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ANNABEL’S POV The eerie silence engulfed the room as I felt my heart pounding against my chest. It had to be a nightmare, but the cold sweat and the lingering sense of dread told me otherwise. I blinked my eyes rapidly and I couldn't believe who I was seeing eight in front of me. After all these years my past had finally come back to haunt me. He was still so devilishly handsome, with eyes that could pierce someone's soul. He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably as he glanced at me periodically. I wondered what was going through his head as he stared at me. "Isn't this a surprise that you know her name and you're just meeting her for the first time?" Thomas's eyes were wide with curiosity and I hadn't really explained everything to him yet. I had yet to tell Thomas about how I had even gotten to that cliff, what had pushed me to take that leap. I guess I can't keep it back anymore. "Err well, we have History." He slumped a little in his sitting position before turning to me again. “s****l history?” Thomas said. I shook my head, “No!” Almost screaming. Had I thought of bedding Smith? Yes in the past, but now I just want to kneel his balls. I instinctively moved closer to Thomas as he was the one I was familiar with now, "Annabel, I heard what had happened and I felt there was no need to do what you did." He pursed his lips and my brows furrowed, "I'm willing to take you back and we can fix things." Take me back? I don't need to do what I did?! Did he forget that it was his fault that played the hammer? His words were only making me hate him the most and I felt like giving him the hardest job I could offer, that special one I had been training for. Maybe jam his pee-pee. But there was no use, Smith was useless and I had found a better family with Thomas and Daiv. My parents never reached out to me and it hurt me every day because of what I had done leaving them just like that. But I did what needed to be done, I needed to fall for me to rise. "I would have to refuse your offer, I am happy where I am and I don't think we need to fix anything anymore." My tone was very harsh and I knew it pricked his ego when he closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. Good, it should sting more. Thomas stared at us with a worried expression but he was also deep in thought, but when I turned to him, his gaze softened, "Master, I would love to see you when you're done with your guest, I will be waiting for you in my room," I bowed curtly before moving in the direction of my room before he grabbed my hand, "I will see you soon, let me finish with Smith." He squeezed my hand secretly and I knew he was going to come so I left them to talk. "Where did you find her?" I heard Smith ask before I was out of earshot, I jugged up the stairs and entered my room and I heaved the life I was holding in my chest, "What is happening Goddess?" I asked the moon Goddess why she decided to torture me this way, just when I had moved on, she brought back the reason I almost lost my life. I looked at my bed with weary dyes and I threw my weight on the softness of the sheets, "and from the looks of it, they're close…" I muttered to myself. I had heard Thomas laughing as I approached the entrance of the mansion and Davis had told me that someone important was with him and I should be on my best behavior. It was Smith. I rolled on my back and grabbed a pillow, screaming into it. Thomas had noticed our banter, he would ask and I had no choice but to speak the full truth. I just hoped his perception of me would not fall, I was always afraid of losing face in his sight. He was one person I never wanted to disappoint. I let out another sigh as memories of three years ago replayed in my mind, that party was the most horrid event of my life, and finding Thomas was the most beautiful thing that had ever happened to me. I couldn't have asked for more like I was given a second chance. All the good memories Thomas and I had shared began to wash up on me and it was able to put me to sleep. If I could, I would stay with him forever. My sleep was deep but it was short too and when I woke up, I saw Thomas staring at me with such loving eyes, "Master…" I lifted myself up till he told me to stop, "When we are together it's Thomas and not Master." He made me promise him that I would call him by his name when we were in private, his smile could light my darkest night, it made butterflies flutter in my stomach, "I'm so sorry about what happened there, it's just that smith…" I trailed off before I felt his lips press against mine, my eyes widened so much I thought they would pop, what was going on? "Annabel, I need you to wake up." He told me and I did wake up, what?? What was going on? "Was I dreaming?" I couldn't believe that was just a dream, I traced my lips with my fingers and it felt like I was kissed. "Did you have a dream that you were kissed or f****d?" My head snapped to where the voice came from and my aura darkened. smith stood there with a stupid smirk and he found it funny, "Did you kiss me?" I grabbed the dagger from underneath my pillow, I was ready to shed blood, alpha or not, "Oh please Annabel, I'm a married man," he rolled his eyes at me before closing the distance between us, "but if you want me to then I would give you your first kiss, that is if Thomas hasn't given you already." This man irked the s**t out of me and I pushed his head away from mine and got off my bed. I was walking out on him till he grabbed my arm, "It's not polite to walk out on an alpha." He reminded me. "An alpha is only worthy of the respect he gives to his subjects, you don't deserve any respect for coming into my room without my permission, Thomas would never do such." I sneered at him before yanking my arm back, "So are you comparing now?" I leaned closer to me and my grip tightened around the dagger, "And who are you to challenge an alpha?" I could feel the steam coming from his nostrils, trying to intimidate me, "After all, you're just a human." He hissed. "No, I'm not a human anymore, I'm a Beta now, and I'm Alpha Thomas's Beta, do not test my patience smith, you will regret it." I pushed him away from me and I was about to walk out of my room, opening the door, I needed to talk to Thomas about this. "You're now very rude, guess Thomas has given you some backbone. Look, Annabel, we didn't end things on the right foot so I'm allowing you to make things better, you just need to come back to me and I'll accept you." I could see him from the corner of my eyes, he seemed pretty confident in himself but he shouldn't be, "You've forgotten that I'm Thomas's student, I'm not the weak Annabel you once knew." I turned back and raised my head high, "I would rather die than come to you, I want nothing to do with you smith, nothing!" I snapped and slammed the door, leaving him behind. I needed to see Thomas and talk to him about this. But my words did not seem to stop Smith, he barged out of the room and grabbed my hand pushing me against the wall. He held my cheeks real tight. “Let me go!” I screamed but he didn't. Instead, he squeezed my hand more. He was an alpha, I was weaker. “So I guess you have become his w***e then?” Smith asked, his gaze blazing like fire. “I said let go of me Smith, before I do something that you would regret” He smirked at my statement as if I had just promised to give him dandelions. Instead, he pulled me closer and said, “You are mine. Always be mine” And he pushed his lips on mine.
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