Chapter Seven

1091 Words
    Amber put her slender hand around the handle and turned the knob opening the door to the packhouse. The inside the packhouse was just as amazing as the outside. It looked like the inside of a palace. The floors were white, with black and gray layers that looked like an ocean wave. No doubt the finest marble. There was a grant staircase in the center of the foyer. It was cretainly the biggest staircase I've ever seen. Looking around, I couldn't help but smile at how luxurious it was. I was standing the center of the door way, like a deer in the headlights. "First time here?" Came a voice from the corner of the room. A voice I had heard multiple times before. The voice came from none other than Scott. Look cool as ever. Sandy brown curls brushing at his forehead from underneath a hat that was worn backwards. He looked more like he was dressed for a full-on frat party, not a pack celebration. "Hi, Scott." I say rolling my eyes, removing the smile on my face. "Don't look so happy to see me, Paige." He says jokingly. "It's nice, isn't it?" "It was..." I mumble under my breath. "Come on Paige," he says cheerfully. "It's a party not a funeral." Throwing his arm around my shoulders, he urges me further into the packhouse. "Stop it Scott." I say as a pull away, spinning around to look at Amber. "Yeah, Scott." She says. "Cut it out. We don't want to be late for Alpha Dom's grand enterence." Scott lets out an exagerated sigh. He leans back, pressing his back against the threshold. "Okay," He says raising an eyebrow. "Do either of you know where you're going?" Amber opens her mouth as so to speak, but then relaxes her shoulders. "I'll take that as a no." He says smiling. Of course happy with this predicament we're in. Amber shakes her head. *Great* I say. *I was hoping not to have to deal with him until later in the evening.* *Remember you promise.* Pearl tells me. *For once, let's just see where this goings tonight.* See where this goes... With Scott... Great. *Have you lost your damned mind?* I ask her.* With Scott it'll only go to one place, to his bed. That is always his goal, remember?* *Okay, and?* She asks. *And that's a bad thing?* *You can't be serious?* I ask her. *Yes, getting laid is a natural part of human and werewolf relations alike* She states, matter-of-factly. She really is serious. I'm really not sure why, but I am sure it's a bad idea. Don't get me wrong Scott is very attractive but he has also been with atleast half of the pack. Not really what I'm looking for in a relationship. *It's not a suggestion to let him mark you.* She says.*But a suggestion to blow off some steam, so what if it ends in a one-night stand?* *So now,* I state. *You want me to agree to sleep with Scott?* Wow. I never thought I'd have an arguement with Pearl, about who I agree to sleep with. She was Ms. It's-best-to-wait-til-you're-mated-to-have-a-family. Now all of a sudden she's Ms. Jump-into-bed-with-the-pack-man-w***e. *No.* She replies. *I said to relax and see where it goes.* "Okay," I say out loud. "Please, show us where we are going, Scott?" He perks up instantly. Noticing the change in my tone. " This way ladies," He says gesturing down the hallway, tolding out his elbow. "Allow me." I walk past him, ignoring his offered arm. Which absolutely failed, because as soon as I do, he interlocks his arm with mine, guiding me right through the packhouse. All the way to the double glass doors looking out onto the back patio where I could see the rest of the pack waiting in anticipation. I walk out the doors, and down the steps of the patio, still arm in arm with Scott. The decorations for the celebration are very elegant. With atleast fifteen maybe twenty round white clothed tables. Each with eight to ten chairs postioned around them. Centerpeices on the tables where bouquets of white flowers and the tables where set up with plates, glasses, forks, knives and spoons. Very fancy. Scott lead us to a table in the back, it was one of the furtherst tables from the pack house. Dylan was already seated at the table. Amber smiles happily and skips the rest out the way, right up to him. He smiles and greets her with a passionate kiss and a warm hug. She never looked so happy. " Hey Dylan." I greet him. "Some turn out, huh?" "How are you tonight, Paige?" He asks me. "I'm doing alright." I tell him reaching for my chair which is on the other side of Amber. Before I get a grip on the back of the chair, Scott swats my hand away. Pulling my chair out for me. "What a gentleman?" I say sarcastically, with a laugh. Dylan chckles under his breathe. *Maybe he's just trying to be nice.* Pearl says. *Don't be so quick to judge.* "Actually Dylan," Scott starts. "I am." "Hey dude, I'm not the one who said it." He laughs off Scotts accusation. "Paige," Scott says. " I'm just trying to be nice. It's been a while since you have come to any pack events, and I feel like that's partially my fault and I want to apoligize for it." "Okay," I say staring at him in shock. "Who are you and what have you done with Scott?" That very strange. Scott is not known to apoligize. Like I think I've only ever heard stories about him saying sorry. "No, seriously." He says. "I want you to atleast give me a chance to show you a good time tonight. No funny business, honest." That's enough for me to raise an eyebrow. I study his expression. He seems sincere enough. To even be extra, he raises his right hand as if to tell me he i being truthful. "Okay," I tell him holding up a finger to express what I am fixing to tell him. "One chance." I can feel the looks of surprise on Dylan and ambers faces. I feel Pearl wag her tail joyfully. "Okay then," He says. "I have to go, I'm part of the ceremony, but I'll be back." He says beforing walking away. I can still feel Dylan and Amber burning holes in my skin with their eyes. "What?" I ask them both.
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