Chapter Eight- Meeting the bad boys mum

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Hailey's P.O.V Avery and I pulled up outside his house, heading in. "I apologise in advance. I am not sure how my mum is today. If she is having a good or a bad day," he said worriedly. "It is OK. Don't worry about Avery." I smiled. He nodded, leading us inside. We headed into what I assume is the living room. A petite pretty brunette woman was sitting on the sofa, staring into space. "Mum," Avery said softly. "Hello, my sweet boy." She gushed, turning to face us "Oh, you brought company. You should have warned me, and I would have tried to be more put together." She said, embarrassed, turning to me "Sorry, you had to meet me in this state." She said, fixing her hair. "Don't be silly. You look fine. You are beautiful. I see where Avery gets his good looks from." I smiled. "Thank you." His mother giggled, relaxing a little. He turned to me, giving me a small smile, mouthing thank you, and I returned a smile. "Mum, this is Hailey. Hailey my mum Christie." He said, introducing us. "Hailey that is a pretty name. It is nice to meet you." She smiled sweetly at me, but she looked tired. She looked like she has had a lot to deal with in her life which saddened me. "Thank you." I blushed "You too." I added. "How do you two know each other? It is not like my son to bring someone here to meet me." she smiled. "School." We both said in sync, making Christie laugh. "Oh, wait. Avery is this the one you said you were defending yesterday?" she asked. He told his mum that. I guess she asked when she saw his face. So that is why he was fighting with Joshua, cause of me? It was sweet in a way, but at the same time, it was not because I do not want him getting into trouble because of me. "Yes. I have some macaroni here for you. I will heat it." he smiled at her. "Thank you, son. I will get to know Hailey a little better." She said, smiling sweetly at me. "OK." He nodded, heading into the kitchen. I went over, sitting down next to Christie on the sofa. Christie was soon turning her attention to me. "How is Avery getting on at school? Is he staying out of trouble?" she asked. "He is getting on OK. Yes, he seems to be staying out of trouble." I smiled. "That is good. Are you and Avery friends? Dating?" she asked. "Just friends," I replied "Oh, that's a shame. My boy could do with dating a nice girl like you. I know he doesn't do that or doesn't have the time due to having too look after me, which saddens me." she said sadly, feeling guilty. "I am sure he will find a nice girl soon when he is ready. He loves you very much, Christie…looking after you is what he wants to do." I smiled, giving her hand a small squeeze. She nodded, giving me a small smile. I could tell it gets to her than Avery is the one looking after her, rather than her looking after him. We chatted with each other until he came back with her meal. "You two not eating?" she asked. "We ate at Hailey's. I am going to stay with Hailey tonight cause he parents are out of town. Will you be OK?" He asked. "Yes, I will be fine love. I will get a shower then go to bed, exhausted today." She said. "You sure?" he asked, Christie nodding. We stayed with Christie for a bit as she had her meal. Avery cleaning up before Christie went off to bed, before heading back to mine. He was unusually quiet. "Avery are you OK?" I asked as we drove. "Yes. Thank you for being nice to my mum. Not many people are because of her addiction problem." He said sadly. "She is a nice woman. I like her. I can tell you have a strong relationship with her." I smiled. "Yes, we do. We have only ever really had each other, we've got to stick together. My father was never in the picture. Well, he would show up now and again, then disappear again. Not seen him in about five years now, I think." He said, shrugging the last part off. "I am sorry. Your so-called father doesn't deserve either of you in his life if that is how he is." I said. "I guess." He said, managing a small smile. I got the feeling from him that he never wanted to talk about it anymore. I decided to let it drop. A silence was falling between us. I could see he was away in another world. He seemed to have a lot on his mind. I wanted to reach over, give his hand a supportive squeeze, but something told me he would not like that. I sighed, leaning back in the chair, watching him for a moment. I smiled a little.  He was gorgeous, and I could not deny it. I pulled away before I got caught. We pulled up outside the store, heading in, grabbing a basket. "What are you fancying?" I asked "Well." He started, smirking at me "Don't even say it or I will kick your ass." I giggled "Fine!" he pouted, walking away from me. I shook my head, laughing before catching up with him. We went up and down all the isles, grabbing anything we fancied from popcorn to chocolate to sweeties etc.