
The Beta's Abused Mate


#DreamewrittingmarathonIIBrooke powers, a slave to an alpha of crescent moon pack has always dreamed of a happy ever after with her mate until she discovers she is mated to her main tormentor and abuser, Alpha Drake. She's delighted to be mated to an alpha but her delight is snuffed out when he rejects her. Unable to take the pain, she rans away and meets her second chance mate, Aaron Leigh. Cheated and lied to by the woman he thought was his mate, Aaron Leigh, future Beta of royal Black Phantom pack gave up hope of ever having a mate and resulted into having flings and mistresses until he met Brook Powers, a girl that looked just like the woman who cheated him, He was smitten by her but looking at his past he knew she was only here to hurt him again and he was going to stop at nothing until he punished her for what she did but little does he know that Brooke is a completely different person.

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chapter one: mated to Alpha Drake
**Brook pov** Brook powers!" I heard a loud powerful voice growl my name, shaking the foundation of the pack house and I flinched, almost dropping the plates I was washing. "What did I do now," I muttered to myself not willing to go through anymore torture and beatings. I had already had enough beatings to last me an entire year, there was no need of giving me more "Brook!" The voice belonged to non other than alpha Drake, the alpha of this pack. The most savagest and cruelest alpha in all of England. He was a no nonsense 25 year old alpha who ruled this pack with an iron fist. He was so hot headed and with a bad temper such that not many people liked him well ----- who am I kidding, this packed adored him, they worshiped him except me of course. I hated him with a passion and the only thing I wanted was to run away from this pack, far away, where he couldn't find me. The main reason why I hated him so much was because he killed my parents and turned me into the pack punching bag and slave! Drake wasn't a born alpha but he was a rogue that ambushed this pack when I was ten years old, he killed my parents and proclaimed himself as the alpha, in the processes, turning me into his personal slave to show that he was so powerful that an alpha's daughter served him. At first it was just him who bullied and belittled me until he coaxed the whole pack into torturing me and I turned from being his personal slave to being everyone's slave. "Brook, where the heck are you!!" The voice called again this time with a sense of urgency. I quickly wiped my hands and turned, looking at the kitchen entrance scared out of my mind, wondering why he was looking for me again. I took in a deep breath mentally preparing myself for another beating. My body was already sore from this morning's beatings and the cut on my arm hadn't even Healed yet. When I got my wolf last year, alpha Drake thought that I would be getting healed fast even after beating me to death but sadly because of all the torture and abuse I've gone through, my wolf came out weak. I can barely shift and she rarely makes her presence known. The only thing she's ever said to me ever since I got her last year was just a "I'm Cassy" and that's all, since then I've never heard from her. "Brook powers!!" alpha Drake growled again and I heard his footsteps coming towards the kitchen. This is it, I'm going to die for sure this time. He will probably beat me to death again and --- I could already feel the pain that was awaiting me. "f*****g Brook, how many times have I called you!!" he spat the moment he step into the kitchen and found me standing there with my back against the Kitchen counter and my head lowered. I can't deny the fact that I was scared shitless, his beatings where the worst and for once I just wish he could let me be. "Speak fool!!" He yelled his fist connecting with my cheek and a silent scream escaped my lips as I fell on the ground. "Do you f*****g want to die," he asked wrapping his large hand around my neck but I didn't do anything. I neither screamed in pain nor tried to fight him, I just silently sat there, tears falling from my eyes this time accepting the fact this was my life and that there was nothing I could do to stop it. This time I was ready to die, atleast dying would save me from all the pain and torture that he put me through. "Baby, where are you?" We heard the voice of non other than Lynn's say. Drake immediately withdrew his hand off my neck and I took in a breath coughing loudly feeling sorry for my self, Lynn coming here meant that my torture would increase and I wasn't ready for more. My body was already sore. Lynn was Alpha Drake's girlfriend, Alpha Drake doesn't care about the mate bond because and I quote 'the mate bond makes one weak' so instead he chose Lynn and made her his mate right after killing her fated mate who was his previous beta. Yes Drake was a twisted fellow. "I'm in the kitchen love," alpha Drake responded in a much calmer and less scary voice taking a step back. I took in another breath sitting on the floor my head lowered not making eye contact. Atleast this way, they can leave me alone. "Baby what's taking so long," I heard Lynn say followed by kissing sounds but I didn't dare look, looking would earn me another death beating "Sorry baby this little brat just annoyed me. Slave, Make a cheese sandwich," he addressed me, " I want it done as soon as possible," he ordered " Yes alpha," I whispered getting up from the floor and busying myself with making it, glad that he didn't hurt me more than usual. If only I could meet my mate, maybe having a mate would take me out of this hell hole but ---- sigh---- that's all wishful thinking. I know I'm never going to find him, with a weak wolf, it's impossible to have a mate. Everyone meets their mate when they turn sixteen but tomorrow will be my 17th birthday and I still haven't met him, that's just proof that I don't have one and will always be like this, living in this hell hole. I quickly finished up making the sandwich and while walking up the stairs towards alpha Drake's room, I smelt a faint sweet scent of sandle wood and freshly cut grass but I completely ignored it. My main focus was to deliver the meal on time so that I can finish my chores and get some rest and wake up early. I softly knocked on the door and after hearing a come in, I pushed open the door only to be slapped in the face with the most intoxicating and utterly amazing scent that I've ever smelt in the entire world. I raised my head to see where the scent was coming from and my eyes met with his, Alpha Drake's eyes who was sitting on the bed his hands around Lynn's barely covered ass. He pushed Lynn off and stood up his eyes as dark and terrifying as a rogue whose gone feral! "Mate!!" He let out a growl, and a gasp escaped from my lips, the tray slipping from my hands and falling on the floor, glass pieces scattering everywhere, fear engulfing me. He is definitely going to kill me for breaking his plates I said to myself but seeing how he was frozen in shock standing there proved to me that I was going to be beaten for something else. "Mate? What do you mean by mate?" Lynn asked blinking rapidly while I did the same unable to comprehend what I just heard. Mate? Did I just hear the alpha Call mate? No wait maybe it's someone else. I looked behind me to see whether there was someone standing behind me but to my dismay there was no one, I turned back and found him standing right Infront of me his dark terrifying eyes, fixed on mine. I felt so small and wanted to shrink myself but the ground was too hard for me to sink in. No it can't be, Alpha Drake didn't just call me mate right? I mean there must be some misunderstanding. "He's our mate," I heard cassy whisper in my mind the words that had my insides melting in a bad way. What? I'm mated to alpha Drake?? But how is that possible????

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