1369 Words

THIRD PERSON POV Jacob, lost in thought, stared blankly out the window of his room in the heart of Macon's coven. He couldn't fathom how that brat had managed to overpower him so easily. He, the future high priest of one of the most powerful dark covens in the world, was suddenly rendered powerless. The awakening of Alice's powers had come at the worst possible moment; it wasn't supposed to happen like this. "Why are you here alone, son? Where is the last green witch you promised me?" his father stormed into the room, a contemptuous scowl etched on his stern features. "Things didn't go as planned," he replied weakly, his gaze falling to his feet. As Jacob spoke, his father grabbed him roughly by the collar, his nails digging into Jacob's flesh as he pulled him closer. "And how did th

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