Chapter Nine - Breakfast

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Warning: Some scenes might be upsetting to some fellow readers. Please seek comfort. Ethan James Gregory After David asked those two girls to come to the party, I started to thought about the outfits she might possibly wear, a skirt or a dress maybe? Hopefully nothing too short. I immediately shook my head because of what I was thinking, damn it! What is wrong with me lately!? I always stare at her whenever I got a chance, she might think I'm a weirdo. But can she blame me? She's a sight for sore eyes. I can't seem to get my eyes off her whenever I see her around. Is this because she’s my mate? I tried to stay away for days, focus myself on my studies and training but damn it! I only yearn to see her face again! Fate is testing me so bad and I hate it! I freaking lost my control right in front of everyone when I saw that f*****g Ray almost kissed her by force, it seems like I've got no control anymore about my emotions most especially if it's about her and that asshole deserved what happened to him. Ugh, this is so weird! I tried to focus on the remaining lectures of our classes and went home to my condominium with Dave. I need to get laid and distracted, I'll do it at the party later. Hours passed by and we went to the party. It's Henry's birthday, so he decided to throw a party for all seniors and our team only. “Happy birthday Henry dude! Here, it's a box of condom for you” David happily said while offering Henry a box of expensive condom which made me glare at him because he took some time to wrap his gift and he’ll just say what’s on the inside. Stupid. “You’re crazy! But thanks dude, I’ll be using this tonight so you shouldn’t have bothered wrapping it” we laughed because of Henry’s statement. Many hours was been wasted and my team and I were just busy drinking on the big, long white couch talking about our life and stuff when someone caught my eye who was busy dancing on the dance floor. It's her and damn it! She looks so freaking hot in black, I looked at the time and it’s already 11:30, maybe they’re were here for quite some time now, she looks so beautiful… she dances so well and hot tonight… I immediately smacked my head! Christ! What is wrong with me!? I should stop this kind of thinking! You’re trying to stay away from her Ethan! “Dude what are you doing? Are you drunk?” David asked while laughing but I didn’t mind him because I’m too busy checking out Terry Laine, she left the dance floor like she’s looking for something or someone. I badly wanted to follow her to say hi but I stopped myself, it'll be very dangerous for her to get closer to me. “H-Hi, baby… care to find a room with me?” I glanced at Olivia, she’s one of the cheerleading squad of the University, she’s busy seducing me while massaging my shoulders, I don't want to do her but this is a perfect distraction for me. “Sure, let's go,” I said in a cold tone, maybe getting laid will help me forget these freaking stupid, crazy thoughts about her. As we find some decent room upstairs, she aggressively kissed me and so I did the same back but it hasn't turned me on yet... she tore my top off and took off hers... we then kissed again, ravishing each other’s mouth when something changed… she’s not kissing me anymore and everything got dark so I opened my eyes. What the f**k?! What the hell happened?! Why am I facing the bruised face of this bullshit Ray? “What are you doing? Get the hell away from me asshole!” I furiously said because I’m still confused why I’m facing this s**t, but the weirdo just smirked at me.  “I know you want me Terry... *hiccup* I know you do, and you can't stop me now!” he said while he’s trying to undress me on my top. Is he gay? And wait, what? Did he call me Terry? I immediately looked at my body. Shit! I'm in Terry's half-naked body and she's in trouble! I immediately stood up and because of my strength, I managed to switch places with him in order for me to dominate on top, I started punching his face because of my anger. “f*****g s**t! Didn't I told you to stay away from her!? You’ll pay for this!” I was so fuming mad, how dare he touch her with his filthy hands again! I was punching his face non-stop and I don't care if he's finally unconscious right now. He almost raped and hurt my mate! I came back to my senses when someone opened the door aggressively and instantly cried the moment she saw me. It's Terry, inside my body again. “Terry Laine…” I ran towards my body and hugged her, she cried even more and hugged me back after I did that. I sighed in contentment, it's the same warmth I've been missing ever since the day that she hugged me. “It's okay, you're safe now” I softly muttered while hugging her even more tightly. She's shaking, she was so scared and it's making me so damn furious. I can’t forgive him for this. I tried so hard not to look at Ray's unconscious body, I might bury him alive. Right there, right here, right now. “E-Ethan… I-I'm so sorry I… I r-ruined your time with that girl!” she cried out loud and I mentally cursed myself, Christ! She caught me trying to get laid. “Don't be sorry damn it! I'm so f*****g glad we switched places! Who knows what this fucker would have done to you if we didn't!” I grunted in frustrations, I will really f*****g kill that i***t if I saw him near Terry again! She continued to cry so we stayed inside that room hugging each other intently, judge me in any way you want because I'm so liking this moment. I fixed her dress so that I would look decent and I gave her some clothes that I grabbed from that room. “There's a hanky in my pocket, you can use it to wipe your tears" she followed my words and used my hanky for her tears. “Let's get you home” I grabbed her hands to help her up, well technically, I'm using her hands and I'm just grabbing my hands which are her hands at the moment. Well, that was a bit confusing… "W-Wait… Where's Jessica?” she worriedly asked. Wow, Terry Laine is more worried about someone rather than herself who almost got herself in danger a while ago, how amusing. “She's fine, I think I saw her in the kitchen with David getting a drink before going upstairs err... um sorry about that girl earlier by the way, I was just trying to forget something” I guiltily said and she just shook her head at me. “It’s okay… you don’t have to explain yourself, your business isn't my business because we’re not committed together” my heartache towards what she said, what the hell was that? “Y-Yeah you're right, let's go” I dragged her out of that place and avoided everyone we needed to avoid, I exhaled out a lungful air after we have reached my car. “Where do you want to go?” I asked her but she's just busy hugging herself, while dazing off on some space, maybe she's cold. “I-I just want to go home...” she muttered so I just nodded before helping her get inside my care to drop her off at her apartment.  