Monster with Blue Eyes

1025 Words
Ella's POV I walked towards the cab slowly. Keane watched me the whole time as I took tiny steps towards its door. But he would not look away. Nor would he get inside his vehicle. He kept waiting for me to get inside the cab and drive away. Once I was inside the car, I told the driver to pull away from there. He did as I said. From the rear view mirror of the cab, I watched as Keane got inside his car, pulled out of the parking lot and started driving away from there in opposite direction. Once I was sure that he had went away, I pretended to look inside my purse and exclaimed loudly, "Oh s**t!" I tried to fake a tensed look, "please stop the car. I think I have left my wallet in college." The cab driver stopped instantly. He turned his head around to give me an agitated stare. I apologised and instantly got out of the cab before he could start cursing me or demanding a payment. I was being a b***h and I knew that. But it was not my fault. I did not have any money on me after the last night's incident. Mom had taken everything away from me and I did not have the courage to ask her this morning to give me some cash. I had managed to come college by bus in the morning but right now my pocket was completely empty. I was so ashamed that I could not even ask Keane for a ride. His home was in a completely opposite direction from mine. And no matter how much he insisted on not minding dropping me off, I could not take advantage of his fondness for me. He loved me, I knew that. Not that kind of love where you craved physical contact or romance. No. We were in that kind of love where we were each other's reason for existence. More than a friend or best friend or boyfriend girlfriend kind. The love we had for each other was beyond any label to put on it. It was not attraction or anything relating to usual boy - girl feelings that included love and physical intimacy. We were just... we. And we loved whatever it was. Not caring to put any label on it or trying to give it a name. Whatever we had, we were happy with each other and that is all that mattered. We had met each other in grade school. We were kids. We were both lonely, and maybe that is the main reason that we came close to each other. We never had a hero figure in our lives. We never experienced any kind of love from our parents. We were superhero for each other. So we stayed together. Through hell and heaven and everything in between. As the cab driver drove off, I started walking towards home. It was four kilometer of walk from the college, and till when I was going to reach home, my legs were going to break. A heavy sigh left my lips. Just thinking about the distance made me feel exhausted. Buildings started disappearing and jungle took its place. Calm, serenity and beauty, how desperately I craved all these things. I wanted to run away. Desperately. Just as the thought crossed my mind, I heard a rustling sound coming from the jungle. I instantly took a couple of steps backwards. That was creepy. There was no one on the road. Everybody had already left and having an vicious animal in this kind of area was next to impossible. Then what the f**k was that sound that I had just heard? The sound came again, this time from the opposite side of the road. I instantly flipped around. Were they two? Fear started gripping my heart. Should I move and run screaming to the hills or should I stay glued to the place so that whatever it was drops the idea of attacking me? Even if I had tried, I couldn't have chosen the first option because my legs wouldn't move because of fear. It was getting dark so fast that it felt like someone was turning the light switch off in slow motion. As I kept staring at the deep darkness of jungle, a thump sounded from behind me. In the process of trying to turn around fast, my feet got jumbled in each other and I fell down hard on my butt on the ground. Like a dramatic scene in typical horror movies, my head slowly lifted up from my lap. My eyes landed on a set of paws. Huge paws. With furs and strongness and scaryass claws. My hands started shaking even before I could lift up my eyes. My gaze went up in slow motion. My heart thudding loudly in my chest. My eyes took in the huge creature that stood in front, glaring down at me. It looked like a wolf but was way, way bigger than a normal wolf. It was breathing heavily, like it had just run a marathon and now needed a bit of rest. It's size was monstrous. The blue, piercing eyes were boring into me. Making me feel like it knew what it wanted, and I was most probably that thing. For two seconds our eyes stayed locked with each other. And in those two freaking seconds, I realized, this was my end. My eyelids lowered to blink, my eyelashes touched my cheeks, and before I could lift them up again, the wolf bent down its head, opened its mouth and attacked me. The last thing I felt before feeling my muscles being ripped to shreds by the wolf's teeth was the most excruciating pain that anyone could ever experience. The spirit breaking pain that started flowing through my veins was beyond something I could take. My heart was breaking into millions of pieces for some unknown reason but I could not understand why. My life had been full of pain and suffering and devoid of any happiness. I had not expected for my end to be the same.
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