…more than we needed. We would never make our way through all this stuff tonight, well I will not. "What now?" he asked. "I think we have enough, don't you?" I said, pointing the basket. "Maybe you are right." He chuckled. Thank goodness for that. Any more I would have to rob a bank to pay for the stuff. Once we got to the cash desk, we ended up halving in to get the things, the best way probably. As we were walking out, "You blew me off for her?" I heard someone huff. I looked up, seeing Mandy's best friend Rachel standing, glaring at Avery. "What if I did?" Avery said, no emotion to his tone. "You promised you would meet me after school. You never showed, all for what? Cause you wanted to hang out with little miss prude there?" she hissed, glaring at me. Great! Another reason for that group to make my life a living hell. "Sweetie did your mum never tell you not to listen to a bad boy, that lies for a living?" he chuckled "plus I had you yesterday. You were nothing special, to be honest. Maybe learn how to f**k right then get back to Me." he said smugly. I stood there, shocked. I never liked this side of him, not one bit. "f**k you, Avery. I hate you, enjoy your little virgin there." She hissed, flipping her hair before walking away. He turned to face me. A blank expression on his face, like he could not care less what he said to Rachel. I cannot stand her, but that was harsh. I shook my head, turning from him and walking back to the car, climbing in as soon as he opened it. He climbed in after me. "What the hell is your problem? If looks could kill, I would have been dead with the way you looked at Me," he asked, glaring at me. "The way you spoke to her was disgusting Avery. I cannot stand the girl, but that was horrible. I felt sorry for her. Is that how you treat girls all the time?" I asked. "Yes, so what? They know what I am like, they come to me. They should know better, but none of them ever learn. Hailey I never pretended to be anyone else. You have no right getting mad at me this way." He said, annoyed. "Whatever! Can we go, please?" I asked, turning away from him "Yeah." He groaned, shaking his head before starting the car. I was not sure if I even wanted his company after that. Is that how he is going to treat me in the end? Like a play toy? At least I have had the sense not to have s*x with him which I am glad of if that is how he treats the people he is having s*x with. As soon as we pulled up outside my house, I climbed out of the car, rushing into my home. If he followed or not, that was his choice. I dumped the bags in the kitchen before heading into the living room, sitting on the sofa. I sighed, running my hands through my hair, shaking my head. "Is this how this is going to be? One minute you are fine with me, talking and laughing then the next you are mad at me?" he said, appearing into the living room. "Why do you treat people like that?" I asked, trying to calm my voice. "Because they let me. I would rather them be treated that way than me." he shrugged. "Is that how you are going to start treating me? Like crap just cause you can?" I asked. "What? No, of course not." He said. "Why am I any different from anyone else, Avery?" I asked, confused. Why treat everyone one way, then treat me the complete opposite way? "You just are. All of them are all assholes and bitches that deserve it. You don't, simple as that." He said shrugging again. "You are the most confusion human being I have ever met, do you know that? You ever try to treat me like that it will be bye, bye bad boy." I said, raising my brow at him. He chuckled, "That is cause I am one of a kind baby girls." He winked. I shook my head, giggling. Why could I not stay mad at him for long? He was a jackass, let us face it; we all know that, but for some reason, I could not stay mad at him. I could not hate him. I knew for my sanity I should stay away, but I never wanted too. I found myself wanting him around even though he is a massive pain in my ass most of the time. "All-forgiving?" he asked, the dorkiest smile on his face, it was kind of cute. "Maybe, for now anyway. Let us see how long it takes for you to make me mad again." I giggled. "I will say maybe a few hours then you will find another reason to get mad at me. I am OK with that, though. Now let us get this torturous night started." He laughed, "What movies are you planning to torture me with?" he asked. "Hmm, firstly the notebook, then Bridget Jones and then lastly for tonight a Cinderella story." I giggled. "Oh, God, help me. Let's get this over with." He said, rolling his eyes. "You are the one that made a bet. No one to blame except yourself," I said smugly. He rolled his eyes again, falling on the sofa next to me. I could not wait to torture him with chick flicks. It should be a fun night.
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