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The elevator door was about to close when Rick called her name. Arielle push the open button and waited for him. "Hey," he's slightly out of breath. Pushing the ground floor button. "Hi, Rick. How are you?" She tiptoed to give him a kiss on the cheek. He waited for the door to close before answering. "I'm okay, sweetheart," his voice has a mix of sadness. "How about you?" Sighing, "I'm fine. About last night, I'm sorry I left." The man kept silent looking so forlorn. Arielle felt bad. Rick had been there for her since she started working, helping her cope up with her role. She was considering to give him her full attention once she was free from Caleb. And even if it is unlikely to happen now that her husband is back in her life, she doesn't want him harboring bad feelings on her. "Are you mad at me?" "I don't know, Arielle. I- I thought that we have an understanding. He just came back but I felt that you are thousand miles away from me. I saw you in last night in his arms... kissing." "Rick..." She can only utter his name. How can she explain to him the effect Caleb had on her? That she's helpless when it comes to what her heart wants? "And, when you had the choice to sit beside me, you chose to sit with him. With just a look from him. It made me feel so... inadequate. I always show you what I really feel, I never failed to say I love you. I want you in my life. I want to build a family with you." Rick turned to face her. "But you never responded to me the way responded to Caleb's gaze. It's... I'm insulted." Arielle could not look him in the eye any longer. Not when his eyes mirrored what he feels, sadness. "I'm so sorry, Rick. I wish I could explain to you." "Why won't you?" She shook her head. "I- I was just surprised last night. He is still my husband and it feels wrong if I'm going to favor you over him when he do not know about my plans 'til last night..I hope you understand." "Why do you have to think about that? Doesn't he the one who left you? Without saying a word?" She did not say a word. "Arielle," he spoke her name with tenderness. Holding her hands, he search her gaze. "Did your plan changed?" There was fear in his eyes as she look back at him. Giving his hands a squeeze, "I still wanted to be free from him." His face brightened. Like a huge weight is lifted from his shoulder. "But I'm not making any promises about us, Rick." The smile on his lips did not waver and he rain kisses on her knuckles. "I know, I know. I'm just so happy. I will show you how a man woo the woman he love once you're free. I won't rush you. You were so you when you got married, you did not enjoy your youth. You'll be happy with me, Arielle. I promise you that..." That made her smile. She knew she could move on from her husband, her love. Just the thought of him being free from her made her feel like dying, but she can face it and move on. She did not deserve what he had put her through. Yes, she would recover. The elevator stop at the basement of the building and they both get out. Rick is still holding her hand. They were silent as they walk to their cars parked next to each other. A smile lingering on their lips. "Would you like to get coffee first?" She nodded, "yes-" "I'll take my wife out for coffee, Mr. Delmondo." Cut the voice she's too familiar with. Both of them turned to Caleb, getting out from his car that is parked next to theirs. Upon seeing him, her heart beat faster than normal like it always did everytime his near. Caleb could always make her knees go weak. She knew now why. The white shirt he's wearing is so fitted she can see the outline of his abs. She can picture vividly what lays under that shirt as what happened this morning is still clear on her mind. Goodness, she can't help but to check him out. Her gaze slid down to his black cargo shorts, to his muscular legs that is a bit hair and to his black and white sneakers. There's no doubt any woman would make a double take to stare at him a little longer. Rick grip her hand harder and she stopped her perusal turning to him. She embarrassingly turned to him. He was giving her a look. He was sending a message. He wants to show Caleb that she's no longer submissive. And he's right. She didn't want anything to do with Caleb anymore. Arielle composed herself before facing her husband formally. But words left her as she gaze at face. His long hair is ruffled. It was wavy and brown and it looked so soft. His eyes were dark and devoid of emotion. For the first time, he seemed at ease despite his hard glare on the man beside her. There's a hint of smile playing on his lips. And although she should know better, she couldn't help but wish that he would just smile at her. He was such a beautiful man when he smiled. Again, she felt Rick's hand squeezing hers and she wanted to shrug from his hold. But she did not want to embarrass him. "Caleb, what are you doing here?" "I'm picking you up," he said with no emotion. "I didn't ask you to. You can go now, we have somewhere to be." Pulling her hand from Rick's she walked to his car. They have to het from there immediately. "In my car, Arielle." There was an edge to Caleb's voice when he spoke again. "Mr. Ramirez, Arielle was clear to what she wanted, so there's no use for pretense." Rick was finally able to talk. Arielle looked at the two male. Rick's hand is clench into fist giving Caleb a glare. The latter met his gaze leaning on his car. "I suggest you stay out of this, Mr. Delmondo. I heard you're a valued employee here. And I guess no one will be happy if you were suddenly removed from your position." Caleb's voice was smooth and controlled. It was much more scary. "Really, Mr. Ramirez? I never thought power tripping was one of your many style?" Caleb smiled in an unnerving way, "I don't think you will like what I have in mind. My fist rammed down your throat is on top of my list, Mr. Delmondo. Know where you are standing. "Caleb!" Arielle warned. "Just go a-" "I'm not afraid of you, Mr. Ramirez," Rick cut her off. "I don't care if you're going to fire me. It won't stop me from pursuing the wife you abandoned. After your annulment, I will marry her and will give her the things you should have given her in the first place." "Well, Arielle is still my wife. She will remain so as long as I want. Better change your dreams." "She's not gonna be your wife for long," Rick said mockingly. "We'll see about that, Mr. Delmondo." His pointed gaze zeroed to her. "Arielle, in the car. Now." Her chest heave up and down at her growing anger. "Don't mind him, Rick. Let's go." "Step in his car and you can say goodbye to that annulment." She whirled around to face him again. He had a dark look that sent shivers down her spine. "W-what do you mean?" "Get in my car and you'll find out." She search his face before turning to Rick who nodded understandingly. "I'll call you later," he get inside his car without looking and drive away. Pissed, she got inside the car slamming the door closed. "Have you no shame, Arielle?" Did she heard him right? Now he's the one who's angry? "Have you no conscience?" She snapped, "you left me! You left me, you left me! And now, you're back, acting like a stupid boss, expecting everyone to obey you! How dare you!" She can't stop herself from slapping his arm. "I left, but it didn't make our marriage less real. It's legal and binding! You should not go out with just any man!" "He is not just any man. He is much better man than you are, if you must know. I can do anything I want concerning my life." His grin is unsettling as he started the car engine, driving off from the underground parking space of the tower. Then he give her a side way glance. "That's what you think. If you want the annulment to go smoothly, you will obey me as a wife should." Swerving the car to the highway.
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