Meeting theAlpha King

1738 Words
Ashlyn One minute, I was leaving my name to speak with a school advisor, and the next, I was sitting beside the Alpha King in his office. What the heck was going on? But it was his son, Prince Mason, who gave me butterflies. He was sexy as hell. Tall, with a golden tan, dark brown hair, cut short on the sides and a little longer on top. His golden brown eyes felt like they were staring into my soul, and he could ask me for anything, and I wouldn't be able to refuse him. It was hard to look away from him. And I found it hard to focus on anything with him being so close to me. I was trying hard not to blush, but I’m sure my cheeks were pink. He’s dressed in navy slacks with a white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. Having the first couple of buttons undone, I could see his chest muscles peeking out of his shirt. I bit my bottom lip as I wondered how his skin would feel against mine. Sitting on the couch, I had to cross my legs. I didn’t want them to smell my arousal, and it was getting hard to control my racing thoughts. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, and I don’t even know this god of a man who sits in front of me. “I like him. We should ride him.” Tundra purred. “Okay, you are not helping!” I scolded. The king pulled me from my dirty thoughts, placing his hands on mine. “Where have you been all this time?” “I went to the Blue Moon pack with my Aunt Grace. When my parents and pack vanished, I was visiting her.” “I thought your entire pack was lost. Your parents and I were great friends. I even tried to court your mother.” He chuckled to himself. “But she met your father, and I met my Rebecca. We all became the greatest of friends. Your mother, Kathryn and Mason’s mother were like sisters. Do you remember meeting us? We came to visit about a month before the pack vanished. You would have been eight or nine years old.” “Um……” I scrunched up my nose like that would make me remember. “Was it at the BBQ at the lake?” “It was. I’m sure you’d remember Rebecca. She was always there with your mother. Mason was always there as well until he started school. You would only have been four years old then. He started training and learning from me at eight, so we rarely made it out to your pack, but Rebecca was there almost every weekend, or you’d all visit the lake house together.” He said, reminiscing about the past. “I think I remember, Rebecca. She had dark hair, green eyes, and beautiful golden skin. I remember she would always layer on my sunscreen, and I was so jealous that she could tan and I would burn.” I chuckled at the memory, and the King smiled. “But I’m pretty sure I found a photo of Prince Mason and me from that BBQ.” “I don’t remember Rebecca ever having a sunburn.” “Well, of course not!” I exclaimed. “I would love to see her again. She will be able to tell me stories about my mother.” Looking at them both, they were frowning. Prince Mason shuffled in his seat, “My mother passed away a few years ago.” “Oh my goddess,” I gasped. “I am so sorry.” “It’s alright, my dear. It’s been a few years now.” The King patted my hand before leaning back in his chair. Mason thankfully changed the subject, but it was also a topic I didn’t want to discuss. “So, what brings you to the academy, Ashlyn?” “Um… … things in my life recently took a turn, so I left my pack to make a change.” “Do you care to explain?” Mason questioned. “Okay, I’ll give you the short version. I turned eighteen two days ago. I found and rejected my mate. And now, I’m here, wondering what I’m going to do with the rest of my life,” I exhaled. “You found and rejected your mate? In the goddess's name, why would you reject your goddess’s given mate?” King Arthur demanded, and I clasped my hands together, placing them on my lap. I looked at Prince Mason but couldn’t tell what he was thinking. “Um, he’s the future Alpha.” I stammered. “He was also my boyfriend of two years. I walked in on him and my best friend.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, my heart aching at the memory. I opened my eyes and looked at the king. “ That was also the moment I found out he was my mate. I rejected him, and I left.” Mason’s chest rumbled and looked angry, but I wasn’t sure why. The king reached for my hand again, “I’m so sorry, my dear. That sounds like a terrible eighteenth birthday.” I sniffled, “Yeah, well, it wasn’t all bad. I found out a lot about my parents and their businesses. I may or may not have purchased a sports car.” I chuckled before biting on my lower lip. Mason’s eyes quickly changed colors. It was so fast, I might have missed it if I hadn’t been staring. The king laughed, “You purchased a sports car?” I shrugged. “Maybe,” I drew out. “It’s the end of November, and you bought a sports car?” Mason raised a brow. “Okay, hear me out. It’s beautiful.” “And?” Mason motioned for me to continue. “Oh, that’s it, it’s beautiful,” I said matter-of-factly. Mason laughed, a good, wholesome laugh that could melt you into a puddle. He could ask me for my soul, and I would hand it over to him. “Well, as long as it makes you happy, Ashlyn,” Arthur chuckled. “So, what are you planning to take at the academy?” Mason asked. “Well, I hope to do some forensics and advanced training. Maybe even some strategy classes. I still have to fill out all my paperwork. Then I have to find a place to rent or buy. If I don’t get accepted, I may just travel. I need to stay away from my pack until I can find a new pack,” I answered. “Why do you need a new pack?” Mason furrowed his brow. Did I not just tell him that my ex-mate was the future Alpha? I exhaled, “My ex-mate is the future Alpha, and my ex-best friend is the Beta’s daughter. I refuse to submit to either of them.” I crossed my arms over my chest. “Well, Ashlyn,” the king spoke while leaning back into his chair to get more comfortable. “I already know you’ll be accepted, and I would love to have you transferred into our pack. Also, you will come to live in our pack house as my guest.” “My….. Arthur,” I stammered. “That is too much. I can find a place to live, and until then, I can stay in a hotel. I would never want to impose on you, Prince Mason, or the pack.” “Nonsense!” the king exclaimed. He jumped up from his seat and walked over to a filing cabinet. Opening it, he ruffled through it for something. “And about the acceptance, don’t you want to look at my transcripts and test my abilities? I can’t take anything without proving myself.” I told him. The king came back, took his seat and handed me a file. “These are all the forms to fill out. I know you are smart. But if you’d like, Mason here can show you everything you’ll need to know about qualifying for the training. He’s one of our best trainers, and the qualifying rounds will start later next week,” he answered. A knock at the door interpreted us. “Come in.” The king called out. Brandon and Liam walked in. Both men were tall, maybe not as tall as Mason, but he’s of Alpha King blood. Brandon had black hair, short like Mason’s, and deep blue eyes. A girl could get lost in them. Liam had blonde surfer boy hair and light green eyes. Both had a light tan and were built to impose. “Mason, class starts in fifteen,” Brandon said, pointing to his wrist. Mason, King Arthur, and I all stood up from our seats. “Mason, why don’t you show Ashlyn training today? Then you can show her the pack house and give her a room on your floor.” Mason nodded, “Yes, Father.” Liam was beaming as he wiggled his eyebrows. “Ashlyn?” The king held on to my biceps before I could walk away. “Did he accept your rejection?” “No, Arther.” I sighed. “If it’s too much trouble, I can always leave. I wouldn’t want my drama to affect any of you.” “Ashlyn, you will stay. Does he know where you are?” “I haven’t told anyone.” “Okay then. Please stay with one of these three at all times. For your safety, of course.” His command confused me. I’m not sure why I would need anyone to protect me. But I’m not about to argue with the king. I gave him a nod before wrapping my arms around his waist in a hug. I wasn’t even sure I could hug the king, but there was no turning back now. “Thank you so much for everything, Arthur,” I mumbled against his chest. “You are very welcome, Ashlyn.” He pulled away and looked at me. “Now go before you are all late.” We smiled at each other. The boys had called the elevator. When the doors opened, we hopped in. Training should be interesting, I thought, while the elevator made its way to the main floor.
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