Chapter Six - Misery

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Ethan James Gregory I didn't realize that it was actually 6 a.m. when that incident happened. It's 7:00 a.m. now and she's been crying nonstop. That weirdo isn't even worth her tears, I badly want to crush his face but I can’t blow my cover. All I know is that Ray is a douche bag and isn't really serious with Terry. What an asshole, he doesn’t deserve to be taken so lightly. David and I might look like players but we only play basketball not a woman's heart, sure we hook up with different girls sometimes but we make sure there's no emotion or feelings involved. Commitment is not my thing ever since I stepped foot into this place, I admire Terry for trying and risking her heart for someone who isn't even worth it. Terry is such a nice gal, I can't stand that she deserved this kind of heartbreak. It's boiling my blood so bad and I don't understand why I care for her this much. I barely even know her… is it because she’s my mate that was given by the Moon Goddess? “Dude, try to stop her from crying… we’re going to be late!” David whispered on my side so we sneaked from the back of the sofa, her back is on our front and she’s still crying which made me grit my teeth, it’s painful to see her like that. My wolf is whimpering. We hid at the back of the sofa a while ago because she started throwing some stuff that isn’t even hers when she was having a tantrum. We tried to talk to her that she should stop crying because he isn't worth her tears but she just burst into a more loud wail that terrified me. Sometimes girls really scare me, but in a good way though when it comes to Terry. Ugh! What am I saying?! “W-Wait what? Why me?!” I stuttered I hope my beta won’t find out that I already found my mate. He’ll push me to go back to that mountain again, but I’m not ready to go back there, I’m not even ready to face my mate as a werewolf. It’s just strange that we have swapped body or soul yesterday, it was terrifying for my part since she might found out who I really am, and I’m just so glad that it has ended. “B-Because that woman knows you more! So go ahead! Sing, dance, or whatever just make her laugh! She-wolves are much more easily to tame than humans! We just have to get them in bed jeez!” David complained while pushing me away from our hiding so I just sighed before glaring at him. I glance at Terry Laine again and stopped when I noticed how red her cheeks and eyes were, I immediately felt a pang in my heart at the sight of her, she also looks tired too. Shit! I can’t stand to see her like this, I stood right in front of her before sighing… she needs to stop crying. I coughed, trying to find my pitch, tone, or whatever those singers call that and I also want to catch her attention, I don’t have much talent in this kind of field but maybe, I can cheer her up. She's been beaten down Trampled on She swore to herself that she'd never Ever love again For a while For a while 'Cause love is for fools that's what she said And she's insecure and she goes out the door 'Cause her hearts been broken too many times before And she's insecure just like before But hey take a chance on me 'Cause somebody tore your heart And threw it away Never to come back again No oh ouh whou Now you're terrified and now you're afraid to fall But baby I know you're hurt but take a chance on me My dear We'll pick up the pieces we'll pick up the pieces And we'll be We'll be alright from here Ohh ohhh ohhh     By: Luigi Aviola After I sang my narrowed eyes awkwardly bore into her, why did I sing that song for her? It’s not compatible for cheering her up, it’s like I’m asking her to take a chance to fall in love again. She slowly lifts her head up for a moment which made me when someone laugh out loud. “HAHAHAHA holy sh—sorry dude! I can’t help it! You sounded so terrible!” Terry Laine and I glance at David and he’s now laughing while rolling on the floor, he’s now holding his tummy because he can’t stop himself. I furiously jumped on him and strangled his neck trying to choke him, I'm pissed because he's really telling the truth and he's rubbing it in on my face in front of my mate! “U-Urgk! Dude get off me! H-Hahaha stop acting like a child, accept the freaking p-fact! U-Urgk—stop!”  he just laughed even more because of how I strangle him. "S-Shut up! You're the one who pushed me to do it! It's not like you can do any better!” I furiously said while glaring at him. “S-Stop it you two…” David and I both stopped when we heard her voice, I looked at her and she’s smiling at us intently which made me smirk. There's that beautiful smile, I grunted in pain when I fell on the ground because David immediately stood up while I’m still mounting him. Dipshit! "T-Thank you and sorry for causing trouble… I’ll be going now so that I can attend the rest of my classes,” she said while she’s slowly walking towards the door. "Wait Terry... are you sure you can go home by yourself? I can take you home—”  I was stopped when David nudge my stomach which made me glare at him. “What? Do you want me to punch you?” I furiously asked but he just shook his head while pointing at the time. s**t, we’re going to be late. “N-No no… I’m fine Ethan and I’ll be okay, I'll see you around thank you”  she said and urged a fake smile so I averted my gaze at her, I didn't like those fake smiles. “Wait… at least take this jacket with you and keep it” I ran towards my room to grab my black windbreaker jacket and gave it to her. She looks like she’s contemplating to accept it which hurt my well-being for a moment “B-But Ethan—” “Please? Just to make me at ease” I said before she could