
1690 Words
~Josette~ The Alpha came, he was a handsome man. A very handsome man. I felt safe when he got there and so did Lyra. Why are you so calm now? i had to ask because it was odd for her to calm down and feel safe like this, Lyra never has with males other than if it was with dad, Jacob, or Sean. Although id never feel anything but pain thinking about or being around Sean which is why we left the pack. Something about him make me know we can trust him. she told me Every time we were asked or told to shift Lyra growled her answer. until the Doctor lady she knew there was a reason, and The alpha well he carried us to his pack house and said we can stay. We must have fallen asleep because the doctor asking why we were going to his floor woke us up. What shocked me was the Alpha answer "Of course my floor. My mate isn't sleeping on any other floor" His what now! how could i be his mate i had a mate and instead of rejecting me the proper way he rejected me by marking another in front of me. So i couldn't be his mate even if it was his wolf that said i am. I dont think he is lying Jo. Was Lyra answer to my thoughts How could we possibly be his mate! i yelled back to her but she didnt responsed. When i focused on what was going on around me again the Alpha was placing me gently on a huge bed. "Do you think you'll be able to get down on your own little wolf?" The Alpha asked me and i nodded my head yes to him. After i rest it should be no problem. Than i Realized there were 3 other males in the room and Lyra took over going rigid and ready to attack even if we were still in a calm position on the bed. One stepped forward and he made us both feel calm not like the alpha did but like Jacob did. "My Luna" he started and i growled a bit im not a luna im not this Alphas luna "I promise ill protect you Always" he finished and his words calmed me again. I looked towards the other 2 males and went rigid again than the alpha told them to leave and they did immediately. "Little wolf i have to go handle a few things you should get some rest" The alpha said to me and Lyra and i both agreed rest was what we needed so i laid down and closed my eyes drifting off almost right as i closed my eyes the last thing i heard was the Alpha saying the doctor that came to the woods would be the only doctor to look after me. And thats fine by me. ~Mason~ Justin closed the door behind us as we got outside the room. "Ill stay here and guard Luna" justin said not really to me but just saying it out loud. "Not just yet. You need to hear everything with the other two, its about her." Justin nodded and we walked to my office unfortunately it was all the way on the ground floor far from my mate, who i didnt want to leave especially while she is weak and exhausted. But the office needs to be where anyone in the pack or Visiting can get to without going all over my house. Walking into the office i see Nick my Beta, and Alex my Delta already in my office. "Mas you finally found her!" Nick said to me with a smile "Yes just wish a thing or two were different" i responsed honestly and i do i wish she had meet me first that way she wouldnt be pregnant by another and shed know i was her mate already without me telling her. My 3 best friends looked at me like i was crazy to say that, than Alex asked the question that needed to be asked "why did you bring her in while she is in wolf form? why didnt she shift back?" i felt Rheagar anger surge more with the fact that we had to tell anyone that our mate was touched by another. "Alpha" Nick said struggling. I looked up and saw that the 3 of them had there necks Beard to me. thats when i realized Rheagar was showing his power. "Sorry guys. I didnt mean to" i said to them and pulled Rheagar back in. "Well whatever the reason is pisses Rhea off a lot" Justin said and i nodded "shes...shes... shes pregnant" i said quietly "Shes Pregnant and you had me leave her!" Justin yelled, which i expected him to do, hes my gamma his job is only to protect my mate in the pack. "i knew youd say that but, im not her first mate, she had one and we dont know what happened but the baby is his. i believe he rejected her after she got pregnant or he died and she shifted so she cant shift back for a while or she could lose the baby." i said to them For that males sask he better have died or ill kill him for hurting our mate Rheagar declared "How do you feel about all this my friend?" Nick asked me "Honestly im conflicted, im happy ive found my mate, im angry shes been touched by another, and id very much like to rip him limb from limb especially if he got her pregnant than rejected her! i want her to be happy here with me and i want her to be my Luna but what if she doesnt want to." i said "not feeling anything negative about raising a pup that's not yours?" Alex asked me. "How could i when my own sister isnt my parents pup. My parents and I love her like she is our blood so how could i ever have negative feelings about the pup. sure i wish it was my pup growing in her belly but it isnt and it isnt the pup or her fault so id never wish anything bad for that pup or make her feel like i dont want it." i answered than added "And besides even if i did my sister would kick my ass till they were gone and you all know i wouldnt be able to do anything to stop her!" "Very true!" the three of them said together "Im going to check on her and ill be guarding the door" Justin said "Mind link me if anything is..." i couldnt get the word out dredging even thinking it "I will no worries" Justin told me than left the room. At Least i know she is Safe inside the Pack house and even more so with Justin. knowing he will be with her to protect her puts me at ease, well as much as anyone could expect not being near her can put me at ease. Once i mark her ill be able to feel her and it will be better. Hours later dinner came and Justin hadnt told me she was awake or anything. I had Nana Anna that works in the kitchen now make up something that would be good for a pregnant she wolf that could be eaten in wolf form, and she did just that made 3 different options for food incase something upset her stomach. Nana Anna is an omega thats old enough to be my grandmother, she helped take care of my mother during her pregnancy with me and helped take care of me, Alex, Nick, Justin and Elliana as pups . I took all the food up on a cart myself, The need to take care of my mates need as much as i could already there and strong. "Justin is she awake?" i asked my Gamma when i saw him in the hall outside her door. "She is Jane examing her to make sure she is okay and going to do an ultrasound to check on the pup. She believes Luna may be able to shift back sooner with plenty of rest and healthy food." he said to me "Well Nana Anna made the food so it will be good for her and the pup and taste good!" i told him "Nanna Anna is the best cook!" Justin exclaimed, and hes right she is. she overs all the cooking but the things she makes herself always taste the best. She makes it a point to make the birthday cakes for every pack member. I knocked on the door and Doc Jane said i could come in so i did, Jane was giving my mate the ultrasound at the time i came in. I saw on the screen a little white shape that honestly looked like a bean. "Thats your baby" Jane told my mate pointing to the bean looking shape. "Everything is perfectly fine with the baby so if you feel like you can now than i see no reason for you not to shift." she finished "I brought you some food little wolf if you want to eat first" i said to her when she looked scared at what jane said. Than she looked at the food worried. "Dont worry Nana Anna made it so it will be healthy for you and the pup, i informed her that it had to be." i told her than Jane smiled "Nana Anna cooked every meal while Alpha mother was pregnant with him and took care of alot of meals for pregnant she wolfs, even made food for me while i was pregnant so it is safe i promise." Jane said to my mate she nodded got off the bed and i set the food out on the little coffee table by the couch. She ate everything that Nana Anna made for her. Which made me pleased to see she liked the food but also worried about when the last ti.e she ate was.
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