Chapter Six - The Bad boys wasted

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Hailey's P.O.V I woke during the night, checking the time on my phone…two-thirty am, come on. I am up in a few hours. I looked seeing I had four missed called and three text messages all from Avery. The last one he sent only five minutes ago. I opened it, reading it, well trying. Avery - I am out your home. Let me come in. Or I will knock the door I swear he better be joking. I decided it would be safer to call him back, make sure he was messing with, he soon answered. "Baby girl. Let me in. I'm lost." He slurred, laughing. "Where are you?" I asked. "Sitting at your step, outside." He said. I am going to kill him. I sneaked out of bed, creeping downstairs. I was thankful for my parents both slept like logs because I would not fancy explaining this to them. I opened the front door. A body was soon falling back, hitting the ground, laughing as he did. Avery? I looked down at him. I could not believe the state that he was in. His hair was a mess. His eyes were popping out of his head. He reeked of alcohol, and his jeans were not buttoned upright, grass stains on the knees. He had a cut head; his hands were all cut too. What the heck? Has he been fighting again? "Kitten, help me up. I am a little drunk." He laughed. I groaned, shaking my head before reaching down. I gave him a hand to get him up on his feet which he could barely manage. I wrapped my arm around him, holding him up the best I could. "What happened to you? Were you fighting again?" I said, annoyed at him. "No…fell…I think. Dunno…oh well." He chuckled. "How did you even get here? Why didn't you go home?" I asked. "I think I walked. No go home, wanted to see you since you left." He said, "why did you leave me?" he added pouting. "Cause you were being an ass and ignoring me. I need to get you upstairs before anyone hears you. Keep your mouth shut. Try not to fall on your ass, OK?" I said, shaking my head. He nodded, petting his lip at me, giving me his best puppy dog eyes. Yes, they were not going to work because I was seriously annoyed at him. For making me come home myself, plus showing up at my house in this state at this time. He tried his best staying quiet as I got him to my room. It was hard work, but I managed. As soon as I was in my room, I closed the door, putting a chair against it. I threw Avery down on my bed. I headed into the bathroom, grabbing a first aid kit and some water for him. I made my way back over to him. "Can you sit up? I need to clean you up." I said. He groaned, manging in the end, sitting at the edge of my bed. He was looking at me, a dorky smile covering his lips. I giggled a little, shaking my head. "Why did you leave?" he repeated as I clean his head up. "Cos you were an ass. You were ignoring me, and I needed to get home." I said, concentrating on what I was doing. He winced in pain as I cleaned him up. "Stop being a baby; it is only a little cut." I laughed. He rolled his eyes at me, groaning annoyed at me. I shrugged, smirking at him. His hand reached up, landing on my cheek. His eyes were staring at me hard, but I ignored him. I continued getting his face cleaned before pulling away from his touch, getting to work on his hands. They were all cut and bleeding. I think he may be right, and I think he fell. It would explain a lot. Why would you want to get yourself in this state? Anything could have happened to him. Once I cleaned him up, I sat next to him, making him turn to face me. "Do you hate me now?" he said sadly. "What? No, of course not. I should not have expected anything else from you. My silly fault for thinking you cared if I got home safe or not." I said, shrugging it off. I swear I saw slight pain in his eyes when I said that. I was only being honest with him. "I did plan on getting you home…promise." He said. He seemed a slighter bit sober now than what he did twenty minutes ago…strange. I looked at him, not sure if I believed him or not. I will never find out the truth now anyway, why worry? "I am going to get you some coffee…strong coffee. Stay put and keep your mouth shut my parents are only down the hall, OK?" I said. "OK." He said looking at the ground, seeming embarrassed now. I headed downstairs quietly, making him a coffee. An extra strong one like I said. I grabbed some juice too and a couple of snacks. Maybe if he ate it would soak the alcohol up. I had a feeling I would not be getting back to sleep anytime soon. I crept back to my room, not getting caught. My parents would be away by six because they have a meeting out of town. They do not come into my room when they leave that early, which for this situation is perfect. I could only imagine the reaction if they caught Avery in my room, especially the state that he was in. He was sitting back against my headboard, staring into space when I arrived back. He looked lost in his thoughts. "You OK?" I asked He looked at me, nodding, faking a smile for me. I knew he was lying. I made my way over, taking the spot next to him, passing him some coffee and something to eat. "Thanks." He slurred. A silence filled the room as he drank his coffee. I looked at him, wondering what was going on in that head of his. "Hailey I'm sowwy." He pouted, "I should never have come here tonight; maybe I should go." He said. "You aren't going anywhere in that state Avery. You are staying right here where I can keep an eye on you," I said sternly. With that, a