Chapter Seven - Don't mean it

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Terry Laine Pierce I didn’t do anything that much last Monday, I just reviewed everything that I have skipped to take most especially the special quizzes that I have missed. Aside from that, I did all of my advanced projects, I tried so hard to keep myself busy from the pain that I’m currently feeling at the moment. After I went to school early today, I don’t know what came over me but I’ve aced all of my missed quizzes, I felt better upon witnessing my perfect scores tests but I still don’t feel happy enough to celebrate. My feet brought me to my locker to get some reference books, and I don’t know if Ray’s doing it on purpose to hurt me more when I saw him on the other side of the locker, making out with some cheerleader, that’s probably the Cara that David was talking about before. I heaved a deep long sigh before turning my back on them, I faced my locker while clutching to my chest, it’s painful… I know I was fooled but the pain was unbearable, I should be mad but my tears are betraying me. My hands shakingly open my locker and left all of my used books a while ago, exchanging them for some new ones for my next class. I can feel my eyes burn like it’s ready to burst out so I immediately closed and securely locked my locker, I glance on the left side and saw that Jess is running towards me, her eyes glared at Ray’s presence and faced me with worry etched among her eyes. “T-Terry…” she said and she was about to give me a hug when I moved away and shook my head, I might burst out here on the hallways, I can’t have that.  “T-Terry I know it hurts, you have loved that guy but he didn't even respect you and you can see that right now! What an animal! How can he even reveal his face here at school?! Please don't cry here...” Jessica said so I slowly nodded at her trying to stop my tears from bursting or stream down to my cheeks. She dragged me away from there and I was astounded upon seeing that we’re already at my apartment so my tears didn’t waste any more time as they streamed down to my cheeks. “Oh, Terry…” Jess solemnly called me before she pulled me on a tight hug while gently caressing my back, when I finally calmed down, I stood up to wash my face and get ready. “U-Uh, what are you doing and where are you going?” she worriedly asked so I glanced at her. “You promised to go with me to the bar tonight right? Let’s go” I said while wearing the army green plaid skirt I picked from my cabinet and a black tank top. Jess didn’t have much of a choice before fixing up herself, she also has clothes here just in case we invited each other to go out, she lives at her house a little bit far from here. It looks like she wants to stop me from going out, I can feel it but she knows she can’t stop me right now due to my current state. I really want to drink just to get rid of this pain for a while, I also don’t think that I can sleep that well for tonight. We left the apartment after we got ready, it’s a little dark so I’m sure that the bars are open now, we went to the Dark Cursed Bar, it’s a little bit far from our University. Due to Jessica’s connections, we easily got inside, the smell of sweetcorn flavored vape envelope my noise and the heat emitting from the whole place. There’s a lot of people that are drinking and dancing, Jess and I immediately went towards the bartender, when Pau saw me on the counter, she immediately accompanied us. “The goody two shoes is here again! Tell me... what subject are you stressing out about at this moment?” Pau teasingly asked so I shook my head at her. “I'm here for a drink please, give me the hardest one tonight” I firmly said before sitting on the stool, Jessica sat on my side like she’s busy watching my moves.  “Woah! Someone got it that bad! Just a sec…” Pau said while she’s busy preparing what I have ordered.  I glance at Jess and it looks like she’s worried about me “I’m okay Jess, don’t worry about me, I just want to drink tonight and promise tomorrow, I'll be alright” I said so she just smiled at me.  “I'll be here to join you then Terry! To singles!” she cheered while raising her hands so I laughed as she ordered a drink from Pau too.  I often talk to Pau before whenever I’m coming here for a drink, that’s why she’s always treating or talking to me that way, I just go here whenever I felt stressed out towards my units or when Ray and I had an argument. Pau told me that I look lost whenever she sees me on the bar or the dance floor because she told me that I look like I’m not the kind of person who does these kinds of things. That's where she's wrong though. Jess and I talked about a lot of things while drinking when someone came over to ask her for a dance, it’s a handsome fellow but it looks like Jess doesn’t want to go because of me so I persuaded her to go with him. “I'll be fine Jess… I’ll just stay here for my drink,” I said so she just frowned at me like she really doesn’t want to go. “Fine, just stay here okay? I’ll be there on the dance floor” she said before going with the man who asked her a while ago, she looks like she’s very happy with that man’s company so I just laughed before finishing my drink. Hours have passed by and I didn’t realize that I’ve had too many hard drinks, I suddenly felt hot so I stood up to go towards the dance floor. I suddenly felt like I can dance all night! “Misery and pain embrace me and let's dance together! Party, party!” I screamed before dancing on a noisy and messy dance floor, I glance on the front and saw that there’s a sparkling platform called the stage. Wow, that looks like a star… maybe I can dance better over there? Maybe the stars will take me to the moon! Ethan James Gregory I can't believe that I have agreed to come here with David just because of his date for tonight, it's not even my business but he still insisted on coming with me. My body just drank and drank different