finish her sentence, I almost sounded like I begged for her to take it. She shook her head before accepting my jacket, she waved her small delicate hands among us before leaving our unit. My eyes kept staring where she was a while ago and my wolf is freaking worried about her. I don't even understand myself anymore… I barely even know her but I worry too much about her psh! Maybe because of our bond as mates? “Something's smell fishy...” I almost flinched when I noticed David right in front of me that is looking at me intently, he’s smirking playfully like he’s trying to catch me on something he’s thinking so I just sighed. I hope he doesn’t find out yet that I have found my mate, I can’t let him know yet… it isn’t the right time. “You haven't taken a bath yet, that's why it smells fishy” I firmly said before turning my back on him, I heard him complain from the outside but I didn’t mind him. I better distract myself from her, this might be the last time we'll see or interact with each other again. I hope so. Terry Laine Pierce Empty. Tired. Pain. That’s what I saw after looking at my reflection in the mirror, I looked like a zombie because of my huge eye bags, my eyes are red due to my continuous crying. It’s been two days, I know I said that I’ll be attending my class last time, but after I left Ethan’s condominium, my body led me to my apartment, and cried on my bed not minding going to class anymore. In my state, I don’t think I’ll be able to focus on our lectures, that’s why I have decided to mourn alone with my broken heart. My mind can’t accept the idea of Ray cheating on me, we shared so many memories together... he was also there on the worst moments of my life… where did things go wrong? Maybe he fell out of love with me ever since he asked me to do that and I rejected him about that matter, even since the first semester of our 4th year… he just started drifting away from me. I told him before that I wanted to do it after the wedding… we talked about those things, we wanted to plan for our future first. He told me that he respected it… but what was I heard a while ago? I can’t accept it… it was all a lie when he told me that he’ll wait for me, he’ll wait when I’m finally ready to give myself to him, my tears streamed down to my cheeks again when someone knocked at my apartment door. I didn’t answer but it persistently knocked on my door. “I know you're in there Terry, open this door now… let me in” I heard Jessica’s voice from the outside which made me flinched because she sounded so furious. Even though my whole senses are against it, I stood up to open the door and it let me witness Jessica who’s busy judging my whole appearance, she just heaved a deep long sigh after seeing me and pulled me into a tight hug so I burst out in tears again. This is why I love Jess so much, she knows what I really need, she offered me to sit on the bed before giving me some tissues. “So... what happened that you have to skip classes for two days? It's not like you... you're not answering my calls and texts either so I got worried” she softly asked so I sighed before telling her everything that has happened, except for the fact that Ethan and I swapped souls and bodies. “Wait, let me get this straight… the other day, you have decided to tutor Ethan for an extra income that night because he has bad grades… and you fell asleep at that man’s condominium?! That's really reckless girl! You’re with a man, don’t do that again!” she scolded me. So I just sighed before shaking my head at her “He’s a good guy Jess, he wouldn’t do something like that” I firmly said so she just nodded before smiling. “Even so, he’s still not that close to you, but I’m so glad that you did stay there because at least you knew what that Ray has been doing behind your back, I’m so pissed off right now! I told you that he’s not that decent! Tomorrow he’ll be facing my fists and death!” from a sweet smile, Jess suddenly emitted a dark aura. “No Jess please, let’s just leave him be, we’re done so there’s nothing to talk about anymore,” I said so she just sighed. “Then stop moping here like an i***t and go to class on Tuesday! You have quizzes to take! Please let him witness that you’re not head over heels for him!” she said so I just sighed, I didn’t notice that it was already Sunday, I heard it’s a holiday tomorrow. “I'll go to class on Tuesday to take my missed quizzes but can we go to the bar after that?” I asked which made her eyes widened, she looks like she doesn’t want to do it in my current state but she just nodded before smiling. She really understands me a lot. “Fine... but that is the last time I'll see you mope and get wasted, do you hear me Terry?” she firmly said so I just nodded before hugging each other intently.  It looks like she doesn’t want to leave yet but I insisted that she should go because we will both see each other on Tuesday again. After she left, I stood up to take a bath and did all of my rituals, I jumped on my small bed before staring at my ceiling, I’m in deep thoughts again. The fact that Ethan and I swapped bodies almost slipped off my mind because of my broken state, why did that happen between us? Does that have an explanation? I hope it’s really just a one-time thing, I glance on the bedside table and saw Ethan’s windbreaker jacket. A smile formed on my plumped peach lips when I remembered him singing, he’s out of tune but he tried just so he could cheer me up on my state and stop me from crying. I just shook my head and decided to sleep, maybe after all that has happened we two will never talk to each other again. To be continued...
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