1119 Words

ALICE POV As if a spell had been shattered, suddenly, any allure I felt towards Jacob vanished. His touch became unbearable, his gaze devoid of lust, replaced only by urgency and hardness. Without warning, Jacob's demeanor shifted, his face contorting into a mask of rage. "You belong to me," he growled, his eyes gleaming with fervent conviction. "It is my destiny to claim you, stop fighting me." His grip on me tightened, pinning my wrists above my head with one hand, causing pain, while the other sought to undress me, forcing its way inside me. He kept staring straight into my eyes, demanding my surrender with insistence. Panic immediately seized me. I struggled, shaking and using all the strength in my arms to free my wrists from his malevolent grasp. The scream I wanted to unleash to

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