First Date

1861 Words
Chapter 4 As I came downstairs, I noticed that Eric was speaking quietly to my brother in the corner of the room. He didn’t notice me until I was halfway down the stairs, and he suddenly stopped speaking to watch me come down the rest of the stairs. Jeremy was confused and turned to see why Eric has stopped talking and I almost laughed seeing him with his mouth dropping open at my appearance. Eric stepped quickly away from Jeremy and walked towards me with a smile on his face. “You look beautiful,” Eric said. “Thank you, you look handsome yourself,” I told him. He was wearing a black dress shirt, with the top two buttons undone and black dress pants. Nicole and Jessica had come downstairs silently behind me and were now watching us with interest. Eric looked slowly down my outfit and then back up again, his eyes filled with lust as he went to check me out again. I was blushing at the attention he was giving me. Jeremy then coughed to break up the sudden tension in the room. I then told Nicole and Jessica good night as I was about to leave, I would be seeing my brother at the party. Eric escorted me out to his new blue Chevrolet Z71 Silverado and helped me climb inside in my dress. He placed his left hand on my thigh, as he leaned in to buckle my seat belt for me. Smelling his musky cologne was speeding my heart up, or it could be his hand laying on my thigh still. I looked into his eyes and noticed his eyes flickering back and forth from their regular hazel color to black, as he warred with his wolf. “I am going to take you out to dinner first,” Eric said. Oh, really? I thought we were just going to the party”. I said to Eric. “Well, that was the original plan, but you look good enough to eat, so I am going to show you off a little bit before the party. The party will still be there when we get there” Eric said to me, and I blushed again. We enjoyed a meal at the local Italian place in town, with good conversation and I enjoyed spending time with him. I texted Nicole and Jessica where we were and that we were now about to head to the party, as he was firing off another text message. He had received and sent out about 20 texts while we were at dinner, and I didn’t know if there was a problem at his home or with the pack. Twenty minutes later we pulled up at the Beta’s home. It was a large two-story, home that had 5 bedrooms and 3 and a half bathrooms. Calvin’s parents Marcus & Erin Williams were out of town with their daughter, Kendall. Kendall was 17 and was on the school’s debate team and her parents wanted to go with her to the debate, as it was two cities over. We sat in the truck for a minute after we arrived, and Eric kept looking over at me. I smiled at him and asked “do you want to go in now? Eric smiled at me and asked if he could kiss me. This was it! I was going to get my first kiss. I smiled and nodded at him. Eric pushed the divider between our seats up and smiled at me. I smiled shyly at him, and Eric curved his right hand around my waist and pulled me towards him. He then leaned in closer to me. “You look beautiful, I really didn’t expect you to look so nice tonight Jade,” Eric said to me. My heart was beating out of my chest, and I nervously licked my lips. Eric glanced down at my mouth and slowly lowered his head to give me my kiss. His soft lips touched mine and after a short time, he nipped my bottom lip. I gasped and opened my mouth to him, and he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into my mouth. I reached my hands up and wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my breasts into his chest. Eric then moaned into my mouth, and I felt a tightening in my lower abdomen, and I was anticipating this going farther, as we continued the passionate kiss. Eric deepened the kiss and I moved even closer to Eric. He took his left hand and placed it on my knee. He waited a moment to gauge my reaction to his hand on me, before he started to move it up from my knee to my thigh and then higher, as he moved towards my panties. His right hand came from around my waist to slide up and touch the side of my left breast. I started to get overwhelmed with all that was going on and broke off the kiss. I wasn’t ready to go any further with Eric, other than us kissing tonight. “What is the problem? I thought that you liked me?” Eric asked, his voice a little husky. His phone had been pinging text messages the last few minutes, and the moment was now passed. I wasn’t comfortable in his truck anymore. “I am just not ready to do anything further than kiss right now. I was saving myself for my mate. I want to save that for him.” I told him. “Why do you have to be such a prude? There is no sense in waiting, your mate will probably be from this pack so why are you holding out, you are the only virgin in our Senior class. I am your Alpha and I want to sleep with you. Why are you resisting me? “You are not my mate, are you? I thought that since you started being nice to me after your birthday that it was because I was your mate, but you aren’t, are you?” I asked. Before he can answer, the door to his truck suddenly flies open with an angry-looking Danica standing there breathing heavily. “Why are you not answering your texts? What are you doing in here with HER? Why did Jeremy say that you took her out to dinner? What the hell is going on here?” She yells. The whole group is standing behind her and my brother Jeremy is filming us with his cell phone. “This wasn’t part of the plan you giant asshole. Why are you so close together?” Danica continues to scream at me. She then grabs me by my long hair and pulls me out of the truck, throwing me on the ground. “You worthless b***h, what are you doing with MY man? No one wants your sorry, fat ass here. This was all just a prank to see if you would give it up to Eric, as you have always acted like you were so above everyone else. But you’re NOT. You are just a stupid mutt who fell for it, you were going to do it too weren’t you? You are so stupid Jade, I don’t know how you fell for it, with your super-smart brain. We all knew you had a crush on him. You must be the biggest i***t at the school to have fallen for that. We all knew and played along, to get you to lower your guard and sleep with him like it was all real. Eric never liked you, he just wanted to sleep with you. He was just supposed to bring you straight here and get you to start drinking, but then he changed it to take you out before you came to the party. Did you sleep with him for getting you a meal, you fat pig? Huh, did you? I should have known food would be the way to get you out of your panties. How could anyone think that Eric would want YOU over ME! I will be his Luna, you are NOTHING! I was with him when he would call you at night. We would have s*x and then he would call you and we would lay in bed and laugh at how stupid you were to think he could like you. M.I.T. my ass, you will never be ANYTHING. You are such an i***t!” Danica roars at me. She kept hitting me and pulling my hair as she was screaming at me, and no one tried to stop her. My dress is now torn and coming away from my shoulder, almost exposing a breast and the bottom of the dress was torn from knee to the top of my hip. One of my heels broke when I was thrown to the ground, and my leg hurt from where I hit some rocks after I was thrown down. I hear laughter and turn to see the whole Senior class and some of the Junior class looking at me and laughing. I can barely see through my tears, and I frantically look around for my purse to call Nicole and Jessica to come and get me. Danica stands there with her hand possessively on Eric’s chest, smirking at me. Eric doesn't seem too upset at what had just happened and doesn’t even try to stop my humiliation. He just stands there and watches me walk away. I have got to get out of here, right now. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. I was just a joke to all of them. I am totally humiliated and watch in disbelief as my brother Jeremy keeps recording. The ones who were not laughing at me were looking at me with pity, but no one stepped in to help me at all. I finally get up from the ground limping towards the street crying, because one of the most special nights of my life, ended up being truly the worst night of my life. Why won’t the ground just freaking open and swallow me whole? That would be better than living at this point. What had I done to make people hate me so much? Why me Goddess? Why Me? I can’t stop crying as I moved further down the driveway and away from all the people still laughing at me. Nicole and Jessica pull up to the end of the driveway and help me into the car. They don’t even spare a glance at the group of people still laughing at me and quickly drive off to take me to Nicole’s house. They comforted me while I cried into my pillow the whole night. How am I going to go back to that stupid high school and look those assholes in the eyes? I am completely ashamed that I did fall for it. Probably because I just wanted to be treated like a normal person, and not bullied for fun by the group. Why was that so wrong? Why can’t they leave me alone, and just let me live my life?
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