1263 Words

ALICE POV Val starts talking too early in the morning, I thought to myself as I tossed and turned in bed. I grunted, throwing a pillow over my head and rolling onto my belly to muffle her voice and block out the light streaming in from the curtains, hitting me square in the face. Let’s say I’m not a morning person. "Alice, honey," Val whispered. Honey, mentally cursing my fate, why do people here always use pet names? I slowly turned to face her, raising an eyebrow. "buongiorno Val," I mumbled, stretching my arms above the pillow. She was practically less than an inch away from me, holding my hand. Weird. I managed to sit up while she continued whispering, "Alice, how do you feel?" How do I feel? I gasped, taking in my surroundings. This was not our room. Definitely not. Did I sleep

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