to make Ava's stepdaughter, Candice fall in love with you so that you can threaten Ava and make her come back to you on her own will! Why is it in her neck?" She asked while pointing at me. Anger clear on her face. "Stop screaming like a wench, Kate."Christian replied calmly. His fingers were still playing with the chain that was around my neck. Slipping and caressing my neck softly, almost erotically while doing so, intentionally. And for some unknown f*****g reason, I was unable to flinch away. I was unable to resist his touch when he was no more than a stranger and kidnapper to me. And the fact that I was accepting his touch so easily like a w***e was driving me mad. "The plan has changed." Christian continued, "Candice is still our target but the way of execution has changed." His head started bending towards me slowly, as if unconsciously, dropping in my neck and inhaling deeply while still speaking, "I do not want to be the one who persuades that girl. Ava will come back to me, but it is going to be someone else who makes Candice fall hopelessly in love. And for f**k's sake stop calling her Ava's daughter! It makes me f*****g annoyed." His face that was still bent to my neck,  breathing and inhaling my scent, was suddenly replaced by his lips. As the angry words finished coming out of his mouth, his mouth opened and started chewing a particular spot on my neck around the chain harshly. I stood stock still. Feeling aroused and horny like never before. I could not move because I was afraid that if I moved even a bit, he will stop what he was doing to me. My body was literally on fire. I wanted to push him away but I could not. I could not understand why my body was rejecting the rational thoughts of my head. "Why?" Kate asked. Her hands flying to her head in frustration. "I created this chain with spell so that whoever wears it, falls in love with you to the point of dying without staying in contact with you!" My heart was thudding loudly in my chest with every word that was coming out of the woman's mouth. I could hear the sound of blood rushing through my veins in my ears. I could not understand if she was being serious or downright crazy for saying things that were not making any sense to me. The only thing that registered in my head was that she was talking about the chain that I was wearing around my neck right now. Kate continued her rant while Christian's mouth continued assaulting my neck. "If Candice would have wore it, it would have been impossible for her to walk a mile without feeling excruciating pain for leaving your side. She would have fallen so hopelessly in love with you that her heart would have stopped if she had run away from you. I had put so much of my power in creating this thing for you and you just ruined it all so f*****g easily by making this girl wear that chain!" Christian slowly pulled his face out of my neck. What he had done to my neck had left a giant hickey in place. I could feel the sting but I wanted more. Disappointment instantly covered my face. As my eyes went to his face, I could clearly see the confusion and somewhat strong urge to restrain himself covering his face. Although his mouth was pulled away, his fingers again replaced the spot. "Do you take me as a fool, witch?" Christian started speaking, his eyes never leaving the the spot that his fingers were caressing, "I have been planning for over ten years to make Ava come back to me. She was MINE. She has always been mine! Do you think I would let it all go in vain?" "Then why?" Kate asked, her anger subsiding slowly at his words, "Why did you do it? What were you even thinking?" "Because Candice would never have fallen in love with me." His eyes finally moved away to look at Kate. "What are you even talking about?" Kate asked. "Why would not have the spell worked on her?" Her stance became agitated while continuing, "Are you doubting my abilities?" Christian rolled his eyes at her. "No. It is because she has already found her mate." Christian replied. "What?" Kate exclaimed. Shock clear on her face. "Who is it?" Christian's eyes found mine before he uttered the words, "Keane."
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