Chapter Seven - Morning After

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  Hailey's P.O.V I woke up to an empty bed. Avery nowhere in sight. When did he leave? I never even heard him. Maybe it was a good thing he did after what happened last night. I shook my head, disappointed at myself for what I let happen last night. I never wanted to move, but I had to, or I would be late for school. I groaned to myself, pushing myself out of bed. I grabbed my phone to check it. There was a text from Layla telling me she was homesick today. Great now, I need to face this full day alone. Maybe I should call in sick. No, that is a horrible idea, my parents would kill me. I jumped in a quick shower before getting dressed in a pair of jeans, boots, and an oversized hoodie. I pulled my hair into a side pony before heading down to grab breakfast before heading out. I put my earphones in, making my way to school. When I arrived, I saw Avery talking to a couple of people. He looked up seeing me, looking at me for a moment before turning away. He was ignoring me again. I guess he never got what he wanted, so he has moved on. He was more like Joshua than I realised. I shook my head, looking at the ground and heading to my locker. "Hailey!" I heard an angry growl from behind me, a voice very well known to me, Joshua. I decided to ignore him, not even look at him cause I am not in the mood. Next thing I know, he grabbed me roughly, pulling me around to face him. I was terrified when I see the look on his face. He looked furious, and it was scaring me. I had never seen that look. Well not directed at me, Avery yes…me no. He pushed me against the locker, punching the locker behind me. "Tell your guard dog to stay the f**k out of my way because next time he will not be as lucky the son of the bitch." He hissed, it was then I noticed his black eye and bruised face. I knew Avery was fighting with someone yesterday; I am guessing it was Joshua. "He isn't my guard dog." I stammered out. "He is something. What are you f*****g him, is that what it is? Is that why he is always defending you? If you are you are a f*****g i***t cause he will drag you down with him." He snapped. "What? I am not having s*x with Avery. Even if I was, it has nothing to do with you. He cannot be any worse than you, Joshua. At least he isn't pretending to love me as you did." I growled at him, crying a little. It was the first time since the full thing happened that I have stood up to him. Joshua laughed at what I said, reaching in, stroking my cheek. "Maybe not, but, sweetheart. I could get you back with a click of my fingers because even though I never loved you, I know you loved me; you still do. It is written all over your sad little face. I see him again, or he gets in my way again; he will pay for it. You will pay for it." Joshua winked, kissing me before laughing and walking away. I stood there, not knowing what to do or say. Did that just happen? How dare he kiss me? Not going to lie as much as I hated Joshua for what he did to me, I still loved him. That kiss even though it never meant anything, made my heart race for a moment. I felt tears running down my cheek again. I could feel people staring at me, laughing. I needed to get away from here. I ran out of the school, running right into someone on the way out. "Hailey, what is wrong? Are you OK?" I heard Avery's voice say, a worried look in his eye. "Leave me the f**k alone Avery." I hissed, pushing by him. I do not care if I got into trouble with my parents. I could not be here, not today. I ran all the way home, not stopping until I got to my front door. I sent my mum a quick text telling her I was sick and was not at school. I knew she would not get it until the meeting was over. I can worry about her later. I ran to my bedroom, throwing myself down on the bed, crying and screaming into the pillow. What have I ever done to deserve all this s**t? I have always been a nice person. Why is this all happening to me? I kicked my shoes off, throwing everything on the floor, climbing under the covers, curling up and cried. I hated my life right now. I must have dozed off cause next thing I knew someone was shaking me gently. "Hailey? Are you OK?" I heard a voice say. I opened my eyes, looking up to find Avery standing next to the bed, looking at me with a worried look on his face. "What do you want? Go away, Avery." I snapped, turning the other way. He never listened to me. I felt the bed go down. Then a hot body against mine. A hand was falling over my hips, while another stroked my hair. I turned around to face him. He was looking at me. "Hailey what happened?" he asked. "Like you give a damn Avery. You do not need to act like you give a damn about me, it is OK. You can go." I said, shaking my head crying again. He reached in, wiping my tears away with his thumb. I closed my eyes over, sighing and moved into his touch. "I am not going anywhere. I am staying right here. Of course, I give a damn. If I never, why would I be here?" he asked. "To see if you can get more of what you nearly got last night." I whimpered.  "Whoa! That was uncalled for Hailey." He said defensively. "It isn't after what you did last night. Leave Avery I do not want you here. Shouldn't you be at school, anyway?" I said, turning away from him again. "Hailey it is four p.m. …school is over. I am sorry about last night, all of last night," he said. "Whatever. Leave me alone." I snapped, pulling the covers over my head. I heard him sigh, standing from my bed and walking away. Good! I do not want him here, anyway. Though, there is a part of me does. I waited ten minutes before moving out of bed, giving him time to leave. I checked to see a text from my mum. Mum: OK, sweetie, feel better soon. Your dad and I will not make it home tonight. Will you be OK? X Hailey: I will be fine. See you tomorrow after school. Love you x Mum: Love you too. Call me if you need anything x I shoved my phone in my back pocket, heading down to find food since I have not eaten since breakfast. The closer I got to the kitchen, I heard noises. It sounded like someone was in my kitchen. Someone was in the house. Oh, God, what do I do? I looked around, finding the most substantial thing I could find, creeping towards the kitchen. I smelt food cooking. Surely it cannot be someone robbing the house then decided, hey you know what I am hungry, maybe I should make some food. That would be silly, would it not be? I still kept my guard up as I entered the kitchen. "You aren't very good at creeping up on someone are you Kitten?" I heard a familiar laugh. Avery? Thought he left? "What are you still doing here? Thought I made it clear that I wanted you to go away?" I said, annoyed. "I thought I made it clear that I don't listen?" he turned, smirking at me, "I am making mac and cheese for us cause you have been sleeping all day which means you haven't eaten." He said, shaking his head in disappointment, it seemed. "No seriously, why are you still here? Came to ignore me some more and make me feel like crap again? Last night not enough for you?" I said glaring at him. "Hailey stop being damn stubborn. Sit down and shut up. I was drunk. I should not have done what I did last night, any of it. Can we go back to being friends again now since you have had time to sulk?" he said, a stern look on his face as he stared at me. "Whatever!" I huffed, storming off. I stormed into the living room like a child. Avery was laughing at me. I threw myself down on the sofa, still feeling tired even after sleeping for seven hours. I switched on the T.V., putting on criminal minds. I love that show especially Spencer Reid; he is cute and geeky. I listened as he rattled about in my kitchen, cooking. Never thought he would be the type to cook but then again, he did say last night he looks after his mum. I guess he would have to have learned how to cook. "Dinner will be ready soon." He said, "What are you watching? " he said, lifting my legs, sitting down, placing my legs over his lap. "Criminal Minds," I said, not turning away from the T.V. to look at him. "Cool. You going to stay mad at me all night?" he asked. "Yup." That was all I said, making sure to pop the P for effect. "OK. Well, this night is going to be awkward, sitting in silence all night." he shrugged. All night? How long is he planning to stay for, I turned to him, drawing him daggers. "How long are you planning on staying? My parents will be home in a couple of hours." I said, lying through my teeth. "Bullshit! Your mum left a message on the answerphone saying they will not be home until tomorrow. Nice try." He said, "And I am not letting you stay alone all night." he added. "Are you joking? I am a big girl. I don't need a babysitter, thank you very much." I Said annoyed. "You sure? The way you are acting is childlike. Maybe you do need a babysitter." He said laughing, "I am staying, and I am not taking no for an answer. I need to nip home and see my mum first, make sure she has eaten today. You can come with me." He said. "OK," I said After what he said last night, I knew his mum meant the world to him, and he had to look after her. I never wanted to get in the way of that. "Then when we get back, I owe you chick flicks." He said, pulling a face, making me laugh. "Oh yeah, that is right, forgot about that. Revenge is sweet." I smirked, perking up a little. "I am gonna regret this, aren't I?" he laughed. "Yup!" I smiled widely. Before anything else was said, the oven timer went off, telling us dinner was ready. Thank God my stomach was talking to me. "Let's go eat then we can go check on my mum…stop at the shop and get some snacks for the movies." He smiled. "OK. Cool." I said, skipping through to the kitchen. I do not know how he managed it. He has cheered me up. As soon as he set the food in front of me, I dived right in, groaning as the food entered my mouth cause it was damn good. The boy got skills. "Glad you like It." he chuckled, winking at me. Maybe tonight with Avery will not be too bad after all.
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