Second Chance Mate...

1998 Words
~Mason~ Ill kill him! I will rip him limb from limb slowly so he feels all the pain hes caused her and than ill kill him and put his head on a pike for her. I dont think she knows for sure i heard every word she cried but i did and her every cry and word fuled my rage towards this Alpha. When she was finally calm and i asked her if she thought i could be her second chance mate the look in her eyes broke me. She doesnt believe we could be Rheagar said to me But why? i asked him, i knew he wouldn't be completely sure but he could give me an idea from he emotions. She doesnt believe she deserves one or doesnt think it possibly since its so soon after the rejection he said sadly. "i dont know" she whimpered "its okay little wolf. let me see your hand" i said to her softly. when she reached for my hand and we touched i felt the sparks of the mate bond like i had before when i held her while she was in wolf form. "Do you feel it?" i asked and she shook her head no "Its okay, i feel it i feel the sparks when we touch, i feel the connection i have with you." "I dont at all" she said to me almost sounding broken "its okay you will in time" i told her and she would eventually. my father was my mother second chance mate and she didnt feel the bond at all for like a month. so i know she will in time. "How do you know?" she asked me "My father met my mother a week after her mate left her. i dont know it he rejected her for died, but my mother didnt feel the mate bond for a month. And when she did start to feel it she didnt feel it fully for another month." i said with confidence because i know she will she gave me a small smile that didnt reach her eyes and it was a forced one for sure. "Are you a warrior like your father and brother?" i asked her worried about her answer if she is id have a warrior luna and it sounds great but the truth is its not. If my luna is a warrior than ill constantly be worried about her when we are in a fight and i know she will want to be in that fight. "I am, but im still in training. i only just graduated 4 days ago. The extensive training for me would be beginning soon but since im pregnant i wouldnt be able to attend if i ever went back." she told me go back... No she cant go back she cant leave us! Rheagar growls angrily. "You want to go back?" i ask her "No! goodess no. i dont ever want to see him and i couldnt be his pack warrior, but my brother he is there and hes Head warrior." she trailed off before getting a shocked look on her face "GODDESS my brother he will be worried sick about me!" "Here come use the phone and call him" i told her immediately and she did she ran to the phone on my desk and called him -Jacob- Hello -Josette- Jake -Jacob- JOSETTE! MY GODDESS JOSETTE IVE BEEN WORRIED SICK LOOKING FOR YOU! her brother yelled and i lost it taking the phone from her "Hey...." she started to stay as i spoke to her brother -Mason- Dont you dare yell at her! -Jacob- Who the hell is this! -Mason- Alpha Mason of Riverview -Jacob- Al... Alpha. im sorry alpha ive been worried about my sister -Mason- There is no need to worry she is perfectly safe here in my pack no one shall hurt her. "May i please have the phone back Alpha?" Josette asked so sweetly that i couldnt refuse even if i wanted to -Josette- Jake im fine i promise, Alpha Mason has been kind to me everyone has and ive been checked by a doctor so we are fine. -Jacob- We? who is the We she looked completely shocked that she had said we i dont think she honestly realized what she was saying it was just natural to say we since shes pregnant. she didnt answer him -Jacob- Josette Who is We" -Josette- Jake i. im. Im pregnant -Jacob- Preg. pregnant -Josette- yes -Jacob- who! -Josette- my. my. ma. i could see the pain in her eyes as she tried to tell him just like i did when she first said it. i couldnt take it so i took the phone again and pulled her back into my arms where she barried her face into my chest like she had before -Mason- her pervious mate, your alpha -Jacob- he said. i could hear the confusion and than the anger when he put it together -Jacob- Alpha mason may i come to your territory my sister needs me and i cant be with an alpha that did what he did. Josette looked up at me with big sad eyes that killed Rheagar and i -Mason- Yes you may -Jacob- Thank you Alpha. please tell Jo ill pack some of her things for her. -Mason- clothes wont be necessary for her she will be taken to get everything she would need in that department once we end this call Josette looked shocked but i dont get why i told her she is my mate and of course ill take care of my mate -Jacob- thank you alpha for taking care of my sister so well -Mason- of course we ended the call shortly after and he said he would be heading here tomorrow morning after packing and meeting with his alpha to resign from his position. "Im going shopping, but how i only have your shirt on!" Josette asked me shocked " well you were brought other clothes" i