Back to School Rejection

1977 Words
Chapter 5       So, since I was crying so much, they couldn’t pull it out of me what had happened at the Party. Unfortunately for me, it was all posted and shared for the world to see on all social media platforms. Most laughed at how I was pranked, some felt I was too fat to have thought that Eric would seriously want me, and the rest felt pity for me and were sorry I had to go through it. I just couldn’t see how I was going to make it to graduation, which was 3 months away. With how embarrassed I was over what they had done to me, I really was struggling with staying here. It was hard enough to enter the school before when I was being bullied by the group. Now I must worry about the whole school knowing about what happened and teasing me about it. I will never be able to live this down.     Monday morning comes and as I come downstairs (after hiding in my room all weekend from when I got home on Saturday) is see my brother’s smirk and my mom starts yelling at me for “shaming the whole family with how I acted like a b***h in heat to try to get the next Alpha as if my fat self could get an Alpha” before walking away shaking her head. I must agree that it wasn’t my finest moment, but what about Jeremy’s role in this? He recorded it and released it for the world to see. Why is it all my fault when they all decided to see if Eric could get in my pants or not?   I can see that it is shaping up to be a great day. The only thing I am remotely excited about is that my birthday is this Friday, and I am excited to turn 18 and see if I can find my mate. That is the ONLY thing that is helping me calm down in this shitshow that I have going on. Of course, everyone else apparently knew about it, I was just so excited about someone actually liking me that I pushed the outrageousness of it to the back of my mind, because I wanted it to be true. I was HOPING that it was true. Who doesn’t want to love and be loved?    Of course, an Alpha would never want fat ole me. No one will ever want me. I can only pray that whoever my mate is, will love me like the bond provides for, and sees ME for ME and the value I have inside me. Please Goddess, please send me someone who will love me.   I arrive at school and before I can cross the courtyard, the laughing and pointing start. I hurry to my locker but end up getting tripped as I enter the hallway, as my eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark hallway from the sunny courtyard. I look up to see Sophia standing over me.   Sophia then leans down near my ear and whispers “I know you have a crush on Calvin. I have seen the way you have looked at him for the last 2 years. Do not even think of looking in his direction again. If you thought what you just went through Friday night was bad, try to come for my man”. Sophia then stands up and walks off.   Why Goddess? Why? I have got to get out of this pack. There are no positives here anymore other than Nicole and Jessica. My life had turned into a shitshow for the entertainment of others. I try to get up off the floor, then feel a heel in my back, shoving me back down on the floor. I turn to see Danica behind me, with a heeled boot in my back. She and Eric are smirking down at me before Danica says “you look like a pig on the floor Jade. Say oink and I will let you up”. Danica then applies more pressure with her booted foot and pushes in harder into my back, right over my spine. I look at Eric and he is blatantly laughing at me as I struggle to get Danica’s boot from my back. I am crying because of the pain that I am in, and of course, no Teachers are present in the hallway to protect me.   I go ahead and say “oink” and Danica said, “Good Pig” and lets me up off the floor. I hurriedly get up from the floor, not even bothering to stop at my locker now, and start heading to my class, I need someone to protect me, and I am just done with today. As I enter the classroom right before the late bell sounds. I hear some of my classmates laughing lightly. I hear pings going off all around the classroom and hear a light “Oink” sounding from the video, then her “Good Pig”. Great, I bet this video goes viral too. F my life. I hate Danica, one day, I WILL get her back for this. Eric is a complete jerk and a tool to have just stood there and let Danica do that to me, and I wouldn’t touch him if someone paid me to. I just roll my eyes and ignore the light laughter going around the room. Even my teacher, Mrs. Ross looked at her phone and then at me with sympathy, before starting the class. If I had parents that loved me, I would see about taking the video to the principal to prove I was being bullied, but because Danica was with the soon-to-be Alpha, nothing would ever be done about it. So, I just try to relax back into my chair and try to figure a way out of this terrible pack. My face is a mask now, and I will not let them know how much they have hurt me.   