kinds of drinks to amuse myself when someone caught my attention. "W-Woo party, party! All together *hiccup* together! We're all in this together nanana~ turn your hips we can see it~” I heard a familiar voice sang that even though she doesn’t know those lyrics. Was that—. “Woah, dude! Look at the stage! There’s someone hilarious dancing over there, wait… it looks like it’s Terry dude!” I heard David shouted on my side, so I immediately glance at him after hearing Terry Laine’s name only to witness that he’s busy flirting with that woman sitting on his lap. Get a room, psh. My eyes glanced on the stage since we’re a bit closer over there and he wasn’t mistaken, it was her. The pretty angelic face and that fawn hair... it is Terry Laine, she looks a bit wasted but the majestic beauty that she has still overpowered it. I've seen and met many beautiful ladies and she-wolves before but after I have met her everything about my perspective changed... I immediately shook my head, brushing off the thoughts that are coming to my mind at the moment. I have to stay away from her even if my wolf is whimpering, I have to endure it for me to stay here in this city. “What the heck is she doing up there?” I coldly asked, she looks so pretty up there but her plaid skirt is so short, so I don't like it. “She looks drunk dude… look at the way she dances! It’s hilarious!” David laughed so I just continued watching Terry.  She looks like a zombie on the way she put her hands in front while walking back and forth, she's trying to shake her hips but she can't. What kind of dance is that?! And I can't believe the crowd is cheering on her to continue! What the hell? “A-All together all together~ Lalala can I have this dance... Can I have *hiccup* this dance~” I heard her singing that to her heart's content with everyone despite the loud music, damn she must've like High School Musical songs a lot. When I saw her almost lost her balance after her epic stunts… my feet immediately dashed towards over there to catch her before she falls over on the stage and thank the God's that I did.. she could've hurt herself from that fall. "W-Wow you smell so nice… a prince charming saved me!” she laughed while burying her face on my chest which made me flinch, she’s too f*****g close and she smells amazing. “You're drunk Terry Laine... how many shots have you drank tonight?” I worriedly asked but I forgot that she wasn't sane to answer me. “*Hiccup* It’s so, so big like my future! Why shots?! I had a big glass!” she said while gesturing her hands making a big circle so I just sighed before shaking my head. She had it so bad. “Why did you drink that much Terry Laine?" I asked and waited for her to answer while walking away on the dance floor, my eyes only focusing on her. “I-It's because of you Ray *hiccup*... I have loved you but why did you do this to me?” she continued to cry that broke my heart for a moment, she looks so damn hurt, it’s unbearable to see her like this. “E-Ethan! Wait!” I heard Jessica Burke called me from my back so I glance at her, worry etched among her face. “I’m sorry for this and thank you, please let me handle her” she offered so I gave Terry Laine to her. “Burke, please don't leave her alone again inside this bar especially if she's brokenhearted or in this state, it's very dangerous,” I said which made her eyes widened. “H-How did you know that she's brokenhearted?” Burke asked which made me stop, right… maybe Terry didn't tell her about the swapping thing that has happened between us two… well, I didn't tell anyone about it either. “Oh right! I almost forgot, she tutored you and fell asleep in your unit so you saw what happened—you didn't do anything to her right?!” she asked so I just sighed, I'm so glad she bought that, so Terry used my lame reason to her too? “No Burke, I'm not as evil as you think to do that to my own tutor,” I said before exhaling out a lungful air, I glanced at Terry and it looks like she fell asleep in her drunken state. “Good then, I'll take her home now… thanks again,” she said before leaving with Terry, Burke’s just helping her walk with Terry’s arms wrapped around her shoulders, she looks like she’s having a hard time. “W-Wait—I'll help you to get her to your car” I offered before picking up Terry Laine’s thighs to carry her up like some bride, she smells so good that’s intoxicating my sense of smell which made me shook my head. Burke smirked before she turned her back on me which made me raise my eyebrows, she’s weird, I just shook my head and followed her towards their car. After I carefully placed Terry Laine on the passenger seat, I stared at her for a moment, why the hell does she still looks so beautiful in any state that she's in? It's a f*****g trick! Is it because of my wolf? I shook my head, what is wrong with me lately? I think I need to get laid. I almost backed away when she woke up, her smoking pure black eyes were staring at me intently. “I like you” she muttered that surprised me, she was about to talk again when she threw up on my clothes. “Holy s**t—” I was still surprised by what happened while staring at her intently, but she lost her consciousness after that. “Oh my God! I'm so sorry about this—here's a tissue” Burke laughed first before she offered me a tissue but I avoided her.  “J-Just get her home, I'll manage on my own so take care, thanks,” I said while sprinting away from there. My heart is pounding abnormally. She was f*****g drunk Ethan James! Why the heck are you feeling this s**t after she has said those words?! She doesn't even mean those words! She might even forget she ever said that! “f**k, I stink!” I furiously muttered when I smelled Terry Laine’s puke on my shirt, I went home without David and decided to take a cold shower to cool myself down. Screw this! I hope she'll never mean those words... It'll be better that way… To be continued...
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