chapter two: Headlights

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"Mate!" Drake growled again his eyes turning shifting between green and Black, his face contorted. While my stomach turned into knots, so he was truly my mate? Mine? All along I've been living under the same roof with my mate and I didn't even realise it and how come he didn't either? "She's ---- she's your mate? What do you mean by that?!" My eyes snapped towards Lynn who was equally shocked. "She's nothing but a ratched rug! A good for nothing piece of trash! You can't have such a girl as your mate she's just a slu----" "She's mine!" he threateningly said dangerously looking at her and she flinched taking a step back, "say s**t like that one more time and that pretty head of yours will no longer be attached to your body," he threatened her. Hearing this threat, the knots in my stomach turned into butterflies my heart filling up with hope, if he could tell her that then it means he's going to accept me, this means that finally the torture will be over and I will finally be free. But wait, I remember he hated me so then, won't being mated to me complicated things well never mind, I'm sure it won't I mean he just defended me Infront of his girlfriend, meaning that he will probably treat me well. And about the torture he's put me through, he has repented for all of it by sticking up for me and defending me. "Hmm!" Lynn who was still behind him, huffed stomping her feet and walking out of the room. I fixed my gaze on the alpha patiently waiting for him to accept me and be my saviour but seeing the look of disgust he was giving me, I knew nothing good was coming my way. "You are my mate? You--- of all the females in this pack, I ended up with you," he let out a humorless chuckle and ran his hands in his hair in a frustrated manner, my heart sinking again. " It seems the goddess is trying to punish me cause there is no way I can have this thing as my mate," hearing him refer to me as an object, while looking at me as if I was nothing but a trash can full of dirt and stinky garbage, made my chest tighten into knots, I was used to being called names but hearing it from the man meant to love me was not as bearable. "I'm never going to accept you," he spoke his voice dripping with anger and disgust. With force he held my arm and spoke, "I Drake Hopberg reject you Brook powers as my mate and Luna," A gasp escaped from my lips followed by an intense pain in my chest. I placed ny hand on my chest feeling like all the air was sucked out of my lungs. Letting out a gasp of pain, I placed both my hands on my chest falling to my knees. The pain, of rejection was far more painful than I had ever imagined! "Accept the rejection!" He growled, kneeling to my level, wrapping his hand around Mt neck forcing me to look into his dark and menacing eyes. "I Brook powers---," I chocked out while preventing a sobber from escaping ," accept your rejection," "Good" he forcefully let go of me and I found myself in the floor coughing out in pain.. Unable to take the pain, I got up and ran out of the pack house, not even sure where I was running to but all I knew was that I couldn't stay. I couldn't stay in the pack anymore. Not with so much pain, I needed to leave, I needed to go far far away from Drake and everyone else! After running for what felt like hours which was probably just a few minutes, I stopped near the big tree which was the opening to the clearing where we usually had our bon fires. I leaned on the tree gasping for breath.. It was a chilly night but the air around me felt hot too hot. "Why does it hurt so much," I said to myself sitting down, allowing the tears to flow freely. I let out a scream of pain holding myself while letting the tears flow like a river, I didn't even have the strength to wipe them away. Why did the moon goddess create me if she knew that my life was always going to be one full of suffering, misery and pain, Why!! "Why don't you just kill me already because I don't want to suffer like this any more moon goddess, just kill me!" I pleaded looking at the full moon that was shining brightly on me. " Just please listen to me once and free me from this misery, just kill me," I whispered but I knew she wasn't going to hear me, she's never heard any of my prayers so then why will she hear this one? "I'm sure she might be here somewhere," I heard a familiar voice that belong to non other than Lynn. I sniffed, looking around wondering what she was doing here and who she was talking to. "Look carefully, We have to find her as soon as possible and remember, as soon as you catch her, don't hesitate. Just finish her off, got it!" "What?" I widened my eyes in shock quickly getting up. Finish her off? Does ----does she want to kill me? I sniffed trying to catch a wiff of the scent to know who she was with and I could smell several scents but they were all unknown, smelled like burnt timber, rogues! Why were there rogues in the pack? How did they manage to pass by the pack borders? "I can see her there, by the big tree!"" I heard Lynn yell. "Run," I heard Cassy say in my heard. "What?" With no time to react she made shift into her saying, "Run else they will kill us!" Not willing to die even though I was begging the moon goddess to kill me, I sprinted across the clearing, heading straight to pack borders. "Don't let her get away, catch her!" The sound of bones breaking filled the air followed by the sound of paws fiercely hitting the ground fuelling me to run even faster--- faster than I've ever run. It was at this moment that I realized the benefits of training and doing the morning sprints. I could hear them getting closer and despite me pushing myself to run faster, I could still hear the coming closer and closer. "snap!" I let out a yelp when I felt one of the rogues bite my leg but I quickly shock him off running even faster than I have ever run in my entire life. I felt a liquid flow on my leg and the smell of my blood filled the air but the pain was just like a scratch. I've felt and experienced worse than this. "Moon goddess I know I said I wanted to die but not like this! Please if you can listen to my prayer about death then listen to my prayer again, I don't want to die I wanna live," I said to the goddness while pushing myself to run until "Bum!" A howl of pain left my wolf when I felt one of the wolves slam hard into my side, my body tumbling down the cliff. I kept on internally screaming hoping that the pain I was feeling from being scratched down by the trees would end but the more I screamed, the more I felt sharp twigs piercing every inch of my body until with a loud thud, I harshly landed on the ground a cloud of dust rising. For a moment I felt like one of my ribs snapped in three places. I tried to stand up and continue running but it's like I was paralyzed. I couldn't move. No this can't be it, this can't be the end of me, I just can't die like this! "Get up!" Cassy screamed in my head and I tried with all my might to stand up. "Get up damn it!" She said again lending me all the strength she had and I managed to stand but my body was extremely sore, my vision blurry. I could feel pain on every inch of me, reminding me of that torturous moment I went through when I burnt one of Lynn's shirts while ironing it. Alpha gave me the worst beating of all time. It was so painful that I passed out and I couldn't help but feel the same way. Knowing that I wasn't going to reach far like this, I decided to shift back into my human naked self. I know it was a terrible idea running around in the forest like this but I couldn't just sit here and wait for them to find and kill me, Cassy would never let me. "You are right, I won't let us die like this, we have to fight till the end," she said in my head. I heard a howl coming up above the cliff and using my super hearing, I heard the wolves start coming down the cliff. Holding my side which was badly injured, I started moving forward pushing myself to run but I was just limping. My leg was bleeding heavily and so was my arm and my side. I could feel tiny prickles of pain all over my skin but I ignored it. I wasn't going to let it slow me down. I felt a warm liquid flowing down my face but I wiped it off not even bothered to check whether it was sweat or blood. My main focus was to keep moving, to keeping pushing myself forward. To keep running towards only God knows where until---- "Peee!!" the loud ringing of the car horn followed by a blinding bright light caught my attention. "Huh," with blurry eyes, I looked to the side wondering what the light was and where it was coming from until--- "Bum!" pain that I have never felt before coursed through my body momentarily paralyzing me, "Ah!" I let out a barely audible scream of pain as my body hit the cold hard floor with a thud. The entire world around me started spinning in circles till nothing------ everything just stopped, all the pain I was feeling completely stopped and I was sucked into an empty space with only darkness and peace surrounding me.
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