Chapter Five - The break up

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Terry Laine Pierce I moved closer to my own body which made Ethan looked uncomfortable, but I didn’t mind him as I continued on telling my story. “Because when I was on my way out of that amusement park, a woman pulled me on some tent because she’s a fortune teller,” I told him and continued telling him what happened back there that shocked him for a moment. “W-What the hell? Do you think she was actually telling the truth?” Ethan asked and he looks so bothered by it so I just nodded. “At first, I didn’t believe her because imagine, someone telling you that you can swap bodies or souls with someone else? Do you think I’ll believe that?” I said which made him sigh before scratching the back of his neck. “Do you think she cursed us cause you didn't pay?” he asked which made me gulp, if that was the reason… isn’t that too low for her to do that?  "N-No and if it really is because of that, then why did she included you? She doesn’t know you for sure, she only met me” I stated so he just nodded as if he agrees with me. “We should find and ask her for the cure or break this goddamn spell” he suggested which I immediately accepted. Amusement parks here only open at night, so we decided to stick around his condominium until night, I can't believe I skipped classes! I have never done that before, Jessica is probably worried about me, my phone is at my apartment so I can’t contact her. “Hey let's go, it's probably open now” Ethan suddenly popped out of his room so I just nodded before lazily standing from his couch.  “Here, wear this... it's cold at night” he said while giving me some sweaters, he’s already wearing one too for my body which made me smile, he’s really a nice person. “Thank you” I genuinely smiled which made him stop before looking at me intently, his stares are intense that I could almost melt if he continues, when he noticed my uneasiness he immediately averted his gaze. Weird. We finally left their condo and I find it funny seeing myself drive when I don’t even know how to! After we have arrived at the amusement park, I immediately looked for that tent but it was gone, the tent where I went out before was gone. “S-She's gone… the tent was gone! I know for sure that it was right here!” I cried so he immediately came towards my front to offer me some handkerchief, I was astounded when he tip-toed to wipe some of my tears away because of my height. It’s so embarrassing so I just took it away from him and did it myself.… my height probably burdens him right now. “Are you really sure that it was here? It was late that night your thoughts might be clouded… so let's look around” Ethan tried to console me so I just sighed before nodding at him. We tried to look for that tent and woman for hours, but luck wasn’t on our side because we didn’t find anything even if it’s just a clue, it’s almost midnight so we both decided to go back towards their condominium. After we got back there, he pulled me inside of his room and that’s where I started crying again. “What should we do know? She disappeared like bubbles” I mumbled and he gave me some handkerchief again that made me cry even more. "Hey! Hey! Calm down... We'll figure this out again tomorrow, please stay here for tonight since it's already late and while David is still not here, I can borrow woman's clothes that were being left in his room for tomorrow” he comforted me so I just sighed before nodding as I rest my back on his bed, he placed a warm blanket on my top before hopping in together with me on the bed which made me stood up. “W-What do you think you’re doing? We’re sleeping together? B-But—” I panicked but he cut me off. “Don't worry, I know for sure you won't do something with your body am I right?” he said while laughing like he’s really amused, so I thought about that for a moment, he’s right… nothing will happen because I won’t do something to my body. I just shook my head and closed my eyes, it was hard because my mind was deep in thoughts so I was surprised when I fell asleep soundly that night. *** I woke up feeling the warm and fluffy bed below me as I stretched out my arms, my lids open and when I noticed an unfamiliar ceiling so I immediately stood up and examined myself, my fawn hair is present and my body is in its normal height and weight again. “I-I'm inside my body again!” I cried before hugging myself, it feels so good to be back… I’m so happy right now! “Well so we're both back to our own bodies, I'm glad it's just a one-time thing… it would really bad if it’s not” Ethan sighed in relief on the other side of the bed, so I immediately moved away from him. Sure it’s okay to be in the same bed last night because I was in his body… but now that I’m back on my own body, it feels so awkward to be in the same bed. “I really hope that it was a one-time thing, I never want to lose my body again” I honestly said which made him laugh on my side. He suddenly stood up and stretched his joints before looking at me which made me gulp, this is the first time that I have stared at him up close. He has thick brown tousled waves, his jaw was well-defined, his eyes were like deep pools of ocean blue I can swim there if I wanted to, he has a well-built body like it was perfectly sculpted by the God's, his pair of lips were plump and ripe. I could drool any moment at the sight of this guy. He was that gorgeous! “Terry Laine… stop checking me out, it's like you have not been inside this gorgeous body… so do you want to eat breakfast?” he teased which made me narrow my eyes on him. “N-No I’m not! I-I think I should go home… the winds might take me away because of you” I said so he laughed again that sounded like a classic melody on my ears. Terry Laine Pierce! You already have a boyfriend! Snap out of it! I reminded myself. “Alright, let me see you out,” he said so I just smiled before jumping out of the bed before fixing myself, after we got out, we heard that familiar voice that’s calling for Ethan. “Dude? Ethan?