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"Sit," Caleb ordered. Arielle clamped her jaw together as she sat down. Caleb brought her to a coffee shop, like he said earlier. "Espresso and latte, please," he said to the waiter not asking her what she wanted. How rude. "Would that be all, sir?" "Strawberry cake." Looking at her, "yes?" Strawberry cake, her favorite. For no reason she felt happy that he remembered her favorite cake. "Latte's fine," she replied coldly. "Strawberry cake, it is. A slice, please." "Right away, sir." The waiter look uncomfortable when he left. Leaning back onto her chair, she fold her arms across her chest. After a moment just looking at him, "so, what do want?" Caleb focus his eyes on her. Those grey eyes that never failed to melt her insides deeply bored into hers. She uncross her arms putting her elbows on the table, hoping it would support her as she suddenly felt exhausted. If he didn't have that affect on her, it would have been so much easier. He had this invisible aura that always made her lose her senses. Always. Just his looks- handsome face that is devoid of emotions, pinkish lips she used to kiss back then, his nose that he used to run along her neck- she's helpless. The sensation that brought by his lips, she can still feel it. And even the indecent heat assaulting the deepest part of her was there. The fully air-conditioned café suddenly became heated. "You said you wanted a family, a normal married life. Am I right?" "Yes. And you know I can't fullfil that dream as long as I'm married to you." His expression did not change at all. Eyes still on her, like he's calculating what he's going to say. A challenging look flash on his face. She wondered for a moment why. "Two weeks, babe," he said at last. "What do you mean 'two weeks'? And stop calling me Babe!" It reminded her of their happy memories. "Stop yelling," he said it like he's tired. "Arielle, I could never get used to your angry face. For the love of God, can you please smile for me?" She couldn't believe the sadness that shrouded his entire form. For a while there he looked sincere, so downcast. She would give everything she have to find out why he is so sad. And then she realized, what she's seeing on his face is what she's feeling inside. She was feeling lonely, too- almost broken. She had promised to herself many times that would be strong. "I'm so sorry, but smiling has been the last thing on my mind since I saw your face again." Caleb became angry at her words. His hands that's been longing to caress her face fisted. He was confused out of his gut with what he was feeling. There's still hatred within him to what she did, but it would never stop him from longing her. His wife. Despite her betrayal, Arielle had manage to maintain that innocent aura. Though there was an anger on her trusting it didn't lose its shine. Her simple mannerisms like biting her lips and playing with her fingers had him wanting to let free his love for her. What changed are the words coming out of her mouth. He never expected her to say those words to him. Arielle had always been a gentle girl, very soft spoken. And she would not do anything that would hurt anyone dear to her. There was no way he was dear to her. She played him. He thought that she love him with all her. Taking a deep breath, "I just don't want you frowning- unsmiling while I'm here for three weeks." "That's it! I'm moving out of the villa if you're gonna stay there that long." Her quick retort, picking up her pouch ready to leave. "You have not even heard what I'm going to say." That made her sit back down looking at him sharply. "Spill it already." "You will act as my wife for two weeks. After that... you're good as annulled. I'm giving you my word." "I'm not gonna sleep with you!" That's the first words she uttered hearing what he said. It was already late when she realizes what came out of her mouth. One corner of his lips is slightly raise and his eyes full of anger. Anger that she still doesn't know what for. "I didn't plan on doing that, but upon hearing your refusal, may I say that I think the lady does protest too much." There was a hint of bitterness on his voice. "Your proposal is preposterous, Caleb. You're just wasting my time." "And you're wasting a year or more if you're not going to accept my proposal. Everything what a married couple did, except for s*x- for two weeks," he stressed. "That's all I'm asking of you, Arielle. Simple." "But why?" She asked, faze. "Here's your order." The waiter appeared ceasing their conversation. "Anything else?" "That would be all," she snapped and then looked at Caleb. Amusement clear on his eyes. "What's so funny?" "Since when have you been so grumpy, baby?" Her eyes widen and she look at the leaving waiter. Instantly, she felt ashamed for snapping at him. It was out of her character, being rude to someone. She was tense that's why she snapped. Biting her lower lip, she think of leaving a big tip before leaving. "It's fine. You're too beautiful; no person will get mad at you." He commented. Ignoring what he said, "back to the conversation. Why do want this?" She pointed to herself and him He shrugged while taking a sip of his coffee. "I'm on vacation. It'd be a waste if I don't do anything exciting. One more thing, we've been married for more than four years. I want to know how it feels to be married even if it's just a few days. Is that too much to ask?" 'I was willing to give you forever but you turned your back on me.' What she wanted to say but couldn't "One of your adventures, huh? Don't you get enough excitement from your trips away from me?" "You agreeing or not? If you really don't want to, I'm going to leave. And... well, good luck to getting yourself annulled." It is like they are talking about the lovely weather outside. He was talking casually. She never thought that Caleb could be so ruthless. And she's hurt. "Fine, state your term." "Now, we're talking." A smile graze her husband's face. The corner of his eyes slightly wrinkled it made her stomach flipped. She hated herself for being such a slave to her feelings for him. She wanted him so bad she was so close to begging for his attention. "We will act like a normal married couple in front of everybody. Go out, have dinner, meet with friends... that simple." "Wait, I don't understand. We'll make them believe we are together like it's normal?" He nodded. "What do you think of the people at home? Stupid? When you left, they already know there's nothing normal between us." "What they think is of no concern to me, Arielle." "Of course," she gave him a bitter smile. "When have you become concern of what others think. You did anything you want whatever the consequences." Her voice is dripping with sarcasm. "Don't go there, Arielle." There's. A warning on his voice. "Go where? Are afraid that I'm might throw back your mistakes at you?" He look up at the ceiling of the café. "You are actually pushing it!" Right now, they've already attracted some of the customers near their table. "Do not make a scene. Please." "I'll do whatever the hell I want," voice lowered. The only thing we won't do is to f*ck each other. How many times do you want to hear that? I thought I stated that already." She gasped. Heat rising to chest and to her face praying that no one heard what he just said. Then comes disappoinment to the way he sounded. Like he can't stomach to think of being with her. Biting her lip, "okay. But only for two weeks." "Not a day more. We are not gonna talk of this arrangement again. This conversation never happened. When we get home, we will act normally like we did not separate for five years." Arielle suck in some air. She had no idea what Caleb was up to. But if it's the only way she can be free from him she'll do it. "What if they asked questions at home?" "Just tell them we talked and made up, they won't expect you to supply the details." "Where are you going to sleep?" "In the master's bedroom, beside you." Firmly. She spluttered. "I thought-" "What, you actually think I can't handle sleeping beside you without touching you? You underestimating me, Arielle." "That's not what I meant- "What do you mean then?" He was now grinning. "You won't be able to sleep with me without touching me, is that it?"
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