The Obstacle

1005 Words
The ride to the Magic Academy was by carriage. It was driving on for more than three to four hours. I kept glancing out at the view outside. We crossed through many small towns and forests. I felt so lazy and the nervousness of meeting new people made me feel anxious and exhausted, so I just slept throughout the ride, which I always do. All of a sudden the ride stopped with a jerk. ‘’ Ugh…what happened?’’ I grunted, adjusting myself on the seat again. ‘’ M’lady, we can’t go through this place any longer. Someone’s blocking the way.’’ ‘’ What? What kind of a fool is it that would do something like this? Doesn’t this person who Reina Jordan is?’’. Out of curiosity, I peeked out of the window. Only to see that a cart full of vegetables had was down with all the veggies lying here and there, blocking the way. An old man and a woman stood there with a worried look on their faces. ‘’ They are…’’. I opened the door and jumped down from the carriage. ‘’ Guess we have to take the other way.’’ The one driving the cart was about to drive away. But then he spotted me walking towards the cart, and called from behind.’’ Mistress, where might you go?’’. ‘’ To help them of course.’’ ‘’ What? You? No.’’ I went ahead and helped them to gather the veggies. Seeing me the old woman and man became confused about her actions. The woman stepped forward and asked,’’ What are you lady doing? By the way, you are dressed, you seem to be from a wealthy family. What are you doing?’’. ‘’ Helping you what else? If we do it together then the work will be done quickly won’t it? Let’s hurry up.’’ The man came closer to the woman and asked,’’ She seems like a princess. What is she doing at this place?’’. ‘’ Mistress, please don’t do this. Sir will be very much angry by your behavior,’’ the driver came after me. ‘’ Shut up Marcus. Let me do my job,’’ I scolded him. ‘’ If you are so free then help to lift the carriage. That seems like a better job than wandering around here and there.’’ ‘’ What?’’. ‘’ Do it. I don’t want to repeat it. If you work slowly then we will reach the Academy late. Don’t blame me for anything after that.’’ ‘’ As you wish.’’ In a while, we managed to sort out the veggies. Marcus had lifted the carriage and we placed the veggies in their right place. ‘’ Work done,’’ I dusted off the dirt and dust on my clothes and hands away. ‘’ Thank you very much, young lady,’’ said the lady and the man altogether with a smile. ‘’ It’s not a big job. I am happy to help. I hope you liked it.'' ‘’To thank you we would like to give you something. You would accept it?’’ the old man asked. ‘’ Give me what? I don’t require anything for help at all.’’ ‘’ I don’t need anything.’’ ‘’ Don’t say that,’’ added the wife. ‘’ We just want to thank you for something that you deserve. Don’t refuse us. Please take it. Dear, give it to her.’’ The man smiled and went to the cart to pick something up. He came back with some peaches in hand and handed one over to me. ‘’ These are one of the rare things around here. Have them and we will be happy that we didn’t send you away for anything even after the help you have helped us with.’’ I was feeling troubled. I couldn’t understand whether I should take it or not. Guess, I can take it can’t I? ‘’ Thanks, grandpa,’’ I said with a smile taking it away. ‘’ By the way, young lady, may we know where were you going?’’ the woman asked. ‘’ Me? Well, to the Magic Academy, unfortunately.’’ ‘’ Why unfortunate? Some people fail at the test, don’t they? Why do you find yourself unfortunate then?’’ the old man asked. ‘’ Well…’’ how should I tell them that I don’t even want to get there and pass the test by chance. ‘’ I don’t know. Maybe because I have to live away from my dad that’s why.’’ I was scratching my cheek while saying that out of embarrassment. The old man and woman smiled at me and the woman hugged him and patted me on the head gently. ‘’ I wish you success in whatever you do in life. Take care young lady.’’ '' Thank you, grandma. I am happy to meet you on this journey. I hope I'll be able to succeed just as you said me too.'' '' Young lady, we shall head out, or else we will be late,'' added the driver. '' Ah, yes right away.'' '' Lady, you have bright eyes, Don't ever lose the brightness in them.'' The man said with a smile. Back then I wasn't able to understand the meaning behind his words. Maybe, I would be able to understand them later. For now, I only want to think about how I have to graduate from the academy without any problems at all. As thanks for my hard work, maybe something good will happen to me. Who knows. After bading them farewell, we started the travel again. '' You didn't have to help the couple Miss you know?'' the driver comments. '' What? Ah, I don't mind helping out a little. I also received this peach for it as well. What's the harm in doing good?''. '' Master doesn't like this whimsical attitude of yours. Why do you still do this then?''. '' Forget about dad. I am going to sleep. Don't disturb me.'' '' You never listen do you?''.
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