Chapter Eight - Every Fridays

2838 Words
Warning: Some scenes might be upsetting or depressing to some fellow readers. Please seek comfort. Terry Laine Pierce I’m currently rearranging my books and notes on my locker, it’s Friday tomorrow but I’m still curious about what happened the night that Jess and I went to the Dark Cursed Bar, I don’t remember anything aside from drinking. I tried to ask Jess what happened that night but all she’s saying was: “Say sorry and thank you to Ethan if you see him again, you owe him that girl!” The curiosity is killing me, what just happened that Tuesday night? Why the heck was Ethan there? What did I do? Why can’t Jess tell me herself? I got bothered about it the whole week because I didn’t sight Ethan or Dave the past few days… they’re probably getting ready for their tournament next week, their training is probably intense because even in class, I’m not seeing David over there. What just happened? “Terry?” I hope I didn’t prank to call someone or something, why the heck I can’t remember anything if I drank too much? “Terry?! Can we talk?” I was surprised upon seeing Ray on my front, shouting like he’s trying to get my attention, I probably didn’t hear him because I’m trying to remember what I did to Ethan to say sorry about it.  My heart ached for a moment when I saw him again, it’s almost a week since I last saw him, and I have realized a lot of things because of that. Ray didn’t love me the same way I did feel about him, he just wants something from me that’s why he loved or even if he really did care about me, I should be moving on from him… I have to be strong for myself. “What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you before that we're already done? There's nothing to talk about anymore, you may now leave my sight” I firmly said before raising my eyebrows that shocked him for a moment.  “W-Wait—you have moved on? T-That can’t be, you can't move on! We need to talk about us!” he looks bothered about it which made me glare at him. What did he say? He doesn’t want me to move on from him? I didn’t know dickheads can be this brutal. I can’t believe I’m hearing this! “What kind of screws has your brain lost Ray?! You cheated on me and I told you we're done so that’s that! How dare you tell me that I shouldn’t move on from you! Give my heart a freaking break!” I screamed at him so we got a few crowds from the hallways, but I didn’t mind it because I’m so mad at him. “You don't understand! I-I still love you, Terry! That’s why you can’t move on from me!” he desperately said like he’s going mad, I’m really starting to regret that I ever did love this guy, he’s insane! How can he say that to me when he’s just making out with someone like I’m nothing?! Before I lost my temper, I left… words aren’t enough to suppress my anger, I'm done dealing with him! But before I could even leave, he harshly pushed my back on the lockers and locked me in between of his arms that got me nervous for a moment. “R-Ray! Let go of me! It hurts!” I screamed and I tried so hard to push him away but he didn’t budge as he stopped my hand from moving using his strong arms.  “Is this because of Gregory that’s why you have finally moved on from me? You also cheated on me, Terry! You caused me pain to what you did too!” he screamed which made me glare at him. What the hell? “You’ve lost your mind, Ray! How many times do I have to tell you the reason why I was there?! You just didn’t believe me and I’m not like you! I can never hurt somebody like that and you know that! So don’t blame others here so that you can comfort your freaking ego!” I firmly said while trying to get away from his touch, he stopped for a moment before lowering his head, he looks like he’s trying to take in what I have just said. “L-Let go of me, Ray! Please!” I shouted at him again but he just won’t listen, why can’t he just let me go? “N-No no… I know that you still love me, Terry! So don’t you dare lie to me!” he screamed at me again so I tried to fight when I noticed that he’s going to kiss me but my eyes widened when he suddenly disappeared out of my sight.  “She f*****g said let her go, you weirdo! Bullshit! If I ever see your f*****g face again, I'll beat the s**t out of you to death!” I was astounded upon seeing Ethan on my front, he didn’t waste any more time when he jumped to punched Ray nonstop on the ground like he was so mad at him, I don’t know why I feel safe for a moment when Ethan stepped up for me. My knees suddenly felt weak, and before I could melt on the ground, Ethan was already there to hold my waist, I gasped when I felt some sparks from his delicate touch that made everything worse, every touch he makes to help me get my posture right makes my knees melt. What is up with his hands? It’s electrifying me. “f**k it! Breathe Terry Laine! Look at me!” Ethan frustratedly said so I looked at him, my tears suddenly stream down to my cheeks after seeing his face, I lowered down my head so that I can avoid his ocean eyes. I look so vulnerable right now. “Girl! Terry! Oh my God! I came here as soon as possible when I heard what happened!” Jess worriedly shouted at my surrounding so I immediately ran towards to hug her. That’s where I started bursting out in tears, I was slightly surprised when someone offered me a hanky, it smells like Ethan… so I accepted it to wipe my tears away. It didn’t take me a while to get my composure because I can now breathe calmly and I also stopped crying. “Dude! I tried to check the pulse of that man you defeated! He’s alive so we won’t be bothering paying for his funeral, he was sent to the clinic by the way” I heard David shouted in our surroundings. “Shut up David!” I heard how pissed Ethan was when he said those words, Ethan helped me a lot about this issue… I should thank him. “I'll take her home now Ethan thank—” before Jess could even finish her sentence, I ran towards Ethan to hug him which made his body stiff, I embraced the sparks that I’m currently feeling as of this moment. “T-Thank you and sorry for dragging you to all of this... I'll make sure you won't be in trouble again because of me” I sincerely said before breaking my hug to him, his ocean eyes are widened like he was shocked at what I did but he just shook his head. “It was nothing... so don't worry about it,” he said while softly patting my head, before my face could even turn red, I half-smiled and turned my back on him so that I could go home with Jess who has a big grin on her face. What’s wrong with her? “Let's