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Mature content 18+ ALICE POV The following days unfolded with a certain routine: classes, lunch with Val and Angie in the garden, under the shade of the large oak tree, a few hours of study in the library, and dinner in the cafeteria with Philip and Karla, who joined us after their double workout (seems like fitness is quite an obsession among the youth in Georgia). There was no trace of the bleached blonde or her look-alike, which was quite a relief. On Thursday afternoon, while I was in my usual spot in the library, at the corner table facing the large window overlooking the courtyard, lost in my thoughts, I reflected on the recent changes in my life, both the new and the old friendships. Marco resurfaced in my thoughts, a sharp pain struck my chest at the memory of the scene that had marked the switch from what I thought was the safe and right path to follow. The image of him, the person I believed was the love of my life, while he was balls deep in Amelia against the utility closet wall, made bile rise in my throat and disgust fill me. I didn't regret leaving; the regret was about the time wasted with him. What's done is done. The only certainty I had was that I would never allow another human being to be the centre of my life as he had been, my gravity point, where every decision hinged on his approval, and every desire of his automatically became mine. Love shouldn't be like that; it can't be like that. The pain snapped me out of the trance he had locked me in, and my escape ultimately saved me. No one will ever have that power over me again. I twirled my lucky pendant between my fingers, a simple gesture that soothed me and infused positive energy into my soul. Out of the corner of my eye, a movement at the edge of the woods jolted me out of the spell I was under, grabbing my attention. A massive black wolf stood before me, concealed within the shadows cast by the forest vegetation. It must have been about 200 meters away from the library window, yet I had the sensation, indeed the certainty, that it was staring directly at me. Intently. A shiver ran down my spine; only the assurance of being indoors kept me from screaming. Lunches with my two new friends would be indoors from tomorrow onwards. No more picnics in the shade of the outer trees. Absolutely not. During dinner, I recounted the strange encounter to the others. They remained surprisingly calm. Vak mentioned that it's normal to encounter wild animals here, considering we're surrounded by a magnificent park on the edge of a nature reserve. He added that sometimes the wolves from the Piedimont sanctuary move south to hunt, but they're probably more afraid of us than we are of them. Still, better safe than sorry. The idea of having lunch indoors sounded very appealing. Between bites, we changed the subject. My birthday was approaching, and I needed celebration ideas. "So, next Friday I'll be turning 18, finally. I'd like to spend the evening with you guys. Is there a restaurant nearby?" The girls squealed and giggled in unison: "CLUB!" "Please elaborate," I replied, laughing. "Alright, so, 18 years is a big milestone worldwide. We can't just have dinner together to celebrate the end of your childhood," Val said sarcastically. "Hey, I'm not a child!" I retorted, pretending to be hurt but clearly amused. "You're just a little pup, and we're going to the coolest club in town to help you transition. Alcohol and sexy moves all night long, little Italian pup," she continued, laughing. I rolled my eyes but consented with a sigh, pretending to accept my "sad fate." In reality, I was having a lot of fun with them, and the idea of going to a club together intrigued me. Jacob's sudden appearance at our table caught me off guard. "What are you laughing about, babe?" he asked, using that pet name that always seemed to slip past my defences. I thought I had managed to avoid him after the party mishap, but luck wasn't on my side this time. As he wrapped an arm around my shoulder and traced circles on my thigh with the other, I felt a shiver run down my spine, rendering me speechless. Val and Angie grinned knowingly, while Philip and Karla seemed lost in their own little world, oblivious to everything around them. When I felt his warm breath on my neck, I stiffened slightly and replied with a forced smile, "Nothing, Jacob. Just girl talk." "Well, since you've finished your meal, I was thinking we could go for a walk, just the two of us, babe," he pressed on. Part of me wanted to go with him to explain the situation—that it meant nothing, that I wasn't looking for anything more than friendship. But the thought of being alone with him filled me with apprehension. Would I be able to break free from his grasp, or would I once again find myself ensnared by his charms, his tantalizing lips and sensual embrace? As conflicting thoughts swirled in my mind, he took a step forward and planted a kiss on my lips, leaving me with no choice but to follow him outside. One way or another, I had to set things right. As we stepped out of the main entrance, Jacob led the way down a side path that skirted the forest. A veil of uncertainty settled over me as I recalled the wolf I had seen earlier. My heart thundered in my chest and as if sensing my tension, Jacob intertwined his fingers with mine, silently reassuring me as we walked hand in hand. Moonlight illuminated our path, accompanied by the soothing chirping of cicadas—a decidedly romantic setting. He stopped beneath a towering oak tree, taking hold of my hands with a deep, intense gaze that locked onto mine. His anticipation was palpable as he licked his lips, and I knew it was now or never. Summoning my courage, I began, "Jacob, I have to te…" But before I could finish, he smashed his lips against mine, capturing me in a passionate and rough kiss. I gasped in surprise as he bit my bottom lip, his tongue eagerly exploring my mouth while his hands gently cupping my face and caressing my hair. Lust surged through me, clouding my mind as I became lost in the sensation of his luscious lips against mine. I could think of nothing else but the intoxicating feeling of his mouth devouring me. Responding to his kiss, I surrendered to the moment, succumbing to his seductive spell. Pressing me against the tree, he continued to kiss me fervently, his hands gripping my hips and lifting me up, supporting me with his hands beneath my ass. Lost in the moment, I was running my hands over him, tracing the contours of his broad shoulders and muscular chest, feeling the strength in his biceps. Every inch of him was driving me crazy. One of his hands was finding its way under my shirt, cupping my breast and then teasing my n****e. Desire surged through both of us, my arousal soaking through my pants as I felt his undeniable massive hardness pressing against my core. I was panting, overwhelmed by sensations, as a succubus possessed me. What had started as a breathtaking kiss was quickly turning into a heated make-out session, and it was only going to escalate further. He began licking my neck, sucking and nipping at it as he laid me down on the grass, pinning me beneath him and shievers spread all over my body. He started lowering his kisses, from my collarbones, onto my chest, sucking on one n****e while teasing the other with his fingers. As he licked and bit my stomach, he continued moving downward, toward the center of my desire. As he undid my pants, he asked, "Tell me you're mine, and I'll give you all of me, babe." My mind was clouded, rendering me speechless. Noticing my silence, he pressed on, "Tell me you're mine, babe. Say it." Suddenly, something clicked inside me. I belonged to myself. Period.
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