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Alex POV The tension that arose from the encounter with the girl with green eyes weighed heavily on my stomach, while anxiety and impatience buzzed incessantly in my mind. During the daily training session, I endeavored to release the pent-up energy by pushing myself to the limit in the weight room and engaging in sparring with Max. Perhaps I may have been a tad excessive, sending him to the mat twenty times in a row. Yet, it proved insufficient. Leo was urging to be set free, eager to embark on a run and hunt in the woods, feeling the emotional tension stirred up by the human presence strangely. "I must go for a run, Max. Leo is giving me a headache. Attend to the warriors," I declared, my beta nodding in response and offering a reassuring pat on the shoulder as I sprinted into the woods. I reached the most secluded area of the forest surrounding the college, where a witch allied with our pack had placed the necessary protections. This allowed us to have a secluded space in the woods where we could let loose without fear of being discovered—a sort of stadium among the trees where we could run in wolf form, better than nothing. As I ran, I relinquished full control to Leo, allowing him to find solace by sprinting at top speed. After a couple of hours, Leo relinquished control, enabling me to return and procure something for dinner. Upon rounding the corner of the central building to head back to my room, I spied Philip and his mate, likely on a date, I surmised. A few steps later, I also caught sight of two omegas with the most dazzling emeralds I had ever seen. Oh my goddess. She appeared resplendent in a black dress with a deep V-neckline in the front, an open back, and a mid-thigh length. It left little to the imagination as it perfectly draped over her b**ty and all her curves . My jaw dropped instantly, and simultaneously, a wave of jealousy surged from my stomach. "Philip, where are you going?" I mindlinked him. He's a commendable warrior, a mated good guy; he will ensure their safety, I reassured myself internally, though I was evading the truth. "The ThetaPhi organized the back-to-school party. We're heading there to shake a leg, Alpha," he calmly replied. "Understood. See you later there. Keep an eye on these omegas for me," I retorted bitterly, clenching my fists, almost with my claws out, resisting the truth. ThetaPhi is reputed to be a fraternity of spoiled individuals, filled with money, who believe they can seduce any woman within a 100-mile radius. No way I'll allow it to happen with that particular one; the desire to have her before anyone else consumed me. I hastened back to my shower to rid myself of the sweat and debris collected by Leo during his run. In just 10 minutes, I was prepared to go, only to find Max awaiting me on the sofa with a sly smile. "Well, well, well," he began. "What do we have here? Planning an escapade?" "No, I'm heading to the first party of the academic year. If you move promptly, I'll wait for you. Who knows, maybe you'll find a better use for your mouth," I retorted with a sidelong glance. He started laughing lazily as he headed to the shower to join me. However, impatience began to build within me; he was taking too long to prepare. Frustration surged, and I took control. "If you're not here in 2 minutes, I'll go alone," I boomed. "Easy, boy," he calmly replied with an hint of sarcasm “I'm prepared to depart now. My body is a temple and requires proper care. But now, your partner in crime is ready in all his usual splendor," he added with a huge grin spreading across his face as I rolled my eyes, snorting at his cockiness. The Latin rhythm pulsated throughout the venue, the front garden a chaotic scene of drunken freshmen. Not a trace of the girl who consumed my thoughts, thankfully not lost in the midst of that pitiful chaos. I persuaded Max to take a stroll in search of something to drink, a flimsy excuse to have the chance to snoop around looking for her without allowing him to mock me. She was in the backyard with Philip and the other girls. I exhaled a breath I hadn't realized I was holding upon seeing she was okay, everything under control. Good. I began to sip my drink, relaxing with the intention of going with the flow of the evening and finding an excuse to attempt a new approach. "I see, I now comprehend your impatience," he chuckled, clearly amused at reading my mind with such ease. "While you were occupied venting your s****l frustrations by running in the woods, I inquired around a bit. Want some insights?" he continued through our