After we have reached her apartment, I escorted her towards her room, I’m worried because it looks like she’s not in her right state of mind because of her trauma and fear for what happened a while ago. “Um so… this is it, thank you again, Ethan,” she said while she’s busy opening the door of her unit. “Let me stay here with you, I promise I won't do something you won't like... I just don't want you to be alone for tonight” I said so she just looked at me, I immediately felt happy when she nodded at me.  We entered the room and she went towards her bed to lay down over there, it looks like she was tired about what happened a while ago. “I-I was so scared back there… I thought…” I heard her mumble like she’s about to cry so I just listened to her. “Who wouldn't be? You know, we can arrest him for that to teach him a lesson” I furiously said, trying to control my temper.  “We don’t have enough evidence… he came from a rich family so they can easily manipulate the officers, they won’t listen to me,” she said which made me furrow my eyebrows, I’m richer than that guy, I want to suggest that I can file some case when she talked. “Why did we swap again?” she curiously asked before glancing at me so I comfortably seat on the edge of her bed. “I don't know… but I'm just so glad that it happened before something bad has happened to you” I firmly said when I thought of something that actually makes sense.  “Hey what if... this swapping thing always happens every Friday? We switched last Friday too right? And look, it's quarter to 1 a.m. of Friday today” I said while pointing on my watch so her eyes widened in disbelief. “No way... seriously? I think you do have a point! Do you think we're really cursed because I didn't pay?” she asked so I shook my head at her. “No, but I'm sure there's an answer with this mystery that is happening between us two and we will figure this out together, but for now you need to rest… you've been through a lot tonight," I said while touching my own cheeks, jeez this is so weird. “I don’t know how will I thank you… Ethan” she then smiled sadly before closing her eyes, minutes have passed by and I can tell that she had fallen asleep because of her calm breathing. I need to sleep in her body too, I went to her restroom and saw Terry's reflection in the mirror.  What an angel face, she is so breath-taking! With this happening between us two, I don't know if I can still be able to control myself. But the more I get close, it'll be more dangerous for her because I’m a werewolf... but what can I do now? I think I can't stop myself anymore from staying away from her. Terry Laine Pierce I woke up feeling my body so heavy, I immediately remembered what happened that night so I stood up because of my fear. I’m safe… I almost forgot that I’m in Ethan’s body, where is he? I stood up and smelled something amazing when I went out of my room. The heavenly smell of bacon, sausages, and omelet filled my nose. My eyes glance at Ethan and he’s currently cooking on m stove, he faces on the front and it looks like he was surprised at my presence. “You're awake, how are you feeling?” he softly asked while washing his hands before he approached me. I can’t utter any words… even if I’m in Ethan’s body, I can see his face right in front of me so I shook my head. “You were screaming last night in your sleep, I was so damn worried to the point that I didn't sleep a wink anymore” he honestly said that surprised me for a moment, so I lowered my head at him.  "E-Ethan I'm sorry—” “Don't be sorry please because from now, I'll be staying by your side” he said that shocked me for a moment, he dragged me to my dining table near the kitchen island. My heart suddenly beat abnormally for a moment while I’m trying to take in what he just said, I just shook my head, I might assume things but he’s just worried about me. “I didn't sleep a wink, so I just bought and cooked us some frozen goods for breakfast, I hope you'll like it and sorry I used your kitchen without permission,” he said which made my eyes widened,  Ethan James Gregory cooked me breakfast?! After I left my grandmother’s place, I didn’t manage to get or eat a decent breakfast, I do take breakfast but only at the convenience stores. I started to cry, I don’t know why probably because I’m seeing food on my table and there are fresh flowers in the center of it all. “Terry? Christ! Did you not like slices of bacon? I'm so sorry… I shouldn't have used—” I stopped him from talking using my hands.  “N-No, it's just that… I never had a decent breakfast ever since I left my grandmother's home, I never cooked for myself either so I’m so surprised to see food on my table, I’m sorry I must look weird—omff!” I was surprised when he hugged me, for some unknown reasons. I didn’t push him away and embraced the sparks that I’m currently feeling as of this moment. “Let's just eat breakfast and enjoy our peaceful morning together, then we'll talk later,” he said before breaking his hug to me so I just nodded before we both seated on the chairs. I don’t know what’s happening to me, all of my fears and worries disappeared and for me… that was the best breakfast that I’ll never forget for the rest of my life. To be continued...
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