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"You should go, I have to go to bed. My makeup artist will be mad at me if she'll see me tomorrow with dark circles under my eyes." Caleb chortled drawing her close to him by her waist. "She won't be. You're the bride, remember? What's the use of makeup?" "Still." She stomped her feet on the ground. How adorable. They've been at the front gate of Morales mansion for half an hour and it's getting close to midnight. But Caleb refuse to leave. If it is possible he wish for them to stay awake cuddled on her bed until it's time for them to get ready. He just loved looking at her all worked up because they were breaking some petty rules. "I'll miss you, baby. Can't we just stay awake until tomorrow?" She caress his jaw with her dainty fingers. "I'll miss you, too... But we can't, we need to have enough sleep. I don't want to walk down the aisle looking ugly, you might ran away." "Baby, you can't be ugly even if you tried... And I would never run away." "Really?" "Uhm- hmm." "Caleb. Do you want to be sleepy during the most especial moment of our life? What if we forgot our vows?" "Alright. Alright, you have a point. I just can't help to want you always by my side." As always, her face flushed before him and he love it. It is clear as day that she loves him. He loved her too, loved her like he had never love anyone else before. He was twenty- seven and Arielle was only eighteen. For the past two months since he came back, his attention never waver from her. Everything about her fascinate him. And it didn't matter that everytime their bodies touched, his hormones would fire up and urge him to take her. But she was too precious he decided to wait even if it kills him. He would give her the respect and tenderness that she deserved. He want their first time to be especial, and that will be on their wedding night. God, he can't wait. There's so much for her to learn. "I love you," she whispered; her eyes a mirror of innocence and sincerity. "I love you too, baby." Hugging her tightly, "I'm going home now, don't be late tomorrow." Pinching her nose. He heard her chuckle. "Brides are always late, makes the entrance more dramatic." Leaning down he nuzzled her head, inhaling her hair's fragrant and sweet scent. "Then be as late as you want. I will never leave, even if the priest and the guest's leaves." "I can't wait to be your wife," Arielle murmured, her breath fanning his ear. Cupping her face, he kissed her tenderly and look at her in the eye. "And I can't wait to be your husband." She tiptoed and kissed his lips then shoving him lightly. "Okay, go. We really need to rest " Backing away he let go of her, "bye, baby. Dream of me." "I will." He stayed on the sidewalk watching her through the gaps of the black iron gate. Sometimes she would look back and wave. When she gets inside the house he knew it's also time for him to leave. Reluctantly. Eight hours. She will become officially his after eight hours. Getting inside the car, he dig into his pocket for the key. Instead of keys his fingers came in contact with a small box and then he remembered what it is. He had forgotten to give it to Arielle. It's an engagement ring that he personally pick for her. It was a square cut platinum diamond band with small diamonds around the edges. The ring he gave her during their engagement party is a heirloom and he think that it's impersonal, and he wanted to gift her something especial before their wedding. It is the reason why he seek her this late at night. But having her in his arms put it out his mind. It always happens. The world seem to stopped whenever she's in his embrace and it's just the two of them in their own world. Suddenly nervous, he tried composing himself. He practice his words one more time that he had prepared. He will ask her to marry him, though it's a little bit late he will still do it. It is every girls dream to be asked. And Arielle is no exception. Running back to the house and halfway to the staircase he heard Arielle like she's talking to someone. He followed her voice and there she is at the back patio her back to him talking to someone on the phone. Effortlessly, he managed to move closer to without making any sound, wanting to surprise her and to find out who's she's talking to. "I know, Andrew. But I can't tell him about this. I don't want him to." He know that Andrew is Arielle's ex- boyfriend. They broke up after her debut. But he doesn't know that they're still talking. "He wouldn't know. There's no way he would know about it. The doctor asked me to have it removed right away while it's still not growing. The operation was successful. I don't want to give him a reason to back out on me especially now that it's gone anyway. There's no problem anymore. I'm clear and good as new! The merger is on!" She laughed. Remaining where he's standing, he tried his best to process what she just said. There was no way he was hearing this right. Not sweet Arielle, not her. He hold his breath when he heard her laugh again. "Don't worry, I'll be fine... Of course, I'll be needing follow up check- ups. Yes, the symptoms are still there, but I don't want to worry about it. The doctor told me that it could possibly affect my chances of having a child... I know it's scary but I had no choice, I had to do it... Okay, Andrew. Thank you, I will see you soon. Love you!" Caleb was in daze while driving away from the Morales mansion. He left immediately when she ended the call. She wouldn't know that he was there. No one saw him. Spending time together her observed that Arielle often got sick, always having headache, or feeling dizzy. And he witness her one time retching. He winced again. Hating the idea that is budding on his mind. Arielle had been pregnant? And she had an abortion? The anger that he's been trying to rein came fort taking in all of his emotion until it's the only thing he feels. He can literally feel his heart being reap apart in shreds. It was brutal and heartless. She aborted a child for a stupid merger! He could not quite comprehend what he had just found out. Sweet, innocent Arielle... "Son of a b***h!" It was unbelievable. He was so worried for her safety. Apparently, she's still not okay. He thought back to the day he found her leaning on the toilet puking. Was that before or after the abortion? She was so weak and pale at that time. "Jesus Christ!" He run his hands on his face. Pummeling his fist on the steering wheel realizing what he feels. He still wanted her. And he love her still. And he still love her until now. God, his life would be much easier if he had no emotion. His stupid feeling that led him on marrying her in spite of the bubbling anger he's feeling while standing beside her at the altar. It was confusing he can't understand himself. Of what he really want. He's considering to cede to what she wants. To annul their marriage, though he knew they can still fix it he would never forget what she did. It is imprinted on his mind. But the thought of her being free from him and being in the arms of another man evoke his possessiveness. The night he came home he can't help himself kissing her and at that moment his decision is made. They will fix everything. And then that bastard Rick entered and Arielle flinched against his touch. He almost went ballistic. And when they are sitting on the dining table he saw how the bastard look at his wife with desire. f*****g bastard. Caleb was so angry he wanted to reach for Rick over the table and shove that classy wine bottle down the guy's throat. He even had the gall to bring up about the letters. And why does he even know that Arielle is filing for an annulment? It should have been between the family only. The man was asking for his death when he suggested for him to cooperate, that he'll marry her when their marriage is annulled. He was threading on a dangerous territory. Many scenarios played on his mind how to end the man's life at that moment. He'll show him that he doesn't have a chance with Arielle. He do not share what's his.
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