Finding Ashlyn Knight

1416 Words
Prince Mason Landon I'm in a meeting with my father, the Alpha King, between my beta, Brandon, and my gamma, Liam. We were discussing the academy's winter semester with my father and his beta and gamma. Brandon, Liam and I helped with the training. We were reviewing files of students we thought should move up and have a chance to join the army. We also had a pile for students we thought needed more training. But, of course, none of us could agree. We’ve been here for what feels like hours. We had two hundred files to go through and weren’t even halfway through them. “Okay, men, how about we make three piles: the bad, the good and the great? That way, we can at least know who needs another semester of training. Then we can go through the good and great to see who we’d like to move up. This is taking too long, and we still have classes to attend.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, wanting nothing more than this to be over with. "Or we can just see if they can beat Mason. If they can't, then it’s more classes for them." Liam chimed in. "That would only work if Mason could lose, and he can't," Brandon chuckled, causing me to push my lips into a line. "We could make it into students we can stand for another semester and students we can't." Liam shrugged. As much as I wish we could do that, we couldn't. This was the army, and we needed the best skills. “Mason, we'll go with your suggestion,” my father said. But before we could agree, the phone rang in the meeting room. “Yes?” my father answered, whoever it was most likely looking for him. "Kiss ass." Liam leaned over, and I rolled my eyes. I hated being stuck in this damn office, and no one was making this any easier. “Are you positive?” my father exclaimed. His tone pulled me back into the one-sided conversation I could hear my father having. “I’ll be right down. Do not let her leave.” He slammed the receiver down and ran out of the meeting room without saying anything. I looked over at Brandon and Liam, who also looked confused. My father is a king; he doesn’t run anywhere. “Who’s her?” Brandon asked. We all looked at each other and ran out of the meeting room. I noticed the elevator said ‘M’ for the main floor. “He must be going to the front desk,” I said. Liam hit the button for the other elevator. I was curious. Who was my father referring to? My mother passed away a few years ago, and he doesn’t have women in his life. Sure, women throw themselves at him, but my father wasn’t like that. When the elevator door finally opened, we hopped in, and I hit the ‘M' and then the ‘close door’ buttons. “Do you know who your father could have been talking about?” Liam asked. I shrugged, “I have no idea.” “Maybe he has a girlfriend?” Brandon commented. “Yeah, maybe.” I sighed. I stood there with my arms crossed over my chest, leaning against the elevator wall. Could he really have a girlfriend? Why wouldn’t he tell me? I miss my mother, but I want my father to be happy. As soon as the doors opened in the front lobby, my heart leaped into my throat. “Who is the pretty young wolf your dad is hugging?” Liam leaned into me. “That can’t be his girlfriend? Can it? She looks younger than us.” Brandon said, standing on the other side of me. My father was smiling at her, and I definitely understood why. She's gorgeous, with long auburn hair, and I think I see pink there too. There were some freckles on her nose and cheeks. She had plump peach lips. I could see her round, firm ass in her skinny jeans, and her top was showing off her perfect cleavage. She had the most beautiful smile. Why was she smiling like that at my father? I walked out of the elevator and over to them, with Liam and Brandon following. I hadn’t seen my father smile like this since before my mother died. My father motioned to me, “Oh, son, there is someone I’d like you to meet. This is Ashlyn Knight. She’s the daughter of an old friend of mine. Ashlyn, This is Mason, my son.” My father introduced us. I reached out to shake her hand, and when our hands touched, I felt a spark. It was faint, but I definitely felt something. The tingle lingered even after I let go. She smells amazing, like a garden full of flowers after the rain. Thor, my wolf, hasn't chimed in, but he was purring in my head. I’m not sure what that meant. Usually, a wolf would claim his mate upon their eyes meeting. “It’s nice to meet you, Mason.” She smiled, and I felt like I was going to melt. She had the most beautiful smile, and I couldn’t help but smile back at her. Her emerald green eyes sparkled, and I swear I could get lost in them. “It’s nice to meet you as well, Ashlyn. This is my Beta, Brandon, and my Gamma, Liam,” I introduced my Beta and Gamma. She greeted and shook both of their hands, and I almost growled when the others touched her. What the hell is going on with me? I have to get my s**t together. She's not my mate. “I want her, Mason. I can’t tell if she is our mate, but I feel a pull on her.” Thor growled, “I don’t want anyone else touching her.” “Thor, you can’t just claim someone.” “I can and will, with or without your help.” “Ashlyn, why don’t you come to my office so we can catch up?” my father asked her. “Oh, my king, I’m sure you have lots to do, and I wouldn’t want to trouble you.” “Nonsense. Nothing is more important. And please call me Arthur. We are pretty much family, after all.” He seemed so happy that she was there, and I wondered when he had last seen her. I don't remember meeting her before; she's someone I would never have forgotten. “Of course, my… Arthur.” She smiled before he led her to his office. I’ve never seen him this way with anyone before. While, of course, my mother, this is different. He’s treating her in a loving way that one might see between a father and his daughter. My father turned around, “Mason, would you like to come with us as well?” “You guys go organize the reports, and I’ll meet you in the meeting room,” I said, turning to my beta and gamma. Brandon raised an eyebrow at me, and Liam wiggled his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes at Liam and pushed him towards the elevator. “Just go,” I said, annoyed, before I walked over to my father and Ashlyn. My father led us to his private elevator that leads to his office. While we were in the elevator, they were chatting away, and I was stuck in my thoughts. Why would I have these feelings if she wasn’t our mate? Why did I feel a spark when we touched? I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I’m twenty years old and still haven’t found my mate. Or even anyone I wanted to have a relationship with. Being a prince, you can’t just date. Most girls only wanted to be queen and chased the title, not me. The elevator ding pulled me from my thoughts, and the doors opened into my father’s office. He led Ashlyn to the seating area, which reminded me of a living room. It has two couches, two chairs, and a coffee table in the middle. Ashlyn sat down on a couch. My father took the chair beside her, and I sat on the sofa across from her. My father leaned forward in his chair and took Ashlyn’s hands. His question caught me off guard. “Ashlyn, where have you been all these years?”
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