Chapter Eight

1229 Words
Mouths gaping, they both stared at me in shock. I can understand why. I've never even thought of giving Scott a chance until now. "Nothing, nothing." Amber says shaking her head. The look on her face uncertain. She just forces a smile and looks at Dylan. "So Paige," I hear Dylan say as his leans forward to peer at my from the otherside of Amber. "I heard you got a surprise of your life today." "Oh," I say. Raising an eyebrow at my silently smiling best friend. "And what was that?" "I heard Amber asked you to be the maid of honor at our wedding." He says. Of course you heard that. I'm sure Amber couldn't contain herself. Surely the first thing she did, after leaving the shop this afternoon, was call him to tell him all about it. "Yeah." I say, blush creeping across my face. "She did." "You were right, babe" Amber says. "She cried like a baby! It was so cute!" "It most certainly was not cute!" I interject. Dylan lets out a soft chuckle. Shaking his head, you can tell he thinks its funny too. "Sorry," He says laughing. "It was my idea for her to ask you tonight, but it didn't work out that way." " It was your idea!" I ask surprised. "That's not cool!" They both laugh at how embrassed I'm getting. Glad they think its funny. They are like the perfect couple. They a literally made for each other. They both continue to laugh at my expense. Pretty soon, I too am laughing. The love you feel between them is infectous. *It kinda is cute, you know?* Pearl says agreeing with them. I shrug my shoulders, neither agreeing with her or disagreeing with her. "Okay everyone." Master Alpha Kenneth's voice booms over the crowd of chattering pack members. "May I have your undivided attention?" As soon as he speaks these words, the only thing you could hear now is the crickets chirping in the near by woods. All eyes are now focused on him, waiting intently on what he has to say. "As you all know," He starts his speech. "For the past five years our pack has been missing a beloved member of our pack. He has been traing with our allies to east, and it brings me great joy to say, tonight he has returned! Please give him a great moonstone welcome for your future alpha and my son, Dometri!" Then he steps out of the back doors as if right on que. The pack erupts into a defening applause. Hooping and hollering, whistling and clapping with joy and respect. He waves his hand in greeting, and the pack goes silent. *Damn!* Pearl howls in excitment. *New alpha is so hot!* I can feel her drooling, as we sit and watch him. And I can't deny what she is saying. It's true, he did look good. Everything about him screamed masculinaty. He had thick dark brown hair that was trimmed and brushed back. His hazel eyes looked green in the artifial light. His straight nose was perfect for his face. He was smiling and I could see he had beautiful pearly white, very stright teeth. That smile is sure to win him any lady of his choosing. He was sporting a very nice leather jacket with some type of cotton blend off white t-shirt underneath. And no, the jacket didn't hide any of his dominance, the leather of his jacket just seemed to enhace the muscles of his arms and shoulders. Wow. It seems I can't really take my eyes off of him. "Thank you everyone." His voice dripping honey. "It's been far too long since I have been home. I hope with everything thing I've learned in the past five years, to make the Moonstone wolf pack the most highly ranked pack in the northern hemisphere." His statement sends the pack into another round of applause. "With the help of my trusted chosen beta," He continues to address the pack. "Scott Maverick, I hope to see our pack flourish in the coming years." Scott was beaming with so much joy, he could hardly keep a straight face. Smiling and waving to the pack. Master Alpha was standing beside his son and Scott was on the other side of him. Master Alpha rested his hand on his sons shoulder. "Enough of the formalities," Master Alpha says cheerfully. "Let's eat, drink and be merry everyone! This is a celebration after all." That was all it took to earn Master Alpha, once again, another round of applause. It was clear to everyone that hs speech was done and to continue talking amongst ourselves. I loose myself in the chattering conversations of all the different pack members. I suddenly feel like I'm being watched. I start shifting nervously in my seat. Amber immediately notices the difference in my demeanor. "What's wrong?" She asks me. "Probably nothing." I say, barely mumbling a reply. Looking around the crowded yard hoping to suppress my on coming anxiety. A minute or two passes as I watch all the smiling faces of the pack. They all look so happy. Out of the crowd, I spot Scott carrying a tray with four glasses heading straight for our table. "Here we are." He says, setting the tray on the table. " Champagne for the ladies and coke and crown for us Dylan." I smile looking down at the glasses of clear bubbly liquid, sitting in front of me. He has no clue. "What wrong Paige?" He asks me. Eyes of concern studying my face. "Um, well," I say. "Not to be rude, but champagne isn't something I drink." "Yeah dude," Dylan says taking a sip of his drink. "She's more of a white wine or rum and orange juice type of girl." I nod my head in agreement. Scott looking surprised that Dylan knew that and he didn't. I have to give the man credit. He has made quite an effort to learn everything about Ambers life, including what her best friends favorite drinks are. "Oh." He says. "Is that so?" I nodd my head again. "Well then," He states. "I can fix that. I'll be right back." And off he goes to find me a proper drink. I'm shocked. He seemed to take that well. As soon as he is out of ear shot, I look at both of them smiling shyly. "Thanks, Dylan." I tell him, then look at Amber. "I'll be right back, I'm going to step off to the side a smoke." I slip out of my chair, and make my way to the outskirts of the property. Knowing Dylan and Amber wouldn't tell Scott where I went o I could have a moment of peace. I spot out the corner of my eye a picnic table by the edge of the dense dark forrest. That's the perfect spot to take a breather. I make my way to the picnic table, and take an inappropriate seat on the top of the table. What do I care, noone is out here but me. I take a small joint out my cigarette pack and light it. The fresh smoke slightly burning the back of my throat. I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. "Taking a break from all the excitement?" A voice asks from the darkness.
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