Chapter Five - Broken Promises and old friends

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Hailey's P.O.V I was glad I won, to be honest with you. I do not think I could have handled him kissing me. I would have probably messed it up or made an i***t of myself. I had enjoyed my time with him tonight. One thing that was getting to me was that he lied to me about what happened to his face. I knew someone done it to him. I see that his knuckles were swollen too, telling me he had been fighting with someone. It is none of my business. "Where too? I still have you for another hour and a half." He asked. "Don't know wherever really," I said shrugging. "Well, you are useless." He laughed, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, laughing. "You are the one that said there is plenty to do here baby girl. You just aren't looking in the right places or something like that." I said, mocking him. "Are you mocking me?" he said, raising his brow, "here was me thinking you were quiet and sweet." He said pouting. "What if I am? What are you going to do about it, bad boy?" I said full of confidence which is unlike me.  You know since I am awkward, shy and what not? He stopped on the spot, making me do the same. He turned to me, a smirk on his face. "Don't make me kiss you, Hailey because I will." He said a cheeky look on his face. "Try it, and I will slap you one," I said smugly. "You sure about that?" he said, inching closer to me. My mouth went dry. No words were coming out. All I could do was nod. I see the smirk creeping upon his lips as he watched my reaction. He reached in, pushing my hair away from my eyes. I swallowed hard, pulling myself together. I decided I am not letting him get to me that easily, not again. "You wish, Mr "Bad boy," I said, pushing him away from me, turning around, beginning to walk away from him. "I think I liked you better when you were shy and quiet Miss Hailey. You were less cheeky that way." He chuckled, catching up with me. "Don't know what you mean. Let us go get a milkshake." I smiled widely. I do not know what it was about Avery. He seemed to make me feel like I can be myself around him. He made me feel comfortable. It makes me forget I have not even known him for a full day. "Milkshake? What are we twelve?" he laughed. "Shut up. My treat." I said, smiling. "Fine! Fine!" he groaned, rolling his eyes at me, making me giggle. The diner that done the milkshakes was on the same street as the bowling alley. We never had far to go. Avery's arm fell around my shoulder again as we walked down the road. A comfortable silence fell between us. I found myself smiling a little. "I think we should take away, then go a walk around town, prefer it when it is this quiet." He said "OK, that's fine," I said, smiling up at him. We headed in, ordering our shakes, we both went for chocolate…yummy. We were chatting away and laughing. I was still wondering why he was wasting his time with me. I know he can get any girl he wants. I think a part of me is worried that he has some trick up his sleeve or it is all a joke. I know technically it was not a date, it did kind of feel like one though. "Avery?" I heard a voice, making us both stop "Scott, buddy it has been a while," Avery replied. "Far too long, where you been?" Scott replied, the guys giving each other a man hug. I am guessing they are friends. I stood there, awkwardly as they chatted. "Are you on a date?" Scott asked, looking at me before turning back to Avery, raising his brow at me. "What? No! Of course not. Who do you think I am?" Avery laughed. I am not going to lie that hurt a little. Yes, it is not exactly a date, but Avery seemed disgusted even at the idea of it. I put my head down, not looking at any of them. "That is what I thought. You don't do dates." Scott laughed "More of a hookup kind of guy." Scott added winking. "Exactly, this is Hailey. My new friend I met at that s**t hole of a school I now need to attend." Avery said. Scott turned to me. His eyes were looking me up and down, a smirk appearing on his face. "She is pretty cute though," Scott said winking at me, making me blush. Avery never responded to Scott. I stood looking everywhere except at them, playing with my hair, a nervous habit of mine. They chatted back and forth for the next few minutes. "You should come down to the park with me. The old gang is there. Come hang out for a bit, bring your new friend too." Scott said. Park? Gang? Please no, please let Avery tell him no. He turned to me, and I knew from his face he wanted to go. I was hoping he would at least drop me off first. "Fancy it? I will still make sure you are home by eleven, promise. I haven't seen everyone in a while." he said, a hopeful look on his face. I knew I should not. I still found myself nodding, telling him yes. With that, the biggest smile appeared on his face. I returned it, mine not as real as his. "Let's go. I need to get Hailey back for eleven but will come once I drop her off home." Avery smiled. The three of us headed down the street, going to the park, I assume. I stayed by Avery, him and Scott talking, catching up with what has been going on…talking about life etc. "I only got out a week ago. I am going to try to stay out of trouble at least for a little while." Scott laughed. Jail? He was talking about Jail. Oh my, why did I agree to this? I am going to meet a bunch of people who I do not even know and are probably the same as Avery…get into trouble, a lot. At the same time, I should not be judging them. They may get into trouble; it does not mean they are bad people. I am just nervous. Soon enough, we arrived, heading towards a group of about eight people, both girls and guys. "Avery?" one guy called out rushing to him. "Daniel. How are you doing mate?" he asked as they hugged. The same happened with everyone that was there. Everyone seeming to be glad to be seeing Avery again. I stood in the background awkwardly, letting him catch up with his friends. The last one to greet him was a girl, girl with dark hair, a couple of piercings and tattoos too. "Hey baby, it has been a while. We should hook up later for old time sake." She said, pressing herself against him. "Yes, maybe