go, girl… Ethan… Dave, thank you again” Jess sincerely thanked them before pulling me away from there. “Wait! By the way, there’s a big party later at Henry’s house, maybe you guys want to go? It can take all of your stress away” David offered while smiling so Jess looked at him, it looks like their eyes locked against each other. “That won't be necessary dude—" “Woah, really? That might be great but do you want to go Terry? I'll only go if you'll go... I won't leave you behind in this state again” Jess didn’t know that she cut off Ethan so I just smiled at her, she’s always so sweet and considerate about me. “I-I think it’s fine… after all, I’ve finished all of my projects for tomorrow so I’m free tonight,” I said so Jess squealed which made me laugh. “Great! I hope we'll see you later!” David bid us goodbye, I glance at Ethan and he’s just looking at me intently before avoiding my gaze as he talked to David. Weird… why does he look at me like that? Luckily, no one’s around the hallways anymore, I can tell that they’re going to make a big issue about this… but I hope not. I shook my head and glanced at Jess, she’s smirking like she’s teasing me. “W-Why are you looking at me like that?” I curiously asked her while we are on our way towards her car which made her smirk even more. “Girl... be honest with me, what's up with you and Ethan?” she asked which made me furrow my eyebrows. “What do you mean? What’s up with me and him?” I asked her which made her frown before glaring at me. “I know something is going on between you two so you can't fool me! The way he stares at you... there's definitely something!” she exclaimed while nudging my shoulders. “Hey! That was nothing silly! We just talked and he… saved and stood up for me multiple times from Ray so he’s a good friend” I said so she burst into laughter. "Oh right, I forgot... you're Terry, the almost color blind, oblivious, and the in-denial one...” she said that confused me for a moment so she just laughed before mounting her car and drive. “Well, I'm glad that you’re getting distracted girl, you're actually taking your heartbreak pretty well… I’m glad that you look better now,” she said which made me smile. “That’s because you’re always here for me Jess, that’s why I’ll always be okay” I sincerely said so she pouted at me which made me laugh. "Aw shut up girl! You're making me blush! Plus, we will always have each other’s back—” “No matter what happens” I completed her sentence as we both cheered inside her car before laughing, we decided to go to her house to pick some classy dresses at Henry’s party later.  It was almost nine when we both have decided to go to Henry’s house, he’s also one of the players of the basketball team, Jess heard that he had invited only the seniors and their team. I’m now wearing a body con black dress with long sleeves that’s why I’m comfortable wearing it, on the other hand, Jess is wearing a seductive red dress that could make the red carpet cry on the way she handles it. After we got off the car, we heard the loud pop music from inside of Henry’s house, Jess and I immediately went inside to dance. It’ll distract me from what happened a while ago. Hours have passed by and all we did was dancing on the dance floor with swarms of warm bodies swaying and shaking their hips. I glanced around only to find out that I’m alone again. What the hell? Where the heck is Jessica? She was right here on this spot a while ago… I stopped dancing so that I could look for Jess on the dance floor but I can’t sight her anywhere. Where is she? I left my phone in her car. While roaming around the dance floor, I saw my classmate that’s why I went over there to approach her. “Jinx! How are you? Have you seen Jessica?” I shouted for her to hear what I’m asking, the music here is so loud. “I’m fine girl, and have you tried looking upstairs? I think I saw her went over there” she said so I smiled and thanked her before going upstairs. I stopped when I heard lots of moans and erotic shouts from the different rooms of the hallway, what the hell? Is this a freaking motel? I just shook my head and opened one room that sounds like it’s empty. Jess always tells me that she goes up to find some rooms if she wants to take a quick nap, that’s what she always does when she drank too much alcohol in one night. “Jess? Are you here—Ugh!” I was astounded when someone harshly pushed me inside of that empty room, I’m currently facing the ground while trying to fix my posture. What the hell? That hurts like hell! “Nice ass, hello moo *hiccup*” that voice sounded so familiar, so I glance at him and saw that it’s Ray, it looks like he had too much drink because his eyes are red, most especially his cheeks. “R-Ray” I slowly muttered, I don’t know what I’ll say because he’s drunk… something inside me got me nervous for a moment.  “I-I really can’t believe that you don’t love me anymore… h-how can you resist this handsome face?” he said while he’s slowly moving towards me so I backed away for a moment. “R-Ray y-you’re drunk so let’s get out of here,” I said and speed-walked towards the door, but before I could even touch the doorknob he stopped me using his toned arms and pushed my back towards the door. “R-Ray let go of me!” I don’t know where I got the strength of shouting right now because I’m terrified… he grips my shoulder’s so tightly that it hurts. “I-I know that you still love me Terry and there is only one way to get you back from me!” he laughed before dragging me towards the bed and harshly pushed me to lay down there. “S-Stop! Let go of me! Don’t touch me! Please, Ray!” I cried when he harshly kissed my lips, my neck and he’s trying to undress me, I tried so hard to fight him but he’s just too strong. H-Help me... help me! Please! I begged while trying to shout and fight for myself, I’ll never forgive Ray for this… please… someone… help me… Things started to turn black so when I opened my eyes, I was astounded because I’m currently making out with some—woman?! I immediately pushed her away because of shock and it looks like the woman was confused. “E-Ethan? Is there a problem?” the woman seductively asked, I looked at her and she’s only wearing her undies… what the hell who is this—wait… Ethan? Me? I immediately looked at myself and I was topless with perfectly sculpted six-pack abs… I’m Ethan again! “M-My body! I need to save my body!” I ran outside that room and luckily, Ethan’s body was at the party too. I-I can save my body! To be continued...
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