The Lycon

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so a few notes so 1 week in pregnancy in the story is equal to 1 1/2 weeks in real life "This is when someone wolf is talking for through the human when the wolf is not in control of the body" My name is Mason Donovan, I'm the current Alpha of my the Riverview Pack and I am not an ordinary werewolf, I am a Lycon. My mother was a Lycon and the daughter of the head Warrior of the BlueMoon kingdom; which is the kingdom all werewolf packs are in and a part of. My father was the Alpha of Riverview after my grandfather and so on up my father's line in my family. Being the son of an Alpha gave me enough strength in my blood that when it came time for my first shift at the age of 10 instead of shifting to a wolf like my father I shifted into a lycon like my mother which is a wolf that stands like a man and is stronger and bigger than a normal werewolf. I'm currently 21 years old and still without my mate and a heir to my title. One of the differences between a lycon and a werewolf is that my wolf or beast is almost feral which mean he will only accept the mate given to us by the moon not a chosen mate. Werewolf can accept a chosen mate and there wolf will also accept the chosen mate as long as they haven't met there moon given mate or the human can convince the wolf to accept the chosen mate even after meeting the moon given mate. Convincing my Lycon to accept a chosen mate just won't happen at all which is why sometimes now I wish I was a werewolf and not a lycon because than I could have a mate and an heir already in the 3 years I've been looking for my mate. I spent 2 years actively looking for her going from pack to pack even though most males don't travel from pack to pack anymore and the females are the ones that do. After that 2 years I had to come home and take over as Alpha at 20 years old because my father and mother died, my mother was attacked by rogue and as a lycon it wouldn't have been a problem for her to survive the attack but she had been tricked into an ambush my the rogues using a pup as bait; My father died not long after mother did of heart break from losing his mate but not till he had gone mad and ripped all of the rogues limb from limb. I handled the death of my parents by throwing myself into my responsibilities as Alpha. because of this I haven't searched for my mate at all in a year which my lycon Rheagar doesn't like at all, he is becoming more restless and aggressive than normal. Well maybe if you found our mate I would calm down. The longer we are Alpha without our Luna the worse it's going to get you know that Mason. Before I can reply to Rheagar there is a knock on my office door. "Come in" I answer the knock Lou enough for who ever it is to hear me. I swear if it's that female again I'll rip her throat out! Rheagar growls before the door opens. The office door is air tight so that smells can't get through, my father had it down as to not get distracted during work by my mother being near the office. The door opens and in walks the very female Rheagar and I both didn't want to see. Olivia. Rheagar growls viciously at her. "Olivia this better be a pack matter!" I say to her "OH it is Alpha" she purrs in what I believe is supposed to be a seductive tone, which isn't seductive at all to me. "What is it than!" I respond indifferently "Alpha our pack needs a Luna an....." she can't finish her sentence because Rheagar takes over growls loudly enough to shake the room and slams my hands on the desk. I TOLD YOU ALREADY YOU ARE NOT MY MATE AND WILL NEVER BE MY MATE! NOW GET OUT BEFORE I RIP YOUR THROAT OUT YOU $LUT. Rheagar yells shaking the room with every wood so that the family photo of my parents my sister and I falls to floor. Olivia runs from my office without another word. Rheagar still in control left the office ready to shift and run our anger away but before shifting a mind link came in Alpha some rogues chased a lone she wolf onto our territory and she isn't leaving now or listening to commands but isn't showing a threat in anyway. one of my boreder guard told me On my way I replied back. Rogues I hate them and chasing a lone she wolf onto my land, the poor girl is probably scared which is why she doesn't want to leave. Have the doctor meet us there she could be hurt. Rheagar told me and he was right so I mind linked the doctor and got to where I needed to be as quickly as I could. Before I even saw them or could hear them the wind blew towards me carrying the most beautiful and amazing but disgusting smell, it was two scents mixing together one made Rheagar happy the other beyond pissed off. "You have to shift if you want to see the Alpha!" I heard my guard demand and than a growl for a response once I was in hearing range. Not really a threatening growl but more of firm no for a response. The blew towards me again and Rheagar demanded me Faster! Go Faster! I did as he asked and walked Faster towards my guard and the she wolf they said was here. The amazing smell got stronger as did the disgusting one, it wasn't the smell of rogues so I wasn't sure what it was but I hated it and so did Rheagar. When I got there I saw a Beautiful blonde she wolf that was laying on the ground the scent Rheagar and I loved and hated came from her. "Alpha. she refuses to listen to our commands" the guard that was telling her to shift said to me "I will handle this go back to post and make sure the rogues are gone" I said "Yes Alpha" all the guards responded and went back to the post I looked at the blonde wolf and smiled a bit the doctor had just arrived. "Alpha you called me here" the only female doctor said to me. I assume a female would make this female feel more comfortable. I noded at