we should." He replied, smirking at her. "Who are you?" she asked, looking at me. "This is Hailey, my new friend. Hailey this is Louisa, an old friend." He said. "Hey, Hailey, nice to meet you." She said, smiling sweetly at me, "old friends? Avery? Think we were a little more than that." She added giggling. "Hi. You too." I said shyly, giving her a small smile. "Yes, that is true." he laughed "Are you coming to Hailey or are you gonna stand there all night?" he shouted, looking at me. "Yes, I am coming." I giggled. I followed Avery and Louisa, joining everyone else. Everyone was sitting on the grass. A small fire going, everyone was drinking. I am sure they were smoking pot too by the smell of it. I looked around at everyone. They seem like the type that would hang out with Avery. As I looked around, I saw one of the guys snorting something, drugs …great. "Avery, you want some?" Daniel said, holding a joint up to him. "Yeah, sure." He said, taking it, taking a long drag of it. "What about you, Hailey? Drink? Smoke? Hook up?" Daniel said, sitting down next to me. I shook my head, refusing to look at him cause I would be blushing for sure. "Hailey doesn't do any of that stuff," Avery said. Thanks for that Avery, tell everyone how much of a bore I am. "Hmm, good girl? Maybe we should change that." Daniel said, his hand going towards my thigh. "Don't even think about it, dude. She is out of bounds" Avery said glaring at him, a warning tone to his voice. "Sorry, mate. Thought you were only friends; guess you are going after something else." Daniel said, winking at him.  He never said anything, continued glaring at Daniel for a moment before they went back to being buddies. What was that all about, possessive much? Avery took another draw of the joint before passing it back to Daniel. "You still dealing?" Daniel asked him. Dealing, he deals with drugs. What have I gotten myself into with agreeing to come here? "No, not anymore. I cannot afford to get into any more trouble. I would get locked up, and I can't leave my mother." he said, a pain in his eyes when he mentioned his mother. "How is she doing?" Daniel asked sympathetically. "Just the same, good and bad days. She will get help when she ready," Avery said disappointed, shrugging. "Least she has you, buddy." He smiled Wonder what is wrong with his mother? He has not mentioned her to me. Again, it is none of my business. I pulled my knees to my chest, wrapping my arms around them. I rested my head on my arm. I was still feeling a little uneasy about being here with everyone. Avery's attention soon fell on everyone else. I had a feeling he was not going to take me home. I was hoping I am wrong. Then again if he smoked anymore of that stuff, I am not getting in the car with him. ******** It was now Ten -Forty-Five p.m. We were still at the park. He had not only smoked weed. He had been drinking too and took a line or two of whatever drug they have. If that was not bad enough, he had been ignoring me for the last half an hour. He was now laying on the grass making out with Louisa…getting a little too heated. "Hey, it's Hailey, isn't it?" I heard a voice, making me lookup. It was Avery friends Lewis standing in front of me, smiling sweetly at me. He was kind of cute. I nodded, smiling back at him. He took his seat down next to me, turning to me. "You OK? You seem like you don't wanna be here." He said. "Not my thing. I think I am going to head back down the street, grab a cab home. Avery was meant to be my ride but don't think that is going to happen." I said sighing. Lewis looked over to where Louisa and Avery were, shaking his head. "One thing you need to know Hailey. They always end up hooking up; it has been that way since there were fourteen or something. It is how they are. I don't think it is fair considering that he was meant to be with you." He said, giving me a sympathetic smile. "It is fine. Avery and I were only hanging out, only friends." I said, acting like I was not caring "I am gonna go." I added. "I will walk you back if you like. Cos you aren't going to get him away anytime soon." He laughed. "No, it is OK. Thank You, though." I smiled "You sure? I don't mind?" he asked. "Honestly, it is fine. Was nice meeting you." I smiled "You too." He smiled back. I said a quick goodbye before heading off. I decided it was time for me to leave. I grabbed my stuff, rushing off as everyone was busy doing something else. Lewis was watching after me. I rushed back down the street, keeping my eye out behind me and around me, you never know who is around.  I was thankful when I finally managed to get a taxi which would get me home by eleven. I climbed into the back of the cab, telling him my address. I sunk back in the seat, sighing, and found myself crying a little. I was angry that he would make me go home myself. Ignore me like that, but what should I expect from the bad boy? If he wants to be that way that is up to him. He will probably not bother with me again, anyway. He probably only done it today cause he was bored. I have never been so relieved to get home. I wanted to climb into bed, forget tonight ever happen and sleep straight through until I need to get up for school tomorrow. My parents were already in bed, which I was glad of, there will be no questions asked that way. I changed into my pjs, climbing into bed, setting my alarm for the morning. As I settled down, my phone started going off. I grabbed it seeing it was Avery calling me. I decided to ignore it, and then it went again and again. I groaned, answering it. "What?" I said annoyed "Where did you go, Kitten? One minute you were there. Then the next puff you were gone. Are you a ninja? Are you OK?" he slurred, clearly more wasted now than when I left him. I found myself giggling for a moment before snapping out of it. Home. I am fine. Go away; I am going to sleep." With that, I hung up I was pissed off at him. I never wanted to talk to him, especially when he was in the state he was. He tried calling again, but I ignored it. He soon left me alone. I made myself comfortable, finally, get some sleep. I was dreading tomorrow even more.
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