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ALEX POV As soon as the girls left, I signalled to Max to deal with the two damn disrespectful shewolves; they remained frozen on the spot. "I should have known she'd attract unwanted attention," Jacob said disdainfully. "But you, mutt, stand no chance." "I don't know what you're implying, Paciock. I'm here to teach a lesson to two stupid, disrespectful pack members," I retorted. "Nice try, mutt. If I didn't know you better, I might have believed you, but I saw how you were looking at her earlier by the pool," he clicked his tongue and continued, "she'll be mine. Too precious for a mutt." "I don't like to repeat myself, Tiger. You can do whatever you please; I couldn't care less about that human. But disrespect me again, and I'll shove a wizard's wand up your ass with pleasure," I grunted through gritted teeth as I tightened my grip around his neck. "To be credible, you should maintain consistency between words and actions. But we all know that mongrel dogs have trouble handling situations that are too complicated," he spat back. Leo was roaring in my head, demanding to rip his head off, and the more he pressed, the more the idea didn't bother me at all. In that moment, the coward decided to run for it, dissolving into the air in a cloud of dense black smoke, loudly laughing and leaving my jaws dry from his blood. Clenching my fists, I stormed out of the party, with Max behind me, even more pissed off than me if possible, because of Harmony and Brittany's behaviour. With the rage boiling inside me, all I could think about was the thousand different ways I wanted to wipe out that sorry excuse for a warlock. I couldn't care less that he was the future grandmaster of Macon's busiest coven; my beast was hungry for revenge. We were both green with jealousy, steaming with anger like few times in life, with an imaginary blade piercing through our chests. "Bro, chill out, or you'll unleash a tornado," Max whispered as he tried to keep up with my pace. Snorting and shaking my head, I replied, "It won't happen. I won't lose my cool and cause accidents just for a disappointing human." "Tsk, I think you're mistaken here." Turning to him, I stared intensely and said, "Do you think after what I saw that asshole do to her, she'd still want anything to do with him?" "Well, the level of frustration you're carrying and your destructive aura leave me some doubts," he scoffed. "But I was thinking about something else. Why would a guy like Jacob feel the need to clarify that she's his, using the term 'precious' even? He must have met her for sure only today, at most yesterday. How come he's also so interested in a mere human?" "Of course, just to annoy me as usual," I grunted. "That half-wit enjoys getting me riled up." "I don't think so. I think there's a missing piece of the puzzle for us, and he has it." "He can shove it up his ass. Enough talking. I'm going for a walk. Don't wait up for me." I shifted midair, sprinting towards the hidden stadium to clear my mind and soul from her grip. Max's words kept echoing in my mind. Could he have been right? Could she be something more? Part of me wants to erase her from my thoughts, yet another part yearns to uncover more about her. What if she poses a hidden threat to our people? What if she's an infiltrator from a rival pack seeking information to seize our land? What if she's in league with the Rogue King? The gears of my mind spun countless conspiracy theories about Alice. Those damn emerald eyes no longer represented a forbidden desire but an imminent danger. If the warlock deemed her precious, she couldn't be anything but a massive threat to me and my pack. Leo cleared my thoughts, as always, with his Alpha determination. He simplified every decision with firmness. "Let's investigate her and take her down before she takes us down, whatever her nature may be." A wicked grin crept across my face. Yes, let's bring her down. THIRD PERSON POV Jacob couldn't believe his eyes. There was Alice, wearing the amulet of eternal life—a rare piece crafted from imperial jade infused with ancient energy, lost to history. But she seemed completely unaware of her heritage. Despite Jacob's attempts to uncover her hidden abilities while they danced, his revealing spell failed to penetrate whatever shield concealed her powers. Why did Alice possess such a precious artifact? The only logical explanation was that she was the rightful heir of Ambrosia, the last witch of the Green Coven, who disappeared during the chaos of World War II. Jacob had heard the story of the amulet countless times from his father, who had groomed him for leadership, teaching him about neighboring covens and preparing him for the intricacies of alliances and conflicts. Recent power struggles in the magical world had upset the balance. Dark magic practitioners were gaining influence, and tensions were rising. Encountering Alice now felt like more than mere chance—it felt like destiny. Jacob knew he had to take control of the American magical community, and with Alice by his side, he was sure to succeed. But there was a catch: to access her magical reservoir, they needed to be soulmates, chosen and fused together. Only then could they unlock the full potential of the amulet. It all seemed straightforward enough. Jacob's charm and way with women were well-known. In just two hours, he had already forged a deep connection with Alice. If it weren't for those meddling stray dogs, he would have been well on his way to leading her to his chamber for the ritual, and ultimately, claiming her as his own. Yet Jacob remained undeterred. It was only a matter of time. Alice would be his, and with her, he would wield the untold power she unknowingly possessed.
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