Chapter Four - Swapped

2275 Words
Terry Laine Pierce I still can’t believe what am I seeing on my front, it took me a lot of time to process what's happening but I just can’t process it fully. I look like Ethan James Gregory?! Is this a dream?! “Dude? Is there a fire? Why are you shouting like a freaking woman over there?” I flinched when I heard David’s voice from my side and was surprised to see him butt naked outside of the shower. “AHH! PERVERT! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!” I hysterically screamed while throwing some shampoo’s, slippers, and some things that my hands are grabbing on the ground and shelves, he’s trying to avoid everything that I throw. “O-Ouch! Hey! What are you doing? Stop that! Are you drunk?” David complained so I stopped before avoiding his presence. “W-What did you to me?!” I cried while hugging myself but he just looked at me weirdly before scratching the back of his head. “Huh?! What the hell are you saying, dude? You sounded like I harassed you! I’m too handsome for that come on! Are you in drugs this early?” he asked and he’s still not looking for some towel to cover his unnecessary parts that should be hidden. Does he not notice me as a woman? Maybe he can only see me as Ethan, I slowly stood up and avoided his naked body again. “P-Please get inside of that shower and go get yourself some freaking clothes!” I nervously scolded while covering my face with my bare hands, my virgin eyes are now tainted! “What?! Duh?! There’s never a day that you don’t see me naked! You’re so nitpicky sometimes!” David complained before marching back towards the bathroom like he owns the whole world which made me sigh while holding out to my chest. I’m nervous as hell! I haven’t seen someone else naked before! Is this a dream? I don’t understand what’s going on anymore! This is pure madness! I peeked to where he was showering, the glass was not transparent that’s why I can only see his shadow while he’s enjoying and singing inside his bath. “U-Um… D-David? What is the day today?” I curiously asked and patiently waited for him to answer. “Friday dude, why do you have a date? I told you not to reply to that woman! She’s one of the craziest women inside of that University!” David said which made me sigh because I don’t understand what’s he talking about, I suddenly got nervous because it was Thursday yesterday! Is this the reality? I immediately shook my head, this is just a freaking dream! After David finished taking his bath, I immediately entered the showers to take my clothes off. This dream is too surreal… I washed with my narrowed eyes are closed most especially on the private parts that got me flustered, after I dried myself out, I went out to get some clothes. My eyes set on one dark cabinet and I have this feeling that this is mine or my gut feeling told me so, what’s happening to me is strange and I have to check if my conclusions were right. After making myself look decent, my hands grabbed the bag that I usually see Ethan James Gregory uses, I left without waiting or saying goodbye to David because I’m terrified of him seeing me acting strange, I almost got lost while trying to find my way downstairs but luckily, I found a map and guided myself towards the ground floor of the condominium, I have to get to my apartment! The whole place looks familiar, I am still in our city and it's making me damn confused, I commuted towards my apartment and went to check if my body was still there, luckily Ethan’s been keeping his wallet here. My feet dashed after I went out to call for an Uber, it wasn’t that long when it arrived and dropped me off at my desired destination. I ran and opened my apartment door after I have reached the place, it wasn’t locked and the whole place looks like it was hit by a tsunami because of its mess, my body isn’t there too. My eyes glanced at the whole room and saw that my key is over there so I grabbed it and left towards the University, I have this gut feeling that my body is there. My feet don’t feel too tired when I’m running usually, I always stop to regain the air that I have lost, maybe this is a perk of having an athletes body! After I stepped foot inside the campus, I noticed some huge crowd in the center of the hallway that got me really curious, I tried to peek from afar and gasped while covering my mouth when I found out what they were seeing or whispering about. M-My body… is over there and I have no clothes aside from my undies! What the hell?! I almost wanted to cry due to embarrassment but my body glance at me so both of our eyes widened in disbelief like we have both seen a ghost, it feels like time has stopped the moment we have set our eyes on each other. T-This isn’t real! I must be dreaming right? I almost flinched when my body instinctively ran on my front and grabbed me on my wrists, pulling me away from that massive crowd. “I-It’s Ethan?! Why is he running away with that almost naked woman?!” some of the girls shrieked that scared me for a moment so I glanced at my body. “W-Where are you taking me my body?” I screamed and noticed that we’re inside the shower room of the boys. “A-Am I dreaming?!” I complained and my body looks like it’s still busy observing what’s going on, due to my dysfunctional mind, I gripped my body’s shoulders so tightly before shaking it that made my body look so dizzy.  “Give me my body back, please! I’m begging you…” I cried and I don’t care if someone sees me crying on a man’s body, I was really feeling desperate. “Wait... what the f**k? Terry Laine… is that you?” my body asked me which made me cry, my own body is talking to me! I can’t believe this! “Jesus! Stop crying I look like s**t!” my body said before offering me some towel that he got from a locker inside the shower room. I observed my body only to witness that I move and walk like Ethan which made me gasp. “W-Wait? Ethan is that you? A-Are you there… inside my body?!” I panicked which made him glance at me. “Yes and unlike you, I'm trying my best not to freak out right now, what in the world! Why are we on each other’s body?!” he screamed, he just told me he won’t panicked but he did, eventually. "I don't know and why did you go out only wearing those undies! You’re humiliating me in front of the school campus!” I complained so he just scratched the back of his head like he’s guilty. “Err... I thought I was dreaming too, I’m deeply sorry” he said before looking for clothes on the same locker, maybe that’s his locker every after training since this is the shower room of boys. “Darn! None of my clothes fits your body! I didn't know boobs were this heavy psh!” I heard him complain which made me blush. I feel so ashamed after hearing those words from him because those boobs are mine! I just shook my head and suggested something to him, maybe this will save me from embarrassment. “What if… I’ll get my own clothes on my locker? I’ll go now and please, don’t do any reckless to my body” I warned him so he just nodded, I immediately left towards my locker, luckily there are no people around that much probably because some of the classes already started. After I got my things and clothes from my locker, I came back and almost screamed when I saw a man with bruises on his face lying uncomfortably on the flat ground. “W-What happened? W-What did you do to him?” I nervously asked while giving him my clothes. "I just taught him a lesson, this bastard wanted to make out with your body just because I'm dressed like this!" I heard him complained, you can hear how irritated he was from his voice while shaking my wrists and arms. I feel like he used that to torture this man a while ago, I watched him wear my clothes and looked at me intently. “Terry Laine…” I gulped after hearing my suddenly attractive voice, why do I feel nervous hearing my body talk to me?!  “Darn! This is so weird... talking to my body and all” he said while scratching the back of my long wavy fawn hair, the feeling is mutual, I guess? “You know what we should do? Let's go to my place and talk there” he said which made me flinch. “W-We're going to skip classes? B-But… I haven't done that before!” I panicked which made him sigh. “For now, we both have to! Come on, let's go we really need to talk about this swapping thing” he said before dragging his own body using mine. “Christ! Am I this heavy? Walk Terry Laine... follow me” my body walked like a man so I secretly wipe my tears away.  Just why on earth did this happen? Why did we swap bodies or souls? I just sighed and followed him towards his car. It only took us minutes to arrive at their condominium without any distractions, he immediately opened the door of his room and went to look at his cabinet, a little while later, he came back with spare slippers and gave them to me. “The tiled floors are cold so wear that and let's eat first, I know for sure that you still haven't eaten yet,” Ethan said while walking towards the kitchen in a brusque manner, I just sighed and hugged myself, I can’t believe I’m seeing my body walk like that! How on earth did this happen? I flinched when he looked at me before half-smiling, his blue glinting eyes are dancing with amusement. “I look gay if you keep acting like that, I can't believe this is so interesting to watch! I never knew I look this good in other’s eyes… so this is why nobody can't resist me!” Ethan laughed while talking to himself which made me narrow my eyes at him, I didn’t know that Ethan James Gregory was this windy. I shook my head and just followed him through the kitchen, I watched him prepare some white bread and mozzarella cheese, he’s probably going to make some grilled cheese, yum! After he finished cooking that, he immediately gave me some which I excitedly took before biting, I moaned when I tasted his cooking… it taste so good! He grunted like he has seen something disturbing as he averted his eyes on me. “S-So um, can you explain to me why this weird thing is happening?” he asked so I frowned before biting at his homemade grilled cheese. “Do I look like that I know? I’m still overwhelmed by what has happened to us” I sighed before finishing my meal as I glanced all-around his unit, the place shouts rich and elegance due to its necessities. “Come on! There must be some sort of explanation here.. like voodoo magic or spells whatever you girls call that.. or are we cursed?” he asked which made me shook my head but stopped when I remembered something happened to me days ago. “I-It’s that fortune teller!" I screamed before standing up in disbelief that shocked him for a moment. “What? Terry Laine… you shouldn't go to those kinds of people, they will tell you weird stuff that you might believe in and then take your money... a waste of time and money if you ask me” he stated which made me shook my head. "No! Do you remember that University part last Wednesday?” I asked so he immediately nodded his head. “Yeah, I do remember about that… so what about it?” he asked which made me move closer to him.  I have to tell him what happened that night or else we’ll both be in big trouble! Or else we both might be cursed! To be continued…
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