Chapter 5

1001 Words
“It’s the same place.” He whispered to himself. Camilla’s eyes widened while Evaleen was confused. “Nothing has changed, now the castle is calling out to its princess.” “What are you talking about? What castle?” “Your castle, your home sweetie.” Camilla broke her silence. “How in Zeus’ name is that possible? The castle was destroyed by that war, and the place I see doesn’t appear to be of our world.” Evaleen was on the brink of tears, she hates when this happens but she can’t help it. The topic of her childhood is her weak point. “Grams, do you know anything about it?” She asked Camilla. “Sit down, Eva.” Akari gave them privacy and left the room. “The place which you see every day in your dreams is of this world and it is situated in Fall Rivers, USA. The castle was more than a home, it held all the power of the Romulan kingdom, your parents used the last of their power to push it into this world and provide you with a special power so that someday you can revive it and get back to the last of your legacy. No one could find the castle, the townspeople,” Camilla sneered, “have kept it under wraps. I needed Akari’s help to find the location. You confirmed my suspicions, I just didn’t know that this would happen so soon.” Camilla spoke the last sentence more to herself. Evaleen was shocked by the discovery. She thought that she lost all of her childhood in that war, but now she finds out that her home is waiting for her. She didn’t have words to express her emotions. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why did you hide this important thing from me, grams?” “I am sorry, Eva but that was the right thing to do. I didn’t know where the castle was located and I spent every day finding it out but couldn’t get a single piece of information. It was as if someone was protecting the word from getting out, turns out it’s in Fall Rivers. Fall Rivers is a beacon to evils and the supernatural; I was not going to take you there when you were dealing with the trauma of losing your parents and your people. I don’t want you anywhere near that place; I am responsible for your safety. You are all I have left, Eva.” “And you are all I have, grams.” She hugged her grandmother. “Were you never going to tell me about this and what special power?” “No of course not, I was going to tell you about this on your 18th birthday and you would be free to make your own decision. Your mother also released her supernatural form when she was 18 so I expected the same for you but seems like fate has other plans for us. I don’t know about the special power, you will have to find that on your own. Livia and Julius trusted me with your safety and it’s my sole responsibility to raise not only my granddaughter but also the princess of Romulan.” Camilla stood up and was about to leave the room, “I will respect your decision regardless of what it is, I just hope that you will think this through.” “Grams!” “Yes,” “Is it the same Fall Rivers that held Adonis’ cave?” “Yes, the same Fall Rivers, which is the home to the tribrid and Blackwoods.” Evaleen’s breath hitched. Evaleen went back to the forest in her human form and sat beside the same stream. The fishes gathered around her, feeling her aura of sadness. Evaleen lightly stirred the water and smiled at the fish's cute antiques. “I knew I would find you here.” Evaleen knew who it was and slid a little to make him a place to sit. “These aquatics love you.” “I am one of their types, so they could feel my emotions.” She chuckled when she saw a little fish blinking at her. “What happened in there?” “I got my answers, found out about my childhood home, and now I don’t know what to do. I told you about our castle right,” he nodded his head and let her continue, “I thought that was destroyed but turns out it is in this world abandoned in a foreign town for god knows how long. That’s the last thing I have of my parents and everything in me is telling me to go there and revive it but that’s where she lives. Because of her, I have lost everything; my grams lost her daughter and her family. I don’t know if I can live in the same place and not do anything about it.” “Eva, I know you are furious at her but I also know that you will never hurt anyone.” “That’s the problem, Eiji.” She yelled scaring all the fishes away. “I should be able to hurt her and avenge my parents’ death. She is there living her life with her little family happily whereas kingdoms, grounds, the world came to an end because of her.” Her eyes flickered between red and yellow. Eiji pulled her in for a hug and caressed her head to calm her. “I want to be there Eiji but I don’t know if I can control myself. You won’t be there either and the Blackwoods will definitely see me as a threat.” “They don’t own that town, you have every right to visit your castle and you don’t have to stay there. You can return any time you want, Takayama will always be your home.” “Thank you so much! I will miss you and Daiki so much.”
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