Chapter Eleven

1100 Words
**Dom's POV** With the thought of Paige on my mind, I searched for an opening to slip away from the rest of the pack. Scott had interupted our moment earlier and I was still thinking about it. Why was he so interested in her. The girl who had turned him down, time and time again. I guess that's the hunter in him. Still chasing the one that got away. The more I thought about it the more infuriated I became. After an hour or so, I found my chance to be alone. My father and mother were calling it a night and mom had asked me to walk inside with them. Stopping the kitchen, mom looked around at the mess on the counters. I knew what was going threw her head. Her green eyes contemplating cleaning before she went to bed. "Mom," I say causing her to look at me. "Don't worry about the kitchen, I'll get someone to clean it before you come down for breakfast." She lets out a sigh as my father places his hand on her back. She nods in agreement. Looking at her you would've never thought she could have so much energy. She had given the maids tonight off so they could enjoy the party and decided to clean the pack house from top to bottom. That's one thing you hardly ever see a Luna do. Not only had she made sure the pack house was spic-an-span, but she alone had decorated the entire packhouse. She had been up since before dawn, atleast thats what dad had told me. And now even with the thought of bed on her mind she still thought she needed to clean the kitchen. I could see the tiredness in her green eyes as she watched me. She's with a warmth that would melt the artic. Opening her arms walking around the counter. "Son," She says embracing me in a hug. "I, we're, so glad you're home." "Yes," Dad agrees with her. "We are very happy you have returned home." I smile at both of them, my loving parents. Backing away from me, my mother studies my face. The face she hadn't seen in five years. I'm sure she is taking a photo with her memory. She lets go, dropping her arms as she steps away. Turning to leave, I know she is making her way to the grand staircase to retire for the evening. "Don't be up too late." She says climbing the stairs. "There are some things we need to discuss in the morning." My dad tells me following behind her. "Goodnight, son." Mom says as she nears the top of the staircase. "Night." I reply waiting on them to turn the corner so they are out of veiw of the door. Once I'm sure they are gone I open the from door and exit the house. I quietly close the door behind me. Trying not to make much noise at all. I stand there in the light of the lanterns hanging to each side of the doorway. The night air was quiet and still. I walk over and sit down on a barely visible bench that isn't far from the corner of the packhouse where I had parked my car. I had parked next to Scotts truck when I had arrived this afternoon. I was happy to see my bestfriend after five years of training. But one thing boggled my mind. What was his deal with Paige? I know he had told me she had turned him down over and over again. *Smart girl.* Came Koal's voice with a snicker. *That must've been a blow to his selfesteem.* That made me smirk. That's an understatement. The first time she had turned him down, he went on a spree. I heard it from a friend of ours, said he had f****d anything with two legs for at least two weeks. It really must've pissed him off that she had done it multiple times. *Yeah,* I agreed with him. *But if you hadn't noticed, he's been following her around all night. Like a pup following their mom.* *He has been too nice tonight.* I tell Koal. *I don't like it.* *You don't think-* *Yeah I do.* I cut him off before he could finish that question. I jump up and take off running to find them. I decide to run around the side of the pack house to where we had parked. I had to check to make sure he hasn't left. Thankfully the moon goddess herself had answered my prayer. As I turn the corner I see his blue Silverado park right beside my black Camero. I take a second to stop to think of were he could be. A strange faint noise was coming from in between our vehicles. Moaning. I could smell the sweet scent of strawberries topped with whipped cream enough to drive me crazy. It, unmistakably, was her. Oh hell no... I rush around the front of Scotts truck to find, hidden in the shadows of our vehicles, Scott had her pinned. She was highly intoxicated. The only way she was still standing was because of Scott. Surely, he had been up to his old tricks. He held her weight with one of her arms held behind her back. It caused her to arch back pushing her hips against him and to tilt her head back exposing neck. But more importantly it exposed her marking spot. Everything I'm seeing causing my blood to boil in rage. I could feel him in the back of my mind, growling and snarling. My canines begin to enlongate as my hazel eyes turns bright orange. I ripped Scott off of her and throw him clear across the yard. I was as her small body drops to the ground as her knees buckle under her weight. I kneel down to check on her. She is breathing but very swallowing. With advanced hearing I can hear her heart beating rapidly. Atleast she's still alive. "Dude," Scott says in surprise. "What the f**k?" I look in his direction so he can clearly see my eyes. He knows I'm not pleased. I don't know how much more I can control him. He looked at me then back to her. Wheels in his head turning. "Who does this b***h thi-" That's all I allow him to say before my fist connects with his temple and he is barely able to keep his self standing. I am looking down on him with disgust as I feel him taking over. "This 'b***h' is mine."
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