private mindlink. "I'm not sure what you're talking about," I replied. "Truly? Very well, perhaps you don't wish to know that she has received one of the international scholarships for the Women in STEM program funded by our pack." "No, I'm not familiar with whom you're referring to," I denied the evidence, clumsily feigning indifference. "Alice, Italian, turning 18 next Friday, Val's roommate, the blonde with her feet dipped in the pool," he asserted in response, providing precise and concise information like a perfect beta. Alice. The sound of her name resonated intensely in my mind as the corners of my lips lifted into a faint smile, attempting to break through the steel mask I had donned to conceal my emotions. Only Max could discern me so deeply and effortlessly. Her presence completely captivated my interest, drawing both my gaze and my body; I was magnetically drawn to her. With gentleness, she was persuading her friends to follow her into the kitchen, showing care even towards newly acquainted girls. She must have had a kind soul beneath the layer of sassiness she had shown me a few hours earlier. When she bent forward to help Val get up, her dress lifted further on her thighs, fully displaying her beauty and completely capturing my gaze. The thought of burying my face between those thighs of hers, bite them and taste her popped in my mind and my c*ck twitched in anticipation; my pants suddenly felt too tight. Damn, I haven't even spoken to her properly, and I'm already under her spell. I need a distraction. I'm an alpha for goodness' sake. I can't be entangled in flirts with humans—too complicated, too dangerous. So why does it feel so essential to me? Is the allure of the forbidden fruit just too tantalizing? "Come on, big bad wolf, let's refill our drinks. You need to shift your focus, or you're going to make a meal of her," Max chortled. His amusement seemed to grow as my discomfort increased. Shaking my head to banish luxurious thoughts, I followed him inside, concluding with a shove to that i***t of a warlock, Jacob. I had forgotten he was part of that stupid fraternity. "Hi, mutt. I can't say it's nice to meet you," he began with a firm and irritated tone. "Hi, little Draco Malfoy. For once, we are in agreement," I spat back. "Nice party, though." "Don't get too comfortable here. You and your little pup over there are not exactly welcome guests." "Don't try to outdo me in testosterone, you might be unpleasantly surprised, Goyle." "Whatever. I have a pressing matter to attend to, and I don't want to smell like a wet dog after kicking your ass. So, if you'll excuse me, I hope not to see you again in the near future," and on that note, he vanished. That stupid excuse for a warlock. I'm going to punch his pompous ass sooner or later. A commotion started around the corner, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw Philip quickly darting in that direction. Without a second thought, I followed him, sensing a powerful aura making its way through the mansion. I wasn't prepared for the scene that awaited me. Harmony and Brittany clearly disobeyed Max orders, I growled loudly. They straightened their shoulders and lowered themselves in a sign of instant submission, but this time wasn’t enough, their punishment was going to be epical, and they knew it. Rage filled me at the sight of Jacob embracing Alice as if it were the most natural thing in the world, possessively. Intercepting my gaze, he smirked and pulled her closer to his chest, caressing her back. Doing what I've wanted to do since yesterday evening. That pri*k. Leo was curiously pissed off as I was, and I struggled to contain his reaction. The urge to rip his arms with my claws was strong, and the little b*stard knew it; he was reveling in it. When he kissed her neck, using pet names and still locking his eyes with mine, challenging me with his gaze, I almost lost it. Only Max's hand on my shoulder prevented me from pursuing my murderous intent. Madness and jealousy were consuming me. She was allowing that j*rk to kiss her, to touch her which was their relationship? Have I misinterpreted her? Is she another one of these seeking-attention spoiled brats? Bitterness and sourness in my mouth. Fool me. Instantly my dark and strong aura permeated the air in the room, causing the two omegas to tremble and quickly find an escape route, taking Alice with them, thankfully. I was planning to have a serious conversation with them, but first, that damn warlock needed to understand his place. I was going to erase that smirk. Eternally. .
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