Leaving Howling Wolf

2092 Words
Chapter 6     As soon as we arrive at my house, and I exit Nicole’s car I feel my wolf come forward to let me know that we are about to make our first shift. I cannot even begin to deal with the amount of pain I am in now, and I am struggling to breathe. I drop to my knees. Nicole and Jessica speak calming words, but I cannot focus on what they are saying. They say the first shift is the hardest and most painful, but I think that it is way harder on me following how this week has gone. I was just rejected 20 minutes ago. I scream again as the pain tears through me as my spine changes and elongates, and fur starts coming out of my skin. I let out one more scream of pain before it mercifully stops. In all, it took 5 minutes, but with the amount of pain I was in, it seemed like an hour had gone by. I look up to look at Nicole and Jessica and see them both looking back at me with shocked expressions. I stand up slowly on my four legs and try to walk. It was harder to get moving than I thought it was going to be. I attempt to walk to the front door, but I am having difficulty trying to walk. I hear a few cars passing my home on their way to the packhouse and I just want to get inside and lay down. I ask my wolf how to change back to my human form. She tells me to just visualize myself back in my human form and I gradually change back to my very naked human form. Nicole grabs a small blanket from her car and gives it to me to cover myself. I asked my wolf what her name is with her replying “My name is Ivory”.   As we enter the house, we overhear my mom on her phone with Jeremy. He had called her from the school to tell her what had happened. She was doing the breakfast dishes so she had her phone on speakerphone, so I could hear the entire conversation. Apparently, he was not aware I had left the school and was filling her in on what had happened in the courtyard.   I can’t help but gasp as I hear my own mother say “good, I am glad she got rejected. Jade has been nothing but a huge pain from when we took her in when she was six months old. Too bad she didn’t die in the same car wreck that killed her mother. If her mom hadn’t had that life insurance policy for 2 million dollars, with the stipulation of us raising her, she would have been in an orphanage. There was a clause in it that we had to raise her until she turned 18. We were supposed to use it to provide for her according to the policy, but it left me in complete control of the money. I was only supposed to use half of it for her living expenses and give the other million to her when she turned 18 for her to have to live on until she is on her feet. I have spent it all now, Jade will have NOTHING, and I will be kicking her out of the house as soon as she gets home today because she is 18 now. I used the last of the money on my Range Rover, so I got a better vehicle this time around as I won’t be able to get another one any time soon. A fat lot of good it did us raising her, she was nothing but a burden on all of us. The only benefit we had was the money. She is a fat; stupid cow and I have been ashamed to call her daughter these last 17 and a half years. Time to set the record straight and tell everyone, that she isn’t my daughter. She is my stupid niece, and she doesn’t have any family left because we are disowning her today. She has been completely worthless around here and I can’t wait to kick her out when she gets home today. Make sure you head home right after School because I want you here just in case. She may try to attack me”.   Jeremy is overheard saying “Of course, I will be there for you Mom. I can’t wait to see you kick her out. She totally deserves it. She has been nothing but a waste of space and an embarrassment at school for people to think that I am related to her in any way. I almost wish we didn’t have to say that she is my cousin. I don’t want to be related to her fat ass in any way. See you right after School Mom”.   I hear the call drop and I cannot move my legs I am frozen in place. Thankfully Nicole and Jessica both heard the whole conversation too. As mom, I mean my Aunt Sylvia, moves towards her bedroom on the first floor, I almost fell to the ground. Black dots were dancing in front of my eyes. Nicole and Jessica hurried me up to my room to let me lay down as they silently packed up all my personal items. My sad life stared back at me in the form of 1 small piece of used luggage and a duffle bag.   I will not be taking any pictures with me, not like I really had any, as now that I look around, I see that they had family pictures, but I wasn’t in any of them. I guess I was so focused on school, my grades, and my part-time job, that I didn’t even notice that I was always the outsider. I always just tried to get along and not cause waves and look where it got me. No one appreciates me or loves me. I sit there stunned by how this day has turned out. It is not even 9 am, how did my day de-rail like this? This morning I was so excited to meet my mate, and 2 hours later I have lost everything. I have no mate. I have no family. I mean I know my family wasn’t much, but I truly thought that when the chips were down, they would be there for me in an emergency.   