7- Falling in Love

1274 Words
Pain.. pain.. and more pain. There was nothing I could feel except the crucial, gut wrenching pain. I could not even feel my legs and hands. I could not feel them moving even though I was trying really hard. Was this how hell supposed to feel like? Even though I had committed way, way less sins than my mother, I had not expected that hell was supposed to feel like this. If I had, I would have spent my nights feeling happy that she was going to go through this after leaving the beautiful planet called earth instead of crying and making myself miserable throughout the night. My bitchiness and evil thoughts were increasing bit by bit with the slowly increasing pain in my body. And even though it felt like my condition could not get worse than this, I started to feel difficulty with getting air in my lungs. A couple of seconds later I was completely worn out. The pain started to dim. I started losing consciousness. And I may be the only pathetic human being in the entire universe who felt happy in that situation. I wanted to embrace the emptiness. Just as I was a moment away from falling into the world of complete darkness, a hurricane shook my whole body like I was nothing more than a twig. And then.... it called out my name? "What. the. f**k?" I heard myself whispering. "Do not f*****g fall unconscious!" The thundering voice broke through my haze once again. The same voice that had called out my name a moment ago. My eyes opened in a flash. Fright and horror covering my face and sharp chills of pain rushing through my veins. My gaze collided with a set of blue eyes and the handsome face carrying them. And even though that face was covered in anger and those blue eyes were shooting daggers at me, I could not move my eyes away. If he was the devil of this hell... god was definitely not done f*****g up with me even after my death. Suddenly I was falling down hard on my back. But instead of floor, my body collided with plushy heaven. And then the reality set in. The devil had loosened his hold on my arms that were holding me up face to face with him, and had pushed me hard backwards as soon as I had opened my eyes. I was sitting up when he had thundered a ordered at me to not fall unconscious. He was holding me up halfway. Now that I had became conscious, he had pushed me away from his arms like a bag of trash. My confused gaze dropped from his face to take in my surroundings. It definitely looked like a room but weirder. Like a room for royalties in palace but everything was covered in black color. Even the walls were black. The only source of light was the electronic lights. And then I realized that it definitely was not hell or heaven. I was most likely alive. "f*****g finally!" The angry words muttered under breath pulled my attention back to the devil. What the f**k was happening. I tried to remember the last thing I had seen and place I had been to. I could feel a strong throbbing pain in my abdomen. Thankfully it did not take much time before the memories came back flooding inside my head. My last conversation with Keane, the cab driver, the rustle in the woods, and the horrible creature. And the attack. The fear I had felt in that moment came back with full force. "What the hell was that?" I croaked out. Horror covering every word that came out of my mouth. "What?" The man asked. "The thing that had attacked me." I replied subconsciously. My thoughts were scattered to the memory of that attack. "It looked like a wolf, but way, way larger. And definitely more scary." My eyes went back to him as I said the next words, "It had chilling, scary, blue eyes. Like death and Antarctica's ice mixed in one. It was horrifying." Suddenly my eyes collided with his, and the same horror came back with full force as a whisper left my lips, "Just like yours." He had heard my barely audible whisper very clearly, his expressions of deep satisfaction upon hearing my words was clear as day on his face. I chose to ignore the fact that how much horror his mere presence was igniting in me, and decided to focus on the situation I was in. "Did you save me? From the wolf, after the attack?" I asked softly. A smirk came on his lips immediately. I did not know what that smirk meant, but his expressions clearly said that he thought I was as stupid as anyone could get. And that scared me even more. Because I was sure as hell that I was reading every expression of his quite well. "Can you call my mother? Or my friend? I would like to go home." My heart was sinking with every passing second. I did not know why or how, but I knew something was not right. "Of course you would. But you can not." He said right before he grabbed my arms, pulled me off the bed on my feet and started dragging me out of the room. The sudden pull ignited a sharp pang of pain in my abdomen once again. We went down the stairs, reached in the hall, he put a hand around the back of my neck, and pulled me closer to his face with a sharp tug. My eyes stared in his. I had no idea what the f**k was going on but my heart had started thudding loudly in my chest. And to my absolute discomfort, it was racing so fast, and that too, not in fear. "What do you feel?" He asked softly. For a second I was dumbfounded and confused at the absurd and sudden question. "Speak up." He ordered rather harshly as his hold around my neck tightened almost painfully. "What do you feel?" "Nothing." I lied. I did feel something that was completely strange to feel in this situation. And it was scary. He smirked. I was starting to feel scared every time he did that because that smirk of his always gave a hint about the upcoming danger. Seriously, what the f**k was wrong with me? "Tell me how you feel after this." He said right before he bent down his head and smashed his lips on mine. Just as his lips touched mine, a soul wrenching pain started spreading through my veins. I could literally feel a fist gripping and tightening its hold around my heart. The pain was so agonising that I did not feel the choking feeling that had suddenly gripped my neck. Just as he pulled his mouth away from me, my hand flew to my neck pull away the thing that was choking me while my other hand went to my heart. My hand on my neck found a thin chain that was tightening around my neck with each passing minute. Like someone from behind me was trying to choke me by pulling it tightly around my neck. When I was on the verge of fainting, the grips around my heart and neck loosened. And that is when I could finally take a breath. "What....  the f**k did you.... do to me?" I asked in a voice that was barely above a whisper. Tears were streaming down my face. "I made you fall in love with me." He replied.
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