the doctor but continued to look at the wolf "Little wolf I need you to shift, I've brought a doctor incase you are hurt" I said to the wolf without my Alpha tone. she just growled at me in response. I do not like the disrespect of her even if she is the most beautiful wolf I've seen. Rheagar said in my head than pushed forward, my eyes glowing Red. "I told you to shift little wolf". Rheagar said to her and she still just denied with a growl. How could she deny the Alpha tone, only a mate could or if... "Alpha if I may, there may be a reason she deny shifting." the doctor said behind me I nodded my head and she came forward closer to the wolf. "Dear is there a reason you won't shift for my Alpha?" she asked the wolf and the she wolf nodded her head "Why?" doctor Jane asked. the she wolf moved her head and touched her stomach with her nose. "Your pregnant aren't you" doctor Jane said and the wolf nodded again. " your mate?" Jane asked the wolf whimpered and looked crushed. Jane looked at me with sad eyes "Alpha if I understand correctly she won't be able to shift for a little while" she said out loud than mindlinked me the rest "I believe her mate rejected her, she's been able to keep her child alive by allowing her wolf control and to be in wolf form but if she shifts now she would lose her child" Which explains why she could deny my Alpha tone a she wolf will deny an Alpha without problems if it is to protect her pup. "You shall come to the pack house till you are able to shift little wolf." she nodded and went to get up but started to fall back to the ground before she got halfway up. "don't I'll carry you little wolf" I walked up to her and went to pick her up. as soon as I touched her sparks shot through me and Rheagar spoke. MATE! he was excited for a moment when he said that than got pissed beyond pissed. Our mate is pregnant by another man!!! he snapped. Rheagar calm she had a mate before you can't be angry at anyone but her old mate for leaving her. he calmed as much as he could while I picked her up she didn't seem to feel the bond between us since she didn't respond to me touching her. Nick, Alex, Justin have an extra room on my floor set up for a she wolf I said to my Beta, Delta and Gamma in my mind link with them Your floor for a she wolf Mason Justin said to me with confusion and I could feel Nick's and Alex's confusion as well I've found our Luna boys, but she will need her own room for a bit. make sure it's next to mine "Jane you shall take care of her in the room that's being set up for her." I told my doctor. "Yes Alpha" she responded without delay Once we got to the pack house my little mate had fallen asleep with her wolf head on my shoulder. she may not know I'm her mate but she is comfortable and trusting of me enough to fall asleep in my arms. At least it's something huh Rhea? i asked my lycon to which he didn't respond. he's still angry about our mate being pregnant and angry at her old mate for rejecting her and putting her in danger. I took the 4th flight of stairs up to my floor and speaking is what woke my little mate "Alpha your floor" she said very confused. Rheagar responded for me "Of course my floor. My mate isn't sleeping on any other floor." when I called her my mate her head shot up off my shoulder and it looked like her eyes said the same thing as Jane. "Mate?" Rheagar looked from Jane to our mate in my arms and knew how his eyes softened the moment he was looking at her. Rheagar has never looked at anyone like that anyone outside of his sister, parents, beta, delta, and gamma with anything but hard almost uncaring eyes. And even those people who he would look at differently even got eyes as soft, loving and caring as he is looking at his mate right now. Taking control back from Rheagar, i rounding the corner i see my beta, delta, and Gamma ouitside the room that has a connecting door to my room. originally designed as a nursery later used as an office and crafting room for my mother and now will be my mates room till she is ready to be in my bed. I like the idea of her being in my bed and so did Rheagar. I walked into the room and Justin was on my heels. Being the Gamma of this pack he is my luna and mates personally guard and will be her closest friend a gamma and luna share a special bond. Nick my beta and Alex my Delta came in after with Jane. I carried her over to the king size bed and placed her down on it. "Do you think you'll be able to get down from the bed on your own little wolf?" i questioned my mate. she nodded her head in response than her eyes moved from me over to justin. "My Luna" he said while she made a face that showed confusion "I promise ill protect you always" she calmed down at his promise and I knew the bond between them was already forming. Than she looked at Nick and Alex and tensed again. Our mate doesnt trust males. Only us and Justin because of the bonds even if she doesnt know they are there. Rheagar said and i agreed with him. "Its alright look at me" I whispered to her after moving closer. she did and calmed even though i dont think she actually realized she did. "Nick, Alex leave please" I said to them, they nodded and left without a word. "Little wolf i have to go handle a few things you should get some rest." she nodded and laid down on the bed. "Jane you will be the only doctor to look after her, and Justin come with me" "of course Alpha" She responded to me immediately and Justin looked from me to my mate that was laying down on the bed with shock that i wanted him to leave her when i had to. Reluctantly I left the room taking one more look at her from the door she was laying down with her eyes closing as Justin and i left the room.
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