Chapter Ten - Training

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Terry Laine Pierce After eating our breakfast yesterday, we decided to take each other’s classes so that we won’t be able to pile up the activities that we might miss. Ethan was against me attending class because of my current state but I insisted so he has no other choice but to come with me, attending classes is important to me because this is our last year… I don’t want anything or anyone takes me away from that path. I’m also praying to the God’s to not let Ray cross paths with me again, I’m furious and terrified because of what he did to me, seeing him would make me vulnerable again. My mind can’t seem to brush off the scenery of what happened that night, I’m too paranoid around my surroundings even about the sounds and darkrooms but every time I see Ethan around, he puts me or everything at ease. It’s already Saturday and just like what Ethan has predicted, I‘m back with my body again, maybe we do switch places only every Friday. Jessica has been missing in action, she left my phone here in my apartment without giving it to me personally, I always text her but she’s just consistently saying sorry to me because she left me alone again at that party. My mind has decided that I shouldn’t tell her what happened to me yet that night, most especially because she told me that she’s busy on some matters that bothers her a lot which she doesn’t want to talk about yet. I’m curious and worried about that matter for her, but I have decided to wait for her because I know for sure that she’ll tell me everything once all are settled, I’ll also open up to her at that time. After my Saturday classes, I immediately went back to my apartment to get ready, Ethan invited me to eat at some restaurant so that we can talk about our plans and rules about this mysterious phenomenon that is happening between us two. I’m was a bit intimidated because of the restaurant that he has reserved for the both of us, it was huge and the food there was expensive, I think I can pay my bills with just one dish! We made up a rule that we should not tell anyone about this mysterious swapping souls or body even to our close friends, that means… I’d be lying to Jess all the time, so much for opening up. We also need to study and know our schedules every Friday so that no one would be suspicious about this matter between the two of us, we will also try to get to know each other more most especially on our behaviors to portray our characters well. That’s also the time that we have realized that we don’t have each other’s number, so we saved it so we can easily contact one another. “So that settles it, but I'm afraid we do have one problem left,” Ethan said while he’s drinking his honey lemon juice. He told me that he doesn’t like to drink alcohol that much, it’s not good for his athletic body. “What could that be?” I curiously asked while munching on the expensive French fries that he bought for me. “Do you know how to play basketball?” he asked which made me stop for a moment, crap… I almost forgot! He’s a basketball player! “Oh my God! I-It’s your tournament next Friday!” I worriedly screamed that caught the attention of people on some table so I lowered my head down due to embarrassment. “Yes... and I think I have gotten my answer,” he said while looking at me intently which made me gulp, he really looks intimidating and attractive at the same time. He’s wearing a formal black polo shirt that hugs his well-built body. Ugh! Snap out of it Terry! “I don't know how to play basketball… but I do know the rules!” I guiltily said so he just nodded at me.  “Don't worry starting tomorrow and the rest of the days before Friday, I'm going to train you, after all, I think we only have one game that day” he said like he’s trying to calculate the days that made me nervous for a moment. He’s the captain of the team! I might embarrass him in front of many people! “Hey! I know that look on your face, don't worry too much about it, we'll train so you'll be fine” he reassured me so I just sighed before smiling at him.  Hours have passed by, and he escorted me through my apartment, I refused his offer to stay with me until we reached my doors, but he declined my request. He insisted that he wants to see me safe and sound inside of my apartment, because of his gestures… I might mistaken him as my older brother. “So… this is me,” I said before smiling, he looked at my lips for a moment before staring at my eyes. Weird. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow okay? Don’t forget to text me” he said and was about to leave when I grabbed his wrists. “By the way Ethan, thank you for everything, I know I have said this multiple times now most especially that night, but I just really wanted to thank you for staying by my side, you’re not letting me feel that I’m alone, it’s so much appreciated” I sincerely said which made his eyes widened for a moment before smiling. My grandma told me that one of the greatest traits that I should practice is to always say thank you, it will let the people know how grateful I am even if it’s just their presence. I flinched when he placed his big heavy hands on my head just to mess with my hair that made me complain to him. “Anything for you… Laine” he firmly said that shocked me for a moment but I didn’t let him see it. Sweet mother of Venus! Why does my heart beat so fast the second I hear my name on his lips? Why does it sound so different?! “Now go, lock your doors and sleep tight, I'll see you tomorrow on my private court, I’ll fetch you so don’t forget to reply or contact me,” he said before waving me goodbye so I just nodded before waving and closed my door. I rest my back on my door while clutching to my chest, what was that? Why am I feeling this? Why do I feel so nervous? Why am I excited to see him again tomorrow? Weird… maybe you’re just tired, Terry Laine Pierce! You’re awfully tired! He’s your friend and he helped you with a lot of things that’s why you’re excited to see him! Right? I nodded because I’m agreeing with myself towards what I was thinking. I immediately did all of my night rituals before preparing my bed to sleep, I need enough strength to prepare myself for tomorrow’s training! *** “T-Time first E-Ethan… Time first!” I pleaded while trying to catch my breath he’s leading towards our jogging inside his private court, is this really jogging? Why does it look like he’s sprinting to me?! After he