I am stunned that my mother had set up her life insurance to try to protect me, believing in her sister to do the right thing, and she hadn’t. She blew all my money on stuff for herself, and her family, and left me with absolutely nothing. And on top of that, now that she had blown it all, she was going to try to just kick me to the curb with nothing. I swear if it is the last thing that I do, I will be getting at least my million dollars back from her, no matter what.       Nicole had excused herself to the bathroom in the hall, about 10 minutes ago, as I sat there continuing to stare at my luggage wondering what exactly I was going to do? To go? Where in the world am I going to go?   In just one week, my life has been annihilated by a group of assholes. I close my eyes and ask the Goddess “where am I going to go from here?”.   I heard Nicole say to me “With me, we are going to get packed up and then go to my uncle's pack to live”.   Nicole had called her parents, Bryan & Aubrey Morris for help. Bryan called his brother to see if they could come and join their pack, the Stone Moon pack. Bryan explained what had happened and told his brother, Alpha Andrew Morris. He told him what had occurred and that it would be more than just the three of them coming. That they would be a total group of five, with one human in their group. Jessica had also called her mom (while Nicole was on the phone) and told her that she was going to go with Nicole and Jade to the Stone Moon pack as well and finish her Senior year with them. Jessica turned 18 two months ago, so there were no problems with Jessica coming with them, her mother didn’t have a problem with it. She knew how close the girls were, and after hearing what Jade was going through, she knew that Jade would need both of her friends to get through what had happened to her.      We quietly go downstairs taking my suitcase and duffle bag and leave the only home I ever knew. I follow Nicole and Jessica to Jessica’s home for her to pack up as well. We got to Nicole’s home at 1030 am, with her parents already packed up. Nicole’s mom, Aubrey, is a beautiful she-wolf and is the older version of her daughter with blonde hair and grey eyes. Natalie’s father, Bryan, is very handsome with black hair and blue eyes. They put the rest of their bags from their home into Nicole’s car, and we all pull up at the border to reject and leave the Howling Wolf pack forever. As we all take turns rejecting our bonds to the Howling Wolf pack, I hear faint howls from a distance as I reject the bonds of our pack. I am so grateful that Nicole had kept her parents informed on what had been happening lately. I am crushed with finding out that my mate rejected me choosing instead to stay with Sophia, the soon-to-be Alpha just wanted me as a booty call, and my mom and dad, are NOT my mom and dad, my real mother is gone forever, and I never got to know her.   Oh, and the best part, I am a white wolf, and never knew it. Nicole and Jessica, both told me as we were packing up my room. I still can’t get my head around that. I am a white wolf. I didn’t even think they existed, as I have never in my life seen one. I just thought it was werewolf lore.   Nicole’s parents had already wanted to leave the pack, for the last few months, they believed that females needed to be trained. They had just ended up in the pack because Aubrey’s previous pack had been attacked 2 years ago, and the family was absorbed into the Howling Wolf pack. But they now needed to get away, especially as they know I am a white wolf and will need extra training to control my powers. A white wolf is more than just a regular werewolf and I will need to be trained to control my abilities. They also want Nicole and Jessica to train as well, well as much as Jessica can train with us. I am getting a little excited to find out what my bonus abilities will be. I am hoping that it will be something cool. I really can’t take any more disappointment in my life right now. I think that I am done with the craziness that is now my life. Whatever happens at Stone Moon pack, I have a feeling that I will be living a lot better life from now on.   I hear Ivory speak inside my head “Oh, yes. You will. Your life is about to be completely different”. She then fades back into my mind. I think about what she said, and I tear up. I put an earbud in so I can listen to my iPod and follow Nicole’s parents at the head of the group, as Nicole follows me in her car with Jessica. I let my mind wander as we start our journey to Stone Moon. This trip will be around 170 miles and should take a little under 3 hours to drive.   Jade doesn’t look back as they take off to their new pack. She was not aware that she was now in danger, that someone had seen her in her white wolf form when she changed for the first time in her front yard, and now she was going to be hunted because of it. Someone had been searching for a white wolf for a while. And they were soon going to be coming to find her.
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