9- Craving the Taste

1043 Words
Christian’s POV- I had been waiting for the perfect moment to execute my plan for months! Just as that freaking moment was nearly in my grasp, it slipped away in an instant. Just a couple of weeks ago, when I had earned the perfect day, the perfect f*****g moment to put the necklace on Candice, I watched with my own f*****g eyes as she recognized Keane as her mate right at the entrance of their college. The expressions I saw on her face were too familiar, too raw. Like a love sick puppy had just gotten its favorite toy to play with, like the whole world had fallen in front of her eyes. I wondered if I had ever showed my emotions on my face so clearly when I had recognized Ava as my mate the first time. But Keane had just walked right past her without even caring to look her way. It had been actually quite entertaining to watch her gasp in shock when he had not even spared her a look. But what can even be expected from a human like him. Ava was.. IS my eternal love. But her weakness as a human had been too hard to endure. And to some point I could not help but think of it as one of the main reasons for her to leave me for somebody else. If she were a werewolf, she would have chosen death before mating with someone else. The strength of mating bond that a werewolf feels is too powerful. A wolf would die by loneliness, by sadness and self- loathing before mating with someone other than his/ her mate. I have been burning with jealousy and anger all these years. Ava was in someone else’s bed, she had been f*****g someone else while I had been suffering all these years. She had been giving all those rights that were only mine to that f*****g i***t Van. I had been enduring pain and slowly dying to stay alive from the past ten years while she had been creating a new family with Van. I was going to make sure that it does not last any longer. She has to come back to me. Willingly. It was the only way to make her stay by my side forever. And to do that, I needed her most precious thing under my control. Candice. But just as the moment was nearly in my grasp, my f*****g bad luck struck again. The moment I had decided to walk out of the palace and cross the distance of mere couple of feet, Candice found her f*****g mate! And I watched as all of my hard work of ten f*****g years, all of my planning went down the drain. My leverage, my only opportunity of getting Ava back had just been ruined. The anger I had been feeling in that moment was so raw that I was ready to kill Keane and Candice right in that instant moment. And I had, actually acted upon my instinct. My anger had gotten so worse and out of control that I had followed Keane to kill him. Keane had been with some girl the whole time since the moment he had walked inside the college while completely ignoring Candice. I had not had time to even spare a glance to anybody else than my prey. And in that moment, it was going to be Keane. Keane leaned in to hug the girl while I took my steps towards him to show him the gates of hell. I extended my hand to pull him to me, but just before I could touch even the clothes over his body, a delicate hand grabbed him by his collar, pulled him out of the hug, grabbed his face and kissed him. And then I knew, I had just found the perfect bate. Candice’s sudden kiss to Keane had been the perfect chance to execute the change of plan. I needed Candice under my control. And for that, I needed Keane, a human under my control. Well, that was as f*****g easy as a plan could get. Now the only thing left to do was to find the human’s weakness. And if I was not wrong, his weakness was standing two feet away from Keane and Candice uncomfortably. Keane had pulled her right under his arms protectively while he glared down at the culprit of his angry expressions. My eyes started roaming on her body from bottom to top as my mind raced fast to update the change of plans. Right as my eyes collided with hers, my whole body started shaking. I could not understand the reason of my sudden reaction. I needed her blood. I had spent ten f*****g years inside a black castle to control my blood thirst. I had wasted ten f*****g years away from Ava just so that I would not eat her alive the moment I see her. What the hell was this now? Why was I hungry for this woman’s blood? Why was I craving the taste of her skin? My head started pounding, my hands started shaking. I could feel the tips of my canines touching my tongue. Forcing me to act upon my desire, to attack and suck all the blood out of the prey that was standing in front me like an innocent cub. The moment she blinked, I came back to my senses like someone had just slapped me. What the f**k was she? A f*****g witch? What spell had she just casted upon me that I could still feel the effect of it so powerfully? “Let’s go Ella!” Keane had ordered, and without waiting to hear her reply, he had pulled her away from the spot while still keeping her under his arms. His hands on the girl’s body had suddenly started to feel like needles piercing my heart. Keane pulled the girl away with him, and took her out of my sight, while I stood shaking in the exact spot, trying to tame down the anger that had suddenly surfaced ten folds. But this time, the reason was something, or someone else.  
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