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Annabel's POV "Gosh, I hate him. So ugh... can't believe I had a crush on that sleazeball," I said to myself as I tried to wipe him off my mind. His audacity still made my blood boil as I stormed out of the room, frustration coursing through me. I was determined to tell my master about what Smith had done, to seek justice for his vile actions. However, just as I thought I could escape his loathsome presence, Smith grabbed my hand, his grip firm and unwelcome. He sneered, "Where do you think you're going, Annabel?" I yanked my hand away from his, my eyes filled with fury. "Let me go, you disgusting bastard," I spat at him, my voice trembling with anger. "Don't you ever touch me with those hands?" Smith's eyes burned with a malicious glint as he taunted, "Oh, Annabel, it's cute that you think anyone cares about a pathetic human like you." His cruel words stung, but I refused to back down. I squared my shoulders and met his gaze with defiance. "Your words mean nothing to me, Smith. I'd rather be 'pathetic' than heartless and cruel like you." The tension between us crackled in the air, and I could see the frustration in Smith's eyes. He was used to power and control, but he couldn't control me. As much as I wanted to avoid Smith, I couldn't let his actions slide. But before I could take another step, he angrily grabbed my hand, stopping me in my tracks. His grip was like a vice, firm and intimidating. "You want to go tell your master, huh?" he hissed, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're a lady, Annabel, but you kiss and tell." I recoiled at his words, a mix of anger and shock coursing through me. "Excuse me?" I replied, trying to maintain my composure. "What you did was wrong, Smith. I won't let you get away with it." Smith's eyes bore into mine, and for a moment, I thought he might show some remorse. But his next words were like a punch to the gut. "I could always tell Thomas how you practically jumped on me the moment I entered your room to apologize," he sneered. "He'd love to hear about that, wouldn't he?" My heart raced, and my face burned with humiliation. It was true that I had been angry and confrontational with Smith when he came to my room to apologize for his past actions, but I had never imagined he would twist the truth to manipulate me. His threat was a low blow, exploiting my vulnerability. At that moment, I had a decision to make. On one hand, I could reveal Smith's actions to Thomas, seeking justice for what he had done. On the other hand, I knew that Smith's claim, no matter how false, could taint my reputation and possibly damage the trust between me and my master. Smith's wicked smile grew wider as he saw the uncertainty in my eyes. "Think about it, Annabel," he taunted. "You can expose me and ruin your reputation in the process. Or you can keep your little secret and save face. It's your choice." I pulled my hand from his grasp, anger still burning inside me, but now mixed with resignation. At that moment, I made a choice that went against my instincts. I chose not to tell Thomas, not because I was weak, but because I refused to let Smith have that power over me. I wouldn't let him tarnish my name with his lies and manipulation. With a final glance filled with anger and disgust, I turned and walked away from Smith, leaving the confrontation behind. I had chosen silence for the sake of my integrity, but the battle between us was far from over. The evening had descended upon the werewolf community, and my stomach growled in hunger. I decided to grab a quick bite at one of the local fast food spots, hoping to ease the tension that had been building throughout the day. The smell of greasy food and the dim lighting of the establishment provided a temporary escape. I had just taken my first bite when someone took a seat opposite me, nearly causing me to choke on my food. It was Lombard, his piercing green eyes locked onto mine. Before I could utter a word, he cut straight to the point. "Move out," Lombard said firmly, his tone leaving no room for negotiation. I was taken aback by his abruptness. "What? Why would I move out?" Lombard leaned in, his voice lowered but no less intense. "Living in your master's pack house isn't the best idea, Annabel. It's time for you to find your place. I'll even be nice enough to help you look for a home." The audacity of his suggestion left me speechless. I had become a loyal Beta in Thomas's pack, and the thought of leaving felt both unnecessary and unsettling. "I appreciate the offer, but I'm quite content where I am. Why should I move?" Lombard's eyes bore into mine, and a wry smile tugged at the corner of his lips. "Annabel, you've grown stronger and more independent. You don't need to rely on your master for everything, including shelter. Besides, you receive enough salary to afford a place of your own." I shook my head, the idea of moving out of the pack house seeming absurd to me. "Lombard, I'm not here for the money or personal gain. I've found a family here, a purpose. I belong with them, and I won't be swayed by material things. I won't leave." Lombard's expression hardened, and his gaze turned stern. "You're being naive, Annabel. There's a world beyond the pack, and you should explore it. Don't let your loyalty blind you to the possibilities." I sighed, frustrated by his persistence. "Lombard, I know there's a world out there, but it's not the world I want. I want to stay with my pack, my family. I won't leave, no matter how much you insist." Lombard raised an eyebrow and then asked, " What about your mother? Aren't you at least worried about your real family? Are you that heartless?"
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