fetched me on my apartment a while ago we started jogging like this. “Come on, Laine let's go! Jog seven more rounds!” he laughed because of my current state so I glared at him. I’ve only finished three rounds and I feel like I’m going to die! So much for this pathetic body! A wave of exhaustion hit me after finishing ten rounds, I can’t rest my back well on the wall due to my exhaustion, Ethan told me that it’s not good to sit after jogging, it will affect my breathing, circulation of blood, and my heart. I should cool down first like walking or standing to regain the air and strength that I have lost or to calm my nerves down. “So are you now ready for your core workout?” he asked while chuckling which made my eyes widened, I almost want to take back how nice he was to me, he looks like he’s enjoying seeing my horrendous state! “Why don’t you just kill me?! There’s a metal stick over there just hit me with it to end my misery!” I complained that shocked him for a moment. “Woah... that's so brutal woman!” he said before laughing out loud, he looks so attractive when he smiles and laugh like that. I just shook my head and went towards his front so we started training for core workouts, stamina, agility, and speed. I’m not happy with this! Ethan pulled me up so many times every time I tripped myself down, I bit my lower lips because I’m starting to feel guilty about how weak I am. I saw how dedicated he was to teach me, his patience feels like an eternity even though I’m weak, he just wants to see me do my best so I have decided to be more dedicated to it, I will not let myself or his body be embarrassed about his first tournament. I don’t know how I managed to get home that day, after Ethan dropped me off, I immediately went to my apartment, jump on my bed to get some sleep, it feels like my body won’t be able to get up for tomorrow. Ethan James Gregory I was grinning like a maniac while driving home towards my condominium, today was so full of fun. I didn't know training would be this entertaining until I have trained with her. She can't do athletic things well yet but you can tell that she's really trying, it's just so adorable. She has tripped so many times and I almost wanted to end our training but I was astounded to see her sudden dedication to push herself to try and stand up by herself alone even without my help. I find it so admirable, there's nothing wrong with that right? I shook my head and was alarmed with my phone vibrating and ringing on the holder. My smile immediately faded after I have read the name that was flashing on my screen. What do they want now? I swiped the answer button and put it in speaker mode. “Dante” I greeted. [Alpha, we have something important that needed to be discussed] Dante greeted back on the other line. “Drop the Alpha thing, it's just us talking right now, so spit it out” I firmly said before parking my car on the lot, I stayed there for some unknown reason. [Mr. Gregory told me that I should alarm you about the upcoming gathering of the—] “I'm not coming” I interrupted with his words, I know what that gathering was all about. It’s a pain in the ass. It’s the gathering of fake and manipulating people, they use their fake façade to let you know that they’re wishing for your success but when you turned your back against them they’ll be wishing for you to fall down. That’s how trash that gathering is. Dante sighed on the other line [He knew you would say that, but if you didn't agree to come he said to tell you that he'll come there by himself to fetch you even by force] he said which made me grunt. “Why is he forcing me to go?! It's not like his new family members would like to see and welcome me, he freaking knows that!” I furiously said, when my dad said something he’ll do by force, he doesn’t back away from his words. [He wants you to go there because you are still his family, most especially he wants you to be there to announce his retirement after a month and will pass his position to you] Dante said which made me sigh. “Why the hell would he do that? His wife and son will go nuts! Why won't he just give it to his beloved new son!” I frustratedly complained, my dad remarried after losing my mom, he just can’t bear the pain and he didn’t found that comfort to me that’s also one of the reasons why… I left. [Come on Ethan, I watched you grew up, work with your father and handle the company and the pack on your own even if it's just your training... so I know he'll choose you even if the pigs don't fly, you have earned his trust] Dante persuaded which made me shook my head. My family is famous because we're on the very top of the business tycoon, aside from having supernatural abilities as werewolves, we blend into this society perfectly well. The best friend of famous is being rich... so you can guess that I was too overwhelmed by it because our lives were always in danger. Just like what happened to my real mom... I just shook my head from my dreadful thoughts. “When will this gathering be upheld? I have a tournament for the next two weeks, I might not be able to attend if it's on that date” I said and wishing that it’ll be on that date because I really don't want to go. [Mr. Gregory knows everything about your schedule in school, so he scheduled it after your tournaments, Alpha] Dante said which made me glare at my phone. “That creepy stalker, I told him to leave me alone,” I said, he already passed down the position of being an Alpha to me and now he wants to pass down his business? What a pain! [You know you can't blame him, he just wants you to be safe and he has his own connections Ethan… like me] I just smirked because of what he said, dad knows I won't answer his calls so he let Dante call me for himself. Dante and I were really close back when I was still in my younger years, let's just say that I trust him very much besides my mother. “Fine, I'll go… but tell him that he has to pay for all the expenses needed” I stubbornly requested. [Will do Alpha, I'll email you the further information about this event and it was nice talking to you again] he said so I just smiled. “Same man, see you soon” I ended the call before coming out of the car and locked it, I can’t stop myself from overthinking. Why does dad want to rush things now? Did something happen that he doesn’t want me to know? I just sighed and shook my head as I have decided to rest in my condominium. To be continued...
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