Chapter 7

1070 Words
“Mate!” the Alpha-King whispered as he looked into her eyes, “Move aside”, he commanded the Alphas in front of him, they almost ran from the area as soon as the words left his mouth. As he walked forward to her, her men got up ready to defend her but she just lifted her hand and they bowed to her and then to him again as a sign of deep respect. She intentionally let out her aura to show him she was not a weak woman who needed protection, it was so strong even some Alphas close to her showed their necks in submission. “You are strong Mate,” the king said earning some gasps among the Alphas present. She knew how they had brought their daughters for the king, hoping one would be his mate, but they were nowhere to be seen. “What is your name Mate? Please tell me?” the king pleaded, looking deep in her eyes, his wolf showing through with an amber glow. “Grier, Alpha Grier Altose, your Majesty” she said as she bowed to him, he grabbed her by the hand and brought her to him, “You never bow to me, I will always bow to you my Queen,” he said as he bowed deep to her this gained an uproar from the Alphas. “She cannot be the Alpha! The Alpha is the tall one beside her!” yelled one Alpha that had come to present himself to Thaddeus. “WHO ARE YOU TO QUESTION MY MATE? MY QUEEN?” roared the Alpha king turning inmediately to the Alpha who had just yelled, that Alpha had brought his twin daughters with hoping they were the King-Alphas Mate, he had said so to Thaddeus. ¨He will kill him, stop him¨ her wolf quickly said. She quickly reached out her hand and as she touched him she felt the tingles that everyone had said would be like fireworks, she felt him tense and turn to look at her. “If I may your majesty, may I show my real power? As you may see many here present take my Beta as the Alpha of my pack and I cannot have that kind of confusion. If you will allow it?” said Grier looking the Alpha king in his steel grey eyes that would have brought her to her knees if they were alone. “What ever you want is yours my Queen.” Said the king “Alpha….? Im sorry we were not properly introduced may we start again?” she said looking cunningly at the Alpha who had the outburst and was now seething that she didn’t remember his name. “Alpha David Niche, HalfMoon Pack, he is quite the character, he has brought his 2 daughters frequently to the palace…” said the Kings Beta before he was quieted by the King with a look. “Thank you Beta, you are most kind,” she said with a smile to the Beta who just bowed in respect to his Queen-Luna, “where was I? o yes Alpha David, I believe you have a doubt as to my position, may I take that as an open challenge?” she asked looking innocently at the Alpha, “You may, winner takes all, I have wanted that land for a while now” said Alpha David. “Very well, and all are witness to this, I am not marked yet by my Mate the King so I still have my original power as Alpha of the Sunrise Moon Pack! My King do you consent?” “I do my love, be it as you wish. All have heard, the challenge will take place right here in this hall!” gasps were heard all over as there had never been a challenge sanctioned by the king in the great hall. “Make room in the center, may I make this clear this is to the death, the challenge has been made and accepted by the King.” Said the Royal Beta. “Do be careful, I just found you I cannot loose you the same day, it would kill me!” the king whispered to Grier just so she could hear him, send shivers down her spine. “Protect the King!” she ordered her men who immediately took there stance behind him and started to give off their true aura scaring Alphas and Betas around them. “They are too strong, how can she be an Alpha if they have stronger auras than her?” asked a Beta next to the King. “You have felt nothing yet,” Thaddeus said, “if we impress you, how would a woman in heels killing and Alpha be to you?” “What o you mean? She wont Phase?” the king asked worriedly, “don’t worry your majesty, our Alpha rarely phases when she is clothes she likes!” Her Gamma said chuckling to which Thaddeus joined in momentarily, the king was more intrigued at his new found mate. She wouldn’t phase if she was in clothes she likes? This would be interesting. “Are you ready Alpha David?” asked Grier as she was already in the middle of the room. The Alpha had taken off his jacket and pants as he didn’t want to rip them, “I am, I will kill you and have that land and more!” he laughed as he phased. Grier just lifted her pleated skirt and ran towards the Alpha catching him off guard as she had not phased. He charged at her, she twisted to one side, back flipped onto the Alphas back, grabbed hold of his throat and said to his ear, “your land is mine now!” then she twisted his neck, hearing a satisfying crack dropped him to the ground. “Alphas, Betas and Gammas present, Winner of the challenge is Alpha Grier Altose, Do you consent?” the Royal Beta asked all present. “We consent!” they all said in unison, “Alpha-King, the winner is Alpha Grier Altose, do you consent?” he asked the king. “I consent, by rules of engagement placed by the late Alpha of the HalfMoon pack, the Pack and pack lands are now your Alpha Grier. Congratulations!” said the King to Grier.
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