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SMITH’S POV Today has been nothing but irritating for me and everyone around me was completely useless. I was trying my best not to blow up on my so-called wife, but everything she did was just annoying. She was the most irritating wolf I had ever encountered! Ever since I rejected Annabel, my parents had been pressuring me to get a new mate and Alice was the only one who was capable. I had to marry her and now she had been nothing but a thorn in my side. "I'm sorry, you didn't tell me before that you didn't want it spicy." She whined before she rushed to do what was necessary. I had just come back from an important mission with Kris and I was starving, she hadn't made me food earlier and I was waiting to eat the food she had prepared. "Master, you should take it easy with Luna Alice, she must have been so excited to see you that she forgot about what you said. You know you're never home with her." Kris opened his mouth and I really didn't want him to, "Well maybe if she were more like that Beta, I wouldn't be in this position, hungry and angry." I rolled my eyes at him and took an apple. I had to eat something to suppress my hunger and my anger, "did you hear?" And Kris let out a loud groan. "Yes I heard, she is all over the place, her name and her feats, she is the Goddess's reincarnate, she could never do wrong." He rolled his eyes at me and I let out a shrill laugh of amusement, "You and Alice should take lessons from her, just imagine, a woman dragging an alpha around the streets of his pack and the one I have here could barely make me a Meal." I scoffed as Alice brought food with her head lowered down, she served me and Kris but she smiled at him and I ignored it. They were friends and I didn't want to get into their business. "Well I have to admit she is a good one, and after all, I expected it because Alpha Thomas was the one who trained her. She is his Beta and he never does anything less than perfect." Kris spoke up once again as he took the first few bites of his food, Alice sat day with us and served herself, "But everyone has flaws, even the Alpha himself, I don't expect her to be perfect. She might be extremely skilled but she isn't perfect." I froze and eyed my wife and my hard expression caused her discomfort, "She is right, Alpha." Kris supported her and I could see some happiness in her but I only snorted at them both. "Give me a break, if you tried the way she does I wouldn't complain as much as I do every day. You're both the reason I'm aging so fast, I bet Thomas looks younger than me now." I finished the food quickly, it didn't really make a difference to me, I was too hungry to know whether it tasted good or not, "prepare yourself Kris, we will be going to see Thomas, we have a business to deal with." And I left them to talk about whatever they wished. This Beta was everywhere and like Kris said she was the Goddess's reincarnation. She was strong and gifted, a great warrior and I'm sure she must be beautiful too, after all, I don't see why Thomas would keep an ugly duckling with him. He must be hitting on her, no one would be able to resist a woman that could stand on her two feet. It was even a bit intimidating to be beside such a woman, and any man with a weak ego would fall. But I knew I was better than her, after all, she was just a woman. But she is way better than Alice. She is utterly useless. I can only give her credit for bearing my son, nothing else. **** The journey to Thomas's pack wasn't too long, but we were stopped for a security check. There had been some opposition to his pack a few weeks back, and I thought he was done for, but he proved himself as an alpha once again and gave massive Credence to both his Betas. I was really eager to meet this woman, and I was sure that once she saw me, she would be all over me. She was an incredible warrior and I was sure she must be good in bed too. My mind was running wild with inappropriate thoughts about her and I was enjoying it. Kris didn't say anything throughout and I was grateful for his silence, I wanted to keep daydreaming about this Beta for a little while longer before I took her away from Thomas. We eventually reached the main house and I saw him giving something to Lombard to deliver, but when he raised his eyes and met mine, he gave me a smile that I knew all too well. "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to pay us a visit!" He spread his arms open as we got closer to each other and embraced. "What happened to you, Smith? You're looking so old now!" Thomas joked and I could only roll my eyes at him. "Everyone's giving me a headache. I want to swap some wolves for yours if you don't mind." I chuckled and he joined in. "It's been a while, Thomas, and you're still looking as fine as ever. Got a new p***y?" We walked into the mansion and my question made him burst into a fit of deranged laughter. "Well, that could be a possibility, but let's just say I have the best people around me. Please, sit." He motioned me to the chair and I took my seat while Kris gave us some privacy. "I hope Alice still hits on you now and then." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. "I'm tired of her. I need a new thing to play with." My eyes were searching for her all around. I knew she was here somewhere, but I hadn't seen her yet. "I actually came for business and I want to make a deal with you. There's a border we share and it's very rich in resources. We should start exploring it and share the profit. It would be very beneficial for the pack." "That is true. I've been thinking about it, but some people live on the border and I want to consider them before doing anything." Thomas was always one to care about what others thought. I just did my thing and if anyone had to say anything about it, they would be executed. I had no time to waste asking the opinions of other people, especially when they wouldn't support me. "We can always think about that later. It's a hotspot and I think it should be explored as soon as possible before enemy packs start to set their eyes on it." I made my points and it made him ponder. Thomas was like a brother to me, but he was so slow in decision-making. "So what about her?" I asked out of the blue, which knocked him out of his thoughts. "Who?" He wondered and I smirked. "Your Beta, of course." My smirk grew wider and he started to form. "I've been wanting to meet her. That's another reason why I'm here." "Well, she—" "Master Thomas, I bring good news!" I saw her rush in to meet him and she took a knee. She turned her eyes to meet me and when our eyes collided, my throat dried. Her skin was as pale as I could remember, and her eyes were still the rarest shade of blue but her body, damn her body had changed to the point that it was unrecognizable. She was beautiful, she was hot and she was my mate, ready for my claim.
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