5- She has Disappeard

1167 Words
Keane walked inside the empty house while whistling a song under his breath. His footsteps echoed in the deeply silent house as he went towards his room after throwing the keys of his car on the glass table. Without taking his shoes and clothes off, he fell down on his bed with a tired sigh. He was worried about Ella. She was the only one who gave a f**k about him. Leaving her in the hands of her mother everyday was a punishment that he had to endure to keep her close to himself. He had asked her to live alone. To leave her mother. He had even offered her his own home to live in until she becomes independent. But she was too loyal to her mother. She thought that her mother was just lonely and depressed and everything will get better with time. The fact that she had completely ignored was that as time had passed by, throughout the years Violet had become more abusive to Ella instead of getting better. His stomach churned as hunger attacked him with full force. He had not eaten anything after breakfast. His mother and father's existence was almost invisible to him, since they mostly remained on the overseas business trips. Money was monthly wired into his account without even asking. This situation, this weird condition where his parents did not give a f**k about their son, and had left him to get raised by nannies that were full of fakeness and bitchiness, had started building a bitter part in him. Slowly, but gradually, that bitter part had started spreading in his heart. Now, after all these years, he felt like there was a stone that had replaced his heart. The only form of softness that was left in him was reserved for Ella since childhood. She was the only one who remained unchanged and constant in his life. Keane randomly picked one of the menus that were scattered on his bedside table. After surfing through them quickly, he slammed them back down on the table with a tired sigh. He was hungry but he could not make himself to eat. Ella was still stuck in his head. Worrying about her was almost driving him crazy. He closed his eyes after turning the lights off. He wanted something else from life. He had received the grace of God in form of money. He could buy anything in this world and no one would be able to stop him. And that is what bothered him the most. There was no one who gave a f**k about him. ***** Next day rolled around and he met Ella in the collage. He took a sigh of relief once he confirmed that there were not much marks of harm on her body. Though she had a nasty mark on her mouth. The moment his eyes dropped on it, he literally lost his temper. He was angry. He was angry at Violet and angry at Ella. Only if she would give him a chance to take care of her, then she would not have to go through all this. His hand instantly shot to her mouth and touched her lower lip in concern. The wound was not deep. It took everything in him to stop himself from taking all his frustration and helplessness on Ella. But she already looked stressed. The only form of comfort they ever got was from each other in collage. He did not deem it appropriate to disturb that just yet. She needed peace and love in her life. But he was not the love of her life. Though they cared and loved each other like their life source was one, there was nothing between them but a friendship that they wanted to last forever. As evening rolled around, they parted their ways to go home. Once he saw her get in the cab, he also turned around and walked to his own car to go home. ***** He woke up from a deep slumber from the loud banging voice in the middle of the night. The sound was sudden, desperate and constant and would not stop. Someone was banging their fist on his door while ringing the doorbell constantly. Whoever was on the other side of the door seemed desperate. Keane instantly stood up from his bed and ran downstairs from his own room to the main door. The banging did not stop for even one moment. As he had been awaken so suddenly, his head had started to throb in pain. If it were not someone important or needy on the other side of the door at this time of the night, he was going to kill them. Just as he opened door, he was forcefully pushed inside. He could not even see the face of the person, aside from the fact that the person was a lady. "Where the f**k is that b***h? Are you done f*****g her?" He heard the lady shout loudly while she started opening every door and searching for someone. It was Violet. He was shocked to see her at his home at this hour. What the f**k was going on? "What the f**k are you talking about?" He asked angrily in confusion. Has she finally lost her mind? Violet did not reply to Keane. Once she was done going through every room, she stomped ahead towards him who was still standing beside the door with one hand on the handle of the door, "Ella!" Violet snapped furiously, "Where have you hid her? Tell that b***h to come out right f*****g now, otherwise I'm going to cut off her fingers and feed them to the dogs!" "She got a cab after college to go home in the evening. Did not she get home?" Keane asked in worry and confusion. Ella could not have gone anywhere without letting him or her mother know. If Violet was making a scene this big, she clearly was not lying. "Waaaah!" Violet screeched loudly while throwing a vase down on the floor in anger. "That b***h has proven me right. I knew she is just like her father. Finally she has run away. I'm going to kill that hoe and her f*****g dickhead lover once they come in front of me." Keane ignored Violet completely. The only thought in his head was of Ella's well being, "She can not go anywhere on her own without telling me." He muttered to himself under his breath. "That is not possible. What the f**k is happening?" He pushed his hand in his hair in frustration while thinking of a way to know what would happened in the short span of time since she had gotten in the cab. He should not have let her go alone. He should have fuckimg dropped her off himself. "Goddammit!" He shouted in worry and frustration when he could not think of even one excuse for what would have happened to her, "Ella has f*****g disappeared?"
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