smirk started creeping upon his lips and his hand landing on my thigh. Here we go again. I sighed, shaking my head before looking at him. "You do care." He smirked "Whatever." I said, rolling my eyes at him. His hand started rubbing my upper thigh, looking at me. His eyes were getting darker. I knew what he was thinking. "Come on, Kitten, don't be like that. I said I was sorry, what else do you want from me? I was having fun; maybe you should try it sometime." He winked. Fun? You are wasted on both drugs and alcohol. Why would I wanna get myself into that state?" I said, annoyed at him. "Because it is fun, makes everything a little easier. We cannot all have a great home and parents Hailey. You have both your parents. Who work, who look after you. Me? I have a mother that is an alcoholic that is addicted to pain killers. I look after her. She does not look after me. So, what if I like to get wasted, it is who I am, and you know that. You heard everything about me. Don't sit there, judging me Hailey." He hissed. "I am not judging you at all Avery. All I am saying is what appeals to you does not appeal to me. Don't start being a prick towards me cause you are drunk and high." I hissed back, a little upset now. I was crying a little. Why was I crying? I shook my head, turning away from him, sitting at the edge of my bed. I heard him sigh; the bed was then moving. I had a feeling he was going to leave, and maybe it would be better if he did. I soon felt his hands on my hips from behind, his hot breath tickling my neck. "Hailey sorry. I never meant to upset you." He said. I took a deep breath, looking over my shoulder at him. He was barely an inch away from my face. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as I looked at him. His eyes were searching my face. I closed my eyes over, pulling away from him before I did something stupid. His soft, warm lips fell on the skin of my collar bone, kissing their way down. I shut my eyes tighter, groaning, my head falling back. "I know you want me, Hailey. Why keep denying it?" he mumbled against the skin of my neck, his lips had now found their way too. I was not as put off of the smell of alcohol the way I was earlier. My body was too weak to think about it. I shook my head, knowing no words would fall from my lips if I tried telling him no. "Yes, you do." He groaned in my ear.  His hands now underneath my tee, stroking the skin of my hips. He needed to stop because if he does not, I will end up giving him what he wants. "Hailey turn around and look at me. Look me straight in the eye. Tell me you don't want Me." he whispered against my skin. I could not do that because I am a terrible liar. If I turn around to face him, he will see right through me…see that he is right. I shook my head, not moving a single inch. He pulled away from me. My body was feeling cold, …lonely all of a sudden. I think he has maybe given up, which works out better for me. How wrong of me to believe that. He soon appeared in front of me, standing between my legs. His shirt now off, when did that happen? I swallowed hard at the sight of him. I whimpered as I eye his toned body, a beautiful, sexy, muscular physique. I gripped onto the bedding next to me because if I never I would reach out for him. I do not want to do that. I finally managed to look at his face. I found Avery standing there, his famous smirk on his face. I could feel my face getting warmer by the second. "I am gonna kiss you now." He said, stepping closer to me "No." I breathed out "Yes." He said He was now leaning down. His face was inching closer to mine, meaning his lips were inching closer to mine. I tried keeping it together, but all that disappeared when his lips fell over me. I let out a loud whimper, his lips brushing mine. His hands landed on my hips, laying me down on the bed, him following me. I know I should push him away; I cannot. My back soon hit the mattress. His body was quickly falling over his mine. His lips were crashing against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, him holding my waist, deepening the kiss. I moaned into the kiss, Avery doing the same. I felt his warm tongue run over my bottom lip before gently tugging it between his teeth.  I groaned, opening my mouth, Avery pushing his tongue into my mouth, falling against my own. I wrapped my legs around his hips, and he pressed himself against me as I did. I have never felt this weak in my entire life. I let my fingers trace the muscles of his back, him groaning under my touch. One of his hands found their way to my thigh, gripping it tightly, the other one was sliding further under my top, his fingertips tracing my stomach. All of a sudden, I snapped out of it…what am I doing? "Stop," I said, pushing him off me. "Whatever Hailey." He said, turning away from me. I lay there, my breathing heavy, my heart racing. I felt a few stray tears fall down my cheeks. I cannot believe I done that. If I never stopped when I did, I knew I would have gone further, and that is not who I am. I am not that kind of girl. I cannot make him think I am. I have never felt as stupid in my life. I shifted, sliding under the covers, turning the opposite way. My back to him, not another word was spoken, and soon his breathing got uneven, telling me he had fallen asleep. I closed my eyes over, not being able to fight sleep anymore. I do not know how I am going to face him tomorrow after that.
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