—Oh! Well, hello there sunshine!” David greeted with a big smile on his lips, I immediately remembered my encounter with him yesterday so I instantly hid on Ethan’s back due to embarrassment. “No way… don't tell me you saw him—” “Don’t say another word, Ethan!” I cut him off but he just laughed so I pinch and hurt him multiple times behind his back. “O-Ouch alright! Alright ugh... sorry that you have to witness that” he sincerely apologized while glancing at David, I don’t know what confidence do I have to touch and bully him like this, we're not that close but I felt closer to him to what has happened between us yesterday. “Something happened last night that I didn’t know huh?” David teased so Ethan immediately shook his head. “It's not what it looks like dude, she just helped me on something important in school, it’s about my grades” Ethan reasoned out so David just nodded and he looks like he doesn’t believe him. "Sure whatever you say, dude, I’m only here to let you meet our new mascot man, I also brought him here to get the costume for himself” after David said those words, a man has entered their unit which made my eyes widened. When he found my eyes he immediately screamed “Terry!? Is that you?” he shouted like he was really shocked. “R-Ray!?” I shockingly said and immediately went out from my hiding on Ethan’s back, my heart is pounding so rapidly because of what he will think right now. “What are you doing here?!” he asked and I can tell that he sounded so furious right now most especially because of the face he is making, I’m nervous as hell even though I didn’t do anything. "U-Um, I’m here because… because…” what should I tell him? I’m here because Ethan and I swapped bodies so we skipped classes yesterday to try and find the solution to that problem? It was already late that’s why Ethan let me stay here? He might think I'm crazy! “What?! Explain to me!” I flinched when he demanded at me so I exhaled out a lungful air before talking to him calmly.  “I-I was just helping him on his school works Ray... nothing happened between us and maybe I fell asleep while studying his books, why weren’t you answering my texts and calls? I could’ve told you what happened” I nervously said, I’m sorry Ray! But I have to lie to you on that swapping part because it’s weird! “Y-You’re lying, Terry! Tell me the truth! What are you doing here?!” he shouted so my palms started to get sweaty. “But that’s what really happened… Ray, please listen to me—” I said but he harshly pulled me away from Ethan, his grip on my arms are so painful that made my knees go weak. “W-Wait Ray, it hurts… please” I begged as I tried to get his hands away from me because it’s starting to get numb. “Let her go, you're hurting her...” Ethan firmly said like he’s trying to control himself, he sounded really pissed with the use of his words. “Don’t bother us, Gregory! You don’t have any right to say something from here! Terry and I need to talk because she has to explain things to me!” Ray furiously shouted while dragging me away from that place, I feel like I'm starting to burst out because of the pain he gives to me and I’m too embarrassed about how he treats me like this in their presence. “Wait a minute! Why does she need to explain to you? Why do you need to tell him, Terry? What are you two?” David confusingly asked, I glance at his side only to see Ethan who's looking at us intently. He looks like he wants to step over and save me. “A person, what else?” Ray muttered which made me shook my head, he’s starting to be difficult again. “What? You’re a person? I thought you were an animal—” “H-He’s my boyfriend” I cut David off before he could finish his sentence which made his eyes widened when I said those words. “What?! This is really your boyfriend? Then why did I saw him making out with someone else yesterday and the other day? I thought he and Cara were together because they had an intense making out live session yesterday, it was really interesting to watch! O-Ops... I just made things worse didn't I?”  David said which made my eyes widen, my heart instantly sank after I heard those words, Ray is cheating on me? Was this the reason why he isn’t answering my calls and texts? I glance at him, only to witness that his eyes are widened before glaring at me again, I can’t believe this! “Is this true Ray? You’re cheating on me? Since when?!” I furiously screamed before slashing his hands away from me. “Don’t turn this on me because this is your fault! How can you tell that he’s telling the truth huh? Does he has evidence?!” he shouted at me which made me grip my hands as I felt that my tears streaming down to my cheeks. “Shut up Ray, David might be insane but he will never lie about these kinds of things” Ethan firmly said to him but Ray didn’t mind that because he’s just glaring at me.  “f**k, you’re just making me hate you even more huh? We’ve been together for years now but you didn’t want to be touched and claimed by me because you’re picky! I looked for other women to give me what I desire because of you! Now I’m seeing you here with that Gregory!? So what now? You gave your virginity to him and not to your boyfriend?! You’re a slut—”  I slapped him before he could finish his words, what he’s saying right now is hurting and killing me on the inside. “I-I can’t believe you… is that what you only wanted from me, Ray? I have loved you! If that’s what you want to believe, fine! But I know to myself that I didn’t do anything that will make this relationship broken… I fought so hard to keep us together! I-I have loved you for who you are and that was a mistake… we’re breaking up! Get the hell away from my sight!” I furiously shouted at him, I can feel my body shaking while saying those words, but he just glared at me like he didn’t care about the moments that we have shared together. “You’ll regret this Terry! We’re not done yet!” he screamed at me which made me close my eyes and avoided his gaze. “Get the f**k out weirdo! You heard her, leave or so help me God I'll drag your s**t out of this place!” Ethan furiously said. Ray left without saying a word so I fell on my knees and cried on the floor because of what just happened. I can’t believe this… he only wants s*x from me, so he didn’t love me from the start? I should’ve listened to Jessica. “Holy s**t dude! That was a live drama this early in the morning! Can you believe that?” David exclaimed but I didn’t glance at him. “Hey… are you okay? s**t, of course, you're not… stop crying and please seat on the sofa the floor is cold” Ethan said and I just cried as I let him guide me towards the sofa.  To be continued...
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