1422 Words

ALICE POV "Ali, Jacob is a warlock so police can’t do anything," Val blurted out, as if she had suddenly ripped off a bandage from a wound, exhaling a sigh of relief. I rolled my eyes, growing even more frustrated than before, if possible. Sure. A warlock. "If you guys want to protect that piece of s**t, I get it. I’m the foreigner here, I get that you don’t believe me. But please Val, don’t insult my intelligence. Tell me the truth, what's the problem? Is he the son of a mob boss? A politician? What?" I said in a cold, detached tone, trying not to show how much Val's betrayal was affecting me. I thought we were becoming friends, I thought she was concerned for me when I found her by my bedside. Clearly, it was all a show to protect the son of a wealthy mobster who used girls. "Ali, no

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