Wednesday morning comes and my birthday is almost here, Friday is my big day, and even though my family doesn’t do anything to celebrate it, I am still looking forward to it. My day goes well, and I don’t run into any of the jerks in the group today, so I will call that a win. Thursday goes semi-smoothly, with just one strange moment in the hallway when Calvin Williams, the soon-to-be Beta sees me coming and turns to go the other direction. I wonder what is wrong with him. I mean WTH, I am the one having a bad week here, not him. I just keep moving as quickly as I can through the hallway heading to class.  Friday morning, I wake up excited to see if I will get to meet my mate today, if I can get out of this Goddess forsaken pack, I will do it. I put on a cute outfit and notice that my pants are a little looser than last week. Probably because I stopped snacking due to my excessive stress.   I head to school and pray that today goes by quickly with no additional BS if I can avoid it. Apparently, I CAN’T avoid it, because as soon as I go to cross the courtyard, I smell the delicious aromas of coffee and vanilla reaching out to me and I take a deep breath in and start slowly turning around to see where it is coming from. FML, I zero in on the group and they open their circle to let Calvin exit and he slowly starts head towards me. Now I know why he was behaving like that. He knew we were mates on Wednesday, and I had to wait until my birthday today to find out.   Awesome, I see Sophia stomping quickly out of the circle following right after him, and I know that this is going to be another shitshow for me. What have I ever done to deserve this kind of treatment? I must have murdered someone in a previous life to deserve this kind of luck.   “What did I tell you were going to happen if you tried to approach Calvin again? You stupid cow, you really can’t learn at all can you? He doesn’t want YOU! He wants ME! Calvin, come over here now and reject her!” Sophia screams at Calvin. He had stopped about 10 feet from me and hadn’t come any closer.   Sophia grabs my hair and starts pulling it and yanking me down to the ground. I look up at him and stare into his eye’s and he looks sad, so I know exactly what is about to happen to me. I just close my eyes and wait for it. There is total silence for a few minutes until Sophia starts hitting me again. Calvin seems to come out of his frozen state and starts to speak.   “I Calvin Williams, reject Jade Devoe, as my mate. You are weak and could never be the Beta female. You are a pathetic excuse for a wolf and too fat and ugly for ANYONE to even want. Do everyone a favor and kill yourself, you don’t deserve to live. You must be a slutty wolf because you trying to sleep with people you can’t have. You even tried to force yourself on the next Alpha, and no one wants you like that. Even your own family hates you and can’t wait for you to leave this pack you stupid slut.”   I cry out in anguish as the bond breaks between us, and I am left lying on the ground crying. Sophia helps Calvin up, as he fell too with the rejection, and pulls him gently away from me, and back to the group they just left. I glance over as I hear someone calling my name and see Nicole running over to hug me and help me up, with Jessica right behind her. I can barely see through the tears as I hear Danica say, “serves that stupid slut right for trying to take our men” and she stops the video she was recording. I guess since they knew that Calvin was my mate since Wednesday, they had come up with another plan to humiliate me. I guess I will be going viral a third time in a week, and not in a good way. I cannot understand why the group hates me so much. They were not pulling a “prank”. What they did was a vile act to try to get me drunk enough to sleep with Eric. I was assaulted at the school by Sophia and Danica, and now this. The most precious thing you can have is being with your mate, and now they have pressured him into rejecting me. Why did he choose Sophia over me? Am I that ugly? Is it because I am just too fat for him?     Why do they hate me so much? I didn’t start any of this, I didn’t try to take their men, Eric wanted to sleep with me and approached ME. Calvin was my mate, given to me by the Goddess. I did nothing to try to lure either of them away from their girlfriends. I am being punished for things outside of my control. Nicole and Jessica help me to Nicole’s car, and Jessica rides my motorcycle home for me, as I couldn’t ride it home dealing with this pain. Thankfully she has 2 older brothers, so she knows how to ride it home for me. I would hate to leave it at school, and it gets messed up by some jerk, I needed my bike to get away from here, I am so thankful for friends that I can count on to help me. 
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