said to her knowing that she refused for a reason "yeah a corset and booty shorts that reeked of Skank!" she said to be angrily "Well i am sorry about that, Ainsley and Paisley were the only girls i thought would be about your size from your wolf and i didnt think about the rest with them just wanted you to have clothes on" i told her truthfully "you can wearing something of my sisters if you want" i told her. i dont know why i didn't just tell Justin to get something of Ellie's from the start. "alright" she responded and walked towards the door with me right next to her. i took her up the stairs and up to my sisters room where her scent was now barely there for me. "this is your sisters room?" Josette asked "Yes it is" i told her "How long has she not been here?" Her question told me she couldnt smell her scent at all "A while" i said sadly "Im sorry she been gone" she told me giving me a small forced smile. We left to go shopping around 7pm and we didnt get back to the pack house till 11pm and i carried my sleeping mate back to her room its been a very tiresome day for her, from getting here in the pack house around 9am, shifting around 5pm after sleeping and having an early dinner and it all with Shopping as well. My beautiful mate is exhausted, thankfully she took my suggestion and changed into leggings and a t-shirt that she picked out at the store before we left the mall so i dont need to wake her up at all. After making sure she is settled and sleeping peacefully i go to the hospital to see if Jane is still there and thankfully Olivia isnt here tonight so i dont have to deal with her again today. shes a nurse here in the pack and shes got big dreams of wanting to be a luna. Shes always had those big dreams which came from her father, who was a beta in a pervious pack that was destroyed. Olivia and i dated for a year or so when i was 16, the relationship ended just before my 17th birthday because Rheagar and i came to a agreement that i could date who ever i wanted but that stopped a year before we could meet our mate and never told any girl that i loved her and i always made it clear that my Luna would only be my goddess given mate. Which i did with Olivia but she always seemed to think that shed be my mate or that i would choose her regardless of my mate. i never wanted to have to treat her the way i had this morning but since we found out shes not my mate she hasnt stopped trying to become my Luna. She even tired to drug me at a barbecue for the pack so that she could have S*x with me in hopes that it would have be expect her as my Luna, once she did that is when i let Rheagar handle her completely. Jane came out to get me and go back to her office before we talked. i was honestly surprised she was still here but she assumed id come to see her and she was right, but than again she has been around me my whole life and im the age of her youngest pup and her only little girl, Abby is currently at medical school to be a doctor like her mother. "So Alpha are you here to ask about the baby?" Jane asked me "I am if you can tell me anything" i say to her, i know that she doesnt have to disclose anything and cant without Josette permission unless it will effect her overall care, like what she can eat. "Well i asked her earlier if she gave me permission to tell you and she gave it before i did the ultrasound." Jane told me honestly i have no clue why she said i could know anything but im glad she did. "Shes 2 weeks pregnant today, and as you know our pregnancy are only 26 weeks so she is only a 4th of the way through the first trimester. She can shift till the end of the first trimester but i dont recommend it." Jane told me "The baby is okay though right?" i asked worried "When i ultrasounded earlier yes the baby was perfect for a 2 week along pup." she responded with a smile and i breathed a sigh of relief. "Now she needs to get an ultrasound again tomorrow so i can verify everything is still okay after shifting but if there was going to be an emergency it should have happened right away." "Alright ill make sure she is here tomorrow morning for it, no worries." i told Jane with a smile "Im not worried i can see how you care for her and that pup already. im happy you found your mate even if she doesnt feel it yet." Jane smiled at me, of course shed realize that Josette didnt feel the bond yet just like my mother hadnt. We left the office and i wished Jane a good night once we reached the stairs where her Mate Jackson was waiting for her. once i got up to my floor i checked on Josette and she was still sleeping calmly i want to say peacefully but she wasnt fully sleeping peacefully. i took a shower and than checked on her again before leaving the door between our rooms just barely open, just enough i could hear her breathing and any time she moved on the bed. i know she wouldnt let me hold her in bed yet so this was the only